

  • 0
  • 2520
საოჯახო მარანი
მანავის მწვანე 2022
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  1. Array
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მწვანე 2020
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    <p class="text-right">რეზი ცეცხლაძე<br>მეღვინე, ღვინის ექსპერტი, WSET Level 3</p>
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რქაწითელი 2019
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მუკუზანი რეზერვი 2014
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მერლო 2019
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  1. Array
        [product_id] => 9414
        [product] => ქართული ღვინის კულტურა (ინგლ)
        [company_name] => Batumi
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        [full_description] => <p>Giorgi Barisashvili was born in 1974 in Mtskheta. He is an engineering technologist by training. Currently he works on various aspects of the history and ethnography of Georgian viticulture and winemaking. He has published over hundred studies in Georgian and other languages. He also teaches at several universities of Georgia. Barisashvili is actively involved in the planning and construction of traditional Georgian maranis and vineyards.&nbsp;</p>
    <p>Georgia is the birthplace of wine, with a millennia old tradition of fermenting and ageing wine. Georgians interact with wine as a living being, which requires constant care and attention.&nbsp;</p>
    <p>The book describes the varieties of architecture of the marani (wine cellar) and the types of kvevri (clay vessels) that have survived almost intact. It describes the time-consuming and tedious process of preparing the kvevri before pouring wine. Additionally, it describes the ancient and traditional method of fermenting and aging wine in kvevri that has hardly changed throughout the centuries.</p>
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ალექსანდროული 2021
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    <p>ღვინოს დავარგების დიდი პოტენციალი აქვს. მიირთვით ქათმის ფილესთან, ტკბილი ტერიაკის სოუსით.
    <p class="text-right">კატო შალვაშვილი<br>
    8000 მოსავლის სომელიე და დეგუსტატორი</p>
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