Sell Your Wine


Wines are brought to our store by the way of Blind Degustation.

A special commission assesses the wine, which means that 4 or 5 professional degustators are invited, bottles are in the packed condition and they do not know whose wine is it. If they say that wine does not have any microbiological or fungal disease and it is also developed organoleptically, then they will evaluate the wine with 5 point system and the average arithmetic should be at least three points in order to get the wine in our store.


If you want to bring your wine in our degustation, you can bring a wine sample everyday, from 11:00 to 18:00, at our store (R. Tabukashvili # 26; ) with accompanying information:

1) Type of wine;

2) Vintage year;

3) Technology of wine making;

4) Your name and surname;

5) Mobile number;

6) E-mail;

7) Name of the Company

For additional information Contact us