

  • 13
  • 2520
Alcohol %
Family Wine Cellar
Tavkveri 2020
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Aleksandrouli 2022
  1. Array
        [product_id] => 10817
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        [full_description] => <p>The wine is made in the Racha-Lechkhumi region, in the Khvanchkara microzone, from harvested Aleksandrouli by the classical method and aged in French oak barrels.
    <p>The wine is pomegranate-colored, with leading aromas of spices, smoke, and black pepper. There are also notes of red bell pepper, forest soil, and red rose. It has a medium body with good acidity and a medium-length finish. On the palate, you can feel the tones of aging in an oak barrel.
    <p>Has the potential to age in the bottle for several years. Goes well with grilled tuna steak, mushroom tortellini with pesto sauce, and a variety of sausages.
    <p class="text-right">Dea Purtseladze<br>Wine expert, MA in Wine Hospitality and Wine Marketing</p>
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Saperavi 2022
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                                        [variant] => Kakheti
                                        [image_pairs] => 
                [164] => Array
                        [feature_id] => 164
                        [value] => 
                        [value_int] => 2020.00
                        [variant_id] => 48079
                        [feature_type] => N
                        [internal_name] => Vintage Year
                        [description] => Vintage Year
                        [prefix] => 
                        [suffix] => 
                        [variant] => 2020
                        [parent_id] => 157
                        [display_on_header] => Y
                        [display_on_catalog] => Y
                        [display_on_product] => Y
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                        [purpose] => find_products
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                                [48079] => Array
                                        [value] => 
                                        [value_int] => 2020.00
                                        [variant_id] => 48079
                                        [variant] => 2020
                                        [image_pairs] => 
                [156] => Array
                        [feature_id] => 156
                        [value] => 
                        [value_int] => 
                        [variant_id] => 48788
                        [feature_type] => E
                        [internal_name] => Brands
                        [description] => Brands
                        [prefix] => 
                        [suffix] => 
                        [variant] => Georgian Royal Wine
                        [parent_id] => 155
                        [display_on_header] => Y
                        [display_on_catalog] => Y
                        [display_on_product] => N
                        [feature_code] => 
                        [purpose] => organize_catalog
                        [name] => winery-georgian-royal-wine
                        [features_hash] => 45-48788
                        [variants] => Array
                                [48788] => Array
                                        [value] => 
                                        [value_int] => 
                                        [variant_id] => 48788
                                        [variant] => Georgian Royal Wine
                                        [image_pairs] => 
        [qty_content] => Array
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                [get_icon] => 1
                [get_detailed] => 1
                [get_additional] => 1
                [get_options] => 1
                [get_discounts] => 1
                [get_features] => 1
                [get_extra] => 
                [get_taxed_prices] => 1
                [get_for_one_product] => 
                [detailed_params] => 1
                [features_display_on] => C
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Villa Mosavali Saperavi 2019 Qvevri
Saperavi 2019
  1. Array
        [product_id] => 10778
        [product] => Saperavi
        [company_name] => Batumi
        [supplier_id] => 
        [product_code] => 4860116290339
        [product_type] => P
        [status] => A
        [company_id] => 7
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        [weight] => 1.50
        [length] => 0
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        [height] => 0
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        [timestamp] => 1703657288
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        [is_op] => N
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        [is_returnable] => Y
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        [localization] => 
        [min_qty] => 0
        [max_qty] => 0
        [qty_step] => 0
        [list_qty_count] => 0
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        [age_verification] => N
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        [price] => 27.40000000
        [short_description] => 
        [full_description] => <p>The wine has a dark cherry color, aromas of black plum, blackberry, black currant, black cherry, black pepper, cedar, cinnamon, and vanilla. The wine is balanced, medium-bodied, with soft tannins and medium acidity. It has light tones of ripe plum, blackberry, and barrel and a long fruit-oriented finish. The wine has the potential to be cellared, served in 2023-2030. It is a gastronomic wine that can be paired with a variety of cuisines. Enjoy spaghetti bolognese, sausages, barbecue, duck, and beef stew. It is preferable to aerate the wine for 20-30 minutes. <br></p>
    <p class="text-right">Gio Potskhverashvili</p>
    <p class="text-right">Wine critic, WSET Level 3<br></p>
        [meta_keywords] => Villa Mosavali Saperavi 2019 Qvevri
        [meta_description] => Villa Mosavali Saperavi 2019 Qvevri
        [search_words] => Villa Mosavali Saperavi 2019 Qvevri, vila mosavali,villa mosavali,winery mosavali,ვილა მოსავალი,ვილლა მოსავალი,მეღვინეობა მოსავალი,მეღვინეობა მოსავლის ღვინო
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        [main_category] => 238
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                [238] => DRY
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                        [image_x] => 672
                        [image_y] => 1800
                        [http_image_path] =>
                        [https_image_path] =>
                        [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/19/villa-mosavali-saperavi-qvevri-brand_f40v-qn.png
                        [relative_path] => detailed/19/villa-mosavali-saperavi-qvevri-brand_f40v-qn.png
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                        [suffix] => 
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                [158] => Array
                        [feature_id] => 158
                        [value] => 
                        [value_int] => 
                        [variant_id] => 48495
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                        [prefix] => 
                        [suffix] => 
                        [variant] => Dark cherry
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                                        [value] => 
                                        [value_int] => 
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                                        [image_pairs] => 
                [159] => Array
                        [feature_id] => 159
                        [value] => 
                        [value_int] => 
                        [variant_id] => 50075
                        [feature_type] => M
                        [internal_name] => Aroma
                        [description] => Aroma
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                        [suffix] => 
                        [variant] => Red berry fruit
                        [parent_id] => 157
                        [display_on_header] => N
                        [display_on_catalog] => Y
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                        [feature_code] => 
                        [purpose] => find_products
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                                [50075] => Array
                                        [value] => 
                                        [value_int] => 
                                        [variant_id] => 50075
                                        [variant] => Red berry fruit
                                        [image_pairs] => 
                                [49788] => Array
                                        [value] => 
                                        [value_int] => 
                                        [variant_id] => 49788
                                        [variant] => Black currant
                [160] => Array
                        [feature_id] => 160
                        [value] => 
                        [value_int] => 
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                        [feature_type] => M
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                        [description] => Taste
                        [prefix] => 
                        [suffix] => 
                        [variant] => With tannin
                        [parent_id] => 157
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                                        [value_int] => 
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                        [internal_name] => Grape
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                                        [value_int] => 
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                                        [variant] => Kakheti
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                        [value] => 
                        [value_int] => 2019.00
                        [variant_id] => 48064
                        [feature_type] => N
                        [internal_name] => Vintage Year
                        [description] => Vintage Year
                        [prefix] => 
                        [suffix] => 
                        [variant] => 2019
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                        [name] => mosavali
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                                        [value_int] => 
                                        [variant_id] => 48285
                                        [variant] => Mosavali
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32.20  27.40 
Tavkveri 2022
  1. Array
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        [company_name] => Batumi
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        [is_oper] => N
        [is_returnable] => Y
        [return_period] => 10
        [avail_since] => 0
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        [localization] => 
        [min_qty] => 0
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        [age_verification] => N
        [age_limit] => 0
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        [buy_now_url] => 
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        [price] => 33.20000000
        [short_description] => 
        [full_description] => <p>The wine is made from Tavkveri grapes in qvevri, according to the traditional Georgian method. Natural and unfiltered wine is produced in small quantities, 489 bottles in total. It is a cheerful, easy-to-drink, and light wine. It is garnet in color with a ruby edge. Aromas of varietal berries such as red currant, raspberry, and strawberry jam are pronounced. It has a light body, fine tannins, and pleasant acidity.
    <p>It is preferable to enjoy it at a young age.
    </p><p class="text-right">Dea Purtseladze<br>Wine expert, MA in Wine Hospitality and Wine Marketing</p>
        [meta_keywords] => Japara Tavkveri 2022 Qvevri
        [meta_description] => Japara Tavkveri 2022 Qvevri
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                [2] => 238
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        [seo_path] => 228/238
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                [1] => 238
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                                [image_x] => 672
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                                [relative_path] => detailed/20/japara_tavkveri_20222_3eet-76.png
        [base_price] => 33.20000000
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                                        [value] => 
                                        [value_int] => 
                                        [variant_id] => 48012
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                                        [image_pairs] => 
                                [48047] => Array
                                        [value] => 
                                        [value_int] => 
                                        [variant_id] => 48047
                                        [variant] => გაუფილტრავი
                [167] => Array
                        [feature_id] => 167
                        [value] => 
                        [value_int] => 
                        [variant_id] => 48013
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                                        [value_int] => 
                                        [variant_id] => 48013
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                                        [variant] => 11.40
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                                        [value_int] => 
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                                [50078] => Array
                                        [value] => 
                                        [value_int] => 
                                        [variant_id] => 50078
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                                        [value] => 
                                        [value_int] => 
                                        [variant_id] => 49871
                                        [variant] => Berry
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                                [49796] => Array
                                        [value] => 
                                        [value_int] => 
                                        [variant_id] => 49796
                                        [variant] => Cherry
                [165] => Array
                        [feature_id] => 165
                        [value] => 
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                                        [value_int] => 
                                        [variant_id] => 48011
                                        [variant] => Qvevri
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                [161] => Array
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                        [value] => 
                        [value_int] => 
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                                        [variant] => Tavkveri
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                        [value_int] => 
                        [variant_id] => 50538
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                        [description] => Family Wine Cellar
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                        [suffix] => 
                        [variant] => Japara
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                                        [variant_id] => 50538
                                        [variant] => Japara
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                                [50559] => Array
                                        [value] => 
                                        [value_int] => 
                                        [variant_id] => 50559
                                        [variant] => Bolnisi
                                        [image_pairs] => 
                [162] => Array
                        [feature_id] => 162
                        [value] => 
                        [value_int] => 
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                        [feature_id] => 164
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                        [value_int] => 2022.00
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                                        [value_int] => 2022.00
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                                        [variant] => 2022
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                        [display_on_header] => Y
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                                [48306] => Array
                                        [value] => 
                                        [value_int] => 
                                        [variant_id] => 48306
                                        [variant] => Japara
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Saperavi 2015
  1. Array
        [product_id] => 10309
        [product] => Saperavi
        [company_name] => Batumi
        [supplier_id] => 
        [product_code] => 30030769
        [product_type] => P
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        [company_id] => 7
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        [price] => 98.00000000
        [short_description] => 
        [full_description] => <p>The wine is purple, with a hint of age, leather, dark chocolate, and a hint of spice. Velvety tannin and high acidity on the palate.
    <p>The wine will be interesting to taste after 15 years of aging.
    <p>Pairs well with ham, smoked dishes, salty cheese, grilled vegetables, and well-grilled steak.
    <p class="text-right">Qeti Japaridze<br>MA in Enology</p>
        [meta_keywords] => Terra Qisi Saperavi 2015 oak I am Georgian Red
        [meta_description] => Terra Qisi Saperavi 2015 oak I am Georgian Red
        [search_words] => ტერა ქისი,tera qisi,terra qisi,tera kisi,terra kisiTerra Qisi Saperavi 2015 oak I am Georgian Red, tera qisi,terra qisi,tera kisi,terra qisi,ტერა ქისი,ტერრა ქისი,ტერა კისი,ტერრა კისი
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                        [relative_path] => detailed/20/iamred_2015_ayfb-dx.png
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                                [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/20/iamred_20152_fw54-w8.png
                                [relative_path] => detailed/20/iamred_20152_fw54-w8.png
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Amidasturi 2021
  1. Array
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        [full_description] => <p>Amidasturi is made from grapes of the Saperavi variety, using classic technology. The wine is cherry-colored, with a violet hue. Aromas of forest berries are expressed: blackberry, gooseberry, blueberry, red currant and red cornus. The wine is full-bodied, with clear tannins and berry tones.
    <p>The wine has the potential to age in the bottle for several years. Goes well with hearty beef or pork dishes.
    </p><p class="text-right">Dea Purtseladze<br>Wine expert, MA in Wine Hospitality and Wine Marketing</p>
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Saperavi 2021
  1. Array
        [product_id] => 10226
        [product] => Saperavi
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        [full_description] => <p>The wine made from grapes of the Saperavi variety harvested in the village of Vazisubani and placed in a qvevri is characterized by an intense cherry color and a purple arc. It is a wine with expressive, complex, extracted, and varietal character. It has a complex bouquet. Aromas of meat, forest cover, forest cranberries (ripe blackberries), and cherries are pronounced. It has a full body, characteristic tannins, and a long finish. Cherry and blackberry tones are felt on the palate.
    <p>Decanting is recommended. Has good bottle aging potential. Goes well with beef and pork dishes, pate, sausages, and mushroom risotto.
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        [meta_description] => Vazisubani Estate Saperavi 2021 Qvevri
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                                        [variant] => 2021
                                        [image_pairs] => 
                [156] => Array
                        [feature_id] => 156
                        [value] => 
                        [value_int] => 
                        [variant_id] => 48436
                        [feature_type] => E
                        [internal_name] => Brands
                        [description] => Brands
                        [prefix] => 
                        [suffix] => 
                        [variant] => Vazisubani Estate
                        [parent_id] => 155
                        [display_on_header] => Y
                        [display_on_catalog] => Y
                        [display_on_product] => N
                        [feature_code] => 
                        [purpose] => organize_catalog
                        [name] => winery-vazisubani-estate-ka
                        [features_hash] => 45-48436
                        [variants] => Array
                                [48436] => Array
                                        [value] => 
                                        [value_int] => 
                                        [variant_id] => 48436
                                        [variant] => Vazisubani Estate
                                        [image_pairs] => 
        [qty_content] => Array
        [detailed_params] => Array
                [get_icon] => 1
                [get_detailed] => 1
                [get_additional] => 1
                [get_options] => 1
                [get_discounts] => 1
                [get_features] => 1
                [get_extra] => 
                [get_taxed_prices] => 1
                [get_for_one_product] => 
                [detailed_params] => 1
                [features_display_on] => C
                [get_active_options] => 
                [get_only_selectable_options] => 