₾ – ₾
No items found matching the search criteria
Array ( [product_id] => 9578 [product] => Petnat Rose [company_name] => Batumi [supplier_id] => [product_code] => 3005525 [product_type] => P [status] => A [company_id] => 7 [list_price] => 0.00 [amount] => 12 [weight] => 0.00 [length] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [shipping_freight] => 0.00 [low_avail_limit] => 0 [timestamp] => 1700149602 [updated_timestamp] => 1733803508 [usergroup_ids] => 0 [is_edp] => N [edp_shipping] => N [unlimited_download] => N [tracking] => B [free_shipping] => N [feature_comparison] => N [zero_price_action] => R [is_pbp] => Y [is_op] => N [is_oper] => N [is_returnable] => Y [return_period] => 10 [avail_since] => 0 [out_of_stock_actions] => N [localization] => [min_qty] => 0 [max_qty] => 0 [qty_step] => 0 [list_qty_count] => 0 [tax_ids] => [age_verification] => N [age_limit] => 0 [options_type] => P [exceptions_type] => F [details_layout] => [shipping_params] => a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;} [facebook_obj_type] => [buy_now_url] => [fina_id] => 17294 [updated] => 0 [has_video] => N [is_stock_split_by_warehouses] => N [price] => 66.40000000 [short_description] => [full_description] => [meta_keywords] => Chateau Ateni Petnat Rose 2022 [meta_description] => Chateau Ateni Petnat Rose 2022 [search_words] => Chateau Ateni Petnat Rose 2022 [promo_text] => [category_ids] => Array ( [0] => 244 [1] => 224 ) [position] => [seo_name] => 2022-ka-194 [seo_path] => 223/224 [main_category] => 224 [category_ids_with_parents] => Array ( [0] => 223 [1] => 224 ) [category_names] => Array ( [223] => ROSE [224] => DRY ) [options_type_raw] => P [exceptions_type_raw] => F [tracking_raw] => B [zero_price_action_raw] => R [min_qty_raw] => 0 [max_qty_raw] => 0 [qty_step_raw] => 0 [list_qty_count_raw] => 0 [details_layout_raw] => [main_pair] => Array ( [pair_id] => 13186 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 17587 [position] => 0 [object_id] => 9578 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 9578 [object_type] => product [type] => M [image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/17/chateau_ateni_petnat_goruli_mtsvane_chinuri_rose_2022-min.png [alt] => Chateau Ateni Petnat Rose 2022 [image_x] => 672 [image_y] => 1800 [http_image_path] => http://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/17/chateau_ateni_petnat_goruli_mtsvane_chinuri_rose_2022-min.png [https_image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/17/chateau_ateni_petnat_goruli_mtsvane_chinuri_rose_2022-min.png [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/17/chateau_ateni_petnat_goruli_mtsvane_chinuri_rose_2022-min.png [relative_path] => detailed/17/chateau_ateni_petnat_goruli_mtsvane_chinuri_rose_2022-min.png ) ) [image_pairs] => Array ( [13185] => Array ( [pair_id] => 13185 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 17586 [position] => 1 [object_id] => 9578 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 9578 [object_type] => product [type] => A [image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/17/lxBnJxsDyqk_3r1l-0p.jpg [alt] => Winery Chateau Ateni at 8000 Vintages [image_x] => 480 [image_y] => 360 [http_image_path] => http://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/17/lxBnJxsDyqk_3r1l-0p.jpg [https_image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/17/lxBnJxsDyqk_3r1l-0p.jpg [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/17/lxBnJxsDyqk_3r1l-0p.jpg [relative_path] => detailed/17/lxBnJxsDyqk_3r1l-0p.jpg ) ) ) [base_price] => 66.40000000 [selected_options] => Array ( ) [has_options] => [product_options] => Array ( ) [discounts] => Array ( [A] => 0 [P] => 0 ) [product_features] => Array ( [166] => Array ( [feature_id] => 166 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48047 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Icons [description] => Icons [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => გაუფილტრავი [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [48047] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48047 [variant] => გაუფილტრავი [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [167] => Array ( [feature_id] => 167 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48013 [feature_type] => S [internal_name] => Volume [description] => Volume [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 750ml [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [48013] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48013 [variant] => 750ml [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [158] => Array ( [feature_id] => 158 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48638 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Color [description] => Color [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Soft pink [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [48638] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48638 [variant] => Soft pink [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [159] => Array ( [feature_id] => 159 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49679 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Aroma [description] => Aroma [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => A variety of red fruits [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [49679] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49679 [variant] => A variety of red fruits [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [160] => Array ( [feature_id] => 160 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50041 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Taste [description] => Taste [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Cheerful [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [50041] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50041 [variant] => Cheerful [image_pairs] => ) [49909] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49909 [variant] => Light ) ) ) [165] => Array ( [feature_id] => 165 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48153 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Technology [description] => Technology [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Petnat [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 46-48153 [variants] => Array ( [48153] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48153 [variant] => Petnat [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [161] => Array ( [feature_id] => 161 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48152 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Grape [description] => Grape [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Goruli Mtsvane [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 47-48144 [variants] => Array ( [48152] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48152 [variant] => Goruli Mtsvane [image_pairs] => ) [48453] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48453 [variant] => Buza ) [48144] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48144 [variant] => Chinuri ) ) ) [162] => Array ( [feature_id] => 162 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48145 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Region [description] => Region [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Kartli [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 49-48145 [variants] => Array ( [48145] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48145 [variant] => Kartli [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [164] => Array ( [feature_id] => 164 [value] => [value_int] => 2022.00 [variant_id] => 48046 [feature_type] => N [internal_name] => Vintage Year [description] => Vintage Year [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 2022 [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 44-48046 [variants] => Array ( [48046] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => 2022.00 [variant_id] => 48046 [variant] => 2022 [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [156] => Array ( [feature_id] => 156 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48138 [feature_type] => E [internal_name] => Brands [description] => Brands [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Chateau Ateni [parent_id] => 155 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => N [feature_code] => [purpose] => organize_catalog [name] => winery-chateau-ateni-ka [features_hash] => 45-48138 [variants] => Array ( [48138] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48138 [variant] => Chateau Ateni [image_pairs] => ) ) ) ) [qty_content] => Array ( ) [detailed_params] => Array ( [get_icon] => 1 [get_detailed] => 1 [get_additional] => 1 [get_options] => 1 [get_discounts] => 1 [get_features] => 1 [get_extra] => [get_taxed_prices] => 1 [get_for_one_product] => [detailed_params] => 1 [features_display_on] => C [get_active_options] => [get_only_selectable_options] => ) )
Rose Dry
Chateau Ateni
Array ( [product_id] => 9432 [product] => Saperavi Rose [company_name] => Batumi [supplier_id] => [product_code] => 3005825 [product_type] => P [status] => A [company_id] => 7 [list_price] => 0.00 [amount] => 5 [weight] => 0.00 [length] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [shipping_freight] => 0.00 [low_avail_limit] => 0 [timestamp] => 1700148807 [updated_timestamp] => 1731404041 [usergroup_ids] => 0 [is_edp] => N [edp_shipping] => N [unlimited_download] => N [tracking] => B [free_shipping] => N [feature_comparison] => N [zero_price_action] => R [is_pbp] => Y [is_op] => N [is_oper] => N [is_returnable] => Y [return_period] => 10 [avail_since] => 0 [out_of_stock_actions] => N [localization] => [min_qty] => 0 [max_qty] => 0 [qty_step] => 0 [list_qty_count] => 0 [tax_ids] => [age_verification] => N [age_limit] => 0 [options_type] => P [exceptions_type] => F [details_layout] => default [shipping_params] => a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;} [facebook_obj_type] => [buy_now_url] => [fina_id] => 18227 [updated] => 0 [has_video] => N [is_stock_split_by_warehouses] => N [price] => 56.00000000 [short_description] => [full_description] => [meta_keywords] => Orilo Saperavi Rose 2022 semi sweet [meta_description] => Orilo Saperavi Rose 2022 semi sweet [search_words] => Orilo Saperavi Rose 2022 semi sweet,ორილო,orilo [promo_text] => [category_ids] => Array ( [0] => 270 [1] => 226 ) [position] => [seo_name] => 2022-ka-168 [seo_path] => 225/226 [main_category] => 226 [category_ids_with_parents] => Array ( [0] => 223 [1] => 270 ) [category_names] => Array ( [223] => ROSE [270] => SEMI-SWEET ) [options_type_raw] => P [exceptions_type_raw] => F [tracking_raw] => B [zero_price_action_raw] => R [min_qty_raw] => 0 [max_qty_raw] => 0 [qty_step_raw] => 0 [list_qty_count_raw] => 0 [details_layout_raw] => default [main_pair] => Array ( [pair_id] => 13046 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 17447 [position] => 1 [object_id] => 9432 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 9432 [object_type] => product [type] => M [image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/17/orilo_anastasia_rose_semi_sweet_2022.png [alt] => Orilo Saperavi Rose 2022 semi sweet [image_x] => 672 [image_y] => 1800 [http_image_path] => http://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/17/orilo_anastasia_rose_semi_sweet_2022.png [https_image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/17/orilo_anastasia_rose_semi_sweet_2022.png [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/17/orilo_anastasia_rose_semi_sweet_2022.png [relative_path] => detailed/17/orilo_anastasia_rose_semi_sweet_2022.png ) ) [base_price] => 56.00000000 [selected_options] => Array ( ) [has_options] => [product_options] => Array ( ) [discounts] => Array ( [A] => 0 [P] => 0 ) [product_features] => Array ( [167] => Array ( [feature_id] => 167 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48013 [feature_type] => S [internal_name] => Volume [description] => Volume [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 750ml [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [48013] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48013 [variant] => 750ml [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [163] => Array ( [feature_id] => 163 [value] => [value_int] => 13.00 [variant_id] => 48045 [feature_type] => N [internal_name] => Alcohol [description] => Alcohol [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 13.00 [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 43-48045 [variants] => Array ( [48045] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => 13.00 [variant_id] => 48045 [variant] => 13.00 [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [158] => Array ( [feature_id] => 158 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48201 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Color [description] => Color [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Light Pink [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [48201] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48201 [variant] => Light Pink [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [159] => Array ( [feature_id] => 159 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49753 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Aroma [description] => Aroma [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Sweet red berries [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [49753] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49753 [variant] => Sweet red berries [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [165] => Array ( [feature_id] => 165 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48033 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Technology [description] => Technology [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Classic [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 46-48033 [variants] => Array ( [48033] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48033 [variant] => Classic [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [161] => Array ( [feature_id] => 161 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48030 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Grape [description] => Grape [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Saperavi [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 47-48030 [variants] => Array ( [48030] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48030 [variant] => Saperavi [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [168] => Array ( [feature_id] => 168 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50423 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Family Wine Cellar [description] => Family Wine Cellar [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Orilo [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 51-50423 [variants] => Array ( [50423] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50423 [variant] => Orilo [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [169] => Array ( [feature_id] => 169 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50668 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Origin [description] => Origin [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Khashmi [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 48-50624 [variants] => Array ( [50668] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50668 [variant] => Khashmi [image_pairs] => ) [50624] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50624 [variant] => Sagarejo ) ) ) [162] => Array ( [feature_id] => 162 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48008 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Region [description] => Region [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Kakheti [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 49-48008 [variants] => Array ( [48008] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48008 [variant] => Kakheti [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [164] => Array ( [feature_id] => 164 [value] => [value_int] => 2022.00 [variant_id] => 48046 [feature_type] => N [internal_name] => Vintage Year [description] => Vintage Year [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 2022 [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 44-48046 [variants] => Array ( [48046] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => 2022.00 [variant_id] => 48046 [variant] => 2022 [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [156] => Array ( [feature_id] => 156 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48304 [feature_type] => E [internal_name] => Brands [description] => Brands [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Orilo [parent_id] => 155 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => N [feature_code] => [purpose] => organize_catalog [name] => winery-orilo-ka [features_hash] => 45-48304 [variants] => Array ( [48304] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48304 [variant] => Orilo [image_pairs] => ) ) ) ) [qty_content] => Array ( ) [detailed_params] => Array ( [get_icon] => 1 [get_detailed] => 1 [get_additional] => 1 [get_options] => 1 [get_discounts] => 1 [get_features] => 1 [get_extra] => [get_taxed_prices] => 1 [get_for_one_product] => [detailed_params] => 1 [features_display_on] => C [get_active_options] => [get_only_selectable_options] => ) )
Rose Semi-sweet
Array ( [product_id] => 9397 [product] => Rose [company_name] => Batumi [supplier_id] => [product_code] => 4860004903587 [product_type] => P [status] => A [company_id] => 7 [list_price] => 0.00 [amount] => 12 [weight] => 0.00 [length] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [shipping_freight] => 0.00 [low_avail_limit] => 0 [timestamp] => 1700148804 [updated_timestamp] => 1732860727 [usergroup_ids] => 0 [is_edp] => N [edp_shipping] => N [unlimited_download] => N [tracking] => B [free_shipping] => N [feature_comparison] => N [zero_price_action] => R [is_pbp] => Y [is_op] => N [is_oper] => N [is_returnable] => Y [return_period] => 10 [avail_since] => 0 [out_of_stock_actions] => N [localization] => [min_qty] => 0 [max_qty] => 0 [qty_step] => 0 [list_qty_count] => 0 [tax_ids] => [age_verification] => N [age_limit] => 0 [options_type] => P [exceptions_type] => F [details_layout] => [shipping_params] => a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;} [facebook_obj_type] => [buy_now_url] => [fina_id] => 12851 [updated] => 0 [has_video] => N [is_stock_split_by_warehouses] => N [price] => 42.00000000 [short_description] => [full_description] => [meta_keywords] => [meta_description] => [search_words] => Kindzmarauli - Pink wine "363" 2019 Kindzmaraulis Marani 363 Rose 2019 [promo_text] => [category_ids] => Array ( [0] => 227 [1] => 243 [2] => 224 ) [position] => [seo_name] => 363-2019 [seo_path] => 223/224 [main_category] => 224 [category_ids_with_parents] => Array ( [0] => 223 [1] => 224 ) [category_names] => Array ( [223] => ROSE [224] => DRY ) [options_type_raw] => P [exceptions_type_raw] => F [tracking_raw] => B [zero_price_action_raw] => R [min_qty_raw] => 0 [max_qty_raw] => 0 [qty_step_raw] => 0 [list_qty_count_raw] => 0 [details_layout_raw] => [main_pair] => Array ( [pair_id] => 13005 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 17406 [position] => 0 [object_id] => 9397 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 9397 [object_type] => product [type] => M [image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/17/Kindzmarauli_Marani_363.png [alt] => Kindzmaraulis Marani 363 Rose 2019 [image_x] => 672 [image_y] => 1800 [http_image_path] => http://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/17/Kindzmarauli_Marani_363.png [https_image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/17/Kindzmarauli_Marani_363.png [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/17/Kindzmarauli_Marani_363.png [relative_path] => detailed/17/Kindzmarauli_Marani_363.png ) ) [base_price] => 42.00000000 [selected_options] => Array ( ) [has_options] => [product_options] => Array ( ) [discounts] => Array ( [A] => 0 [P] => 0 ) [product_features] => Array ( [166] => Array ( [feature_id] => 166 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48012 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Icons [description] => Icons [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => ქვევრი [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [48012] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48012 [variant] => ქვევრი [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [167] => Array ( [feature_id] => 167 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48013 [feature_type] => S [internal_name] => Volume [description] => Volume [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 750ml [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [48013] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48013 [variant] => 750ml [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [163] => Array ( [feature_id] => 163 [value] => [value_int] => 12.50 [variant_id] => 48032 [feature_type] => N [internal_name] => Alcohol [description] => Alcohol [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 12.50 [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 43-48032 [variants] => Array ( [48032] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => 12.50 [variant_id] => 48032 [variant] => 12.50 [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [158] => Array ( [feature_id] => 158 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48015 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Color [description] => Color [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Pink [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [48015] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48015 [variant] => Pink [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [159] => Array ( [feature_id] => 159 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50075 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Aroma [description] => Aroma [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Red berry fruit [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [50075] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50075 [variant] => Red berry fruit [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [160] => Array ( [feature_id] => 160 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49911 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Taste [description] => Taste [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Light body [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [49911] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49911 [variant] => Light body [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [165] => Array ( [feature_id] => 165 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48011 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Technology [description] => Technology [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Qvevri [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 46-48011 [variants] => Array ( [48011] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48011 [variant] => Qvevri [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [169] => Array ( [feature_id] => 169 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50642 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Origin [description] => Origin [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Kvareli [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 48-50642 [variants] => Array ( [50642] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50642 [variant] => Kvareli [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [162] => Array ( [feature_id] => 162 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48008 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Region [description] => Region [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Kakheti [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 49-48008 [variants] => Array ( [48008] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48008 [variant] => Kakheti [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [164] => Array ( [feature_id] => 164 [value] => [value_int] => 2019.00 [variant_id] => 48064 [feature_type] => N [internal_name] => Vintage Year [description] => Vintage Year [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 2019 [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 44-48064 [variants] => Array ( [48064] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => 2019.00 [variant_id] => 48064 [variant] => 2019 [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [156] => Array ( [feature_id] => 156 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48411 [feature_type] => E [internal_name] => Brands [description] => Brands [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Kindzmarauli Marani [parent_id] => 155 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => N [feature_code] => [purpose] => organize_catalog [name] => winery-kindzmarauli-marani [features_hash] => 45-48411 [variants] => Array ( [48411] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48411 [variant] => Kindzmarauli Marani [image_pairs] => ) ) ) ) [qty_content] => Array ( ) [detailed_params] => Array ( [get_icon] => 1 [get_detailed] => 1 [get_additional] => 1 [get_options] => 1 [get_discounts] => 1 [get_features] => 1 [get_extra] => [get_taxed_prices] => 1 [get_for_one_product] => [detailed_params] => 1 [features_display_on] => C [get_active_options] => [get_only_selectable_options] => ) )
Kindzmarauli Marani
Array ( [product_id] => 9248 [product] => Saperavi Rose [company_name] => Batumi [supplier_id] => [product_code] => 3005515 [product_type] => P [status] => A [company_id] => 7 [list_price] => 0.00 [amount] => 12 [weight] => 0.00 [length] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [shipping_freight] => 0.00 [low_avail_limit] => 0 [timestamp] => 1700146910 [updated_timestamp] => 1733803508 [usergroup_ids] => 0 [is_edp] => N [edp_shipping] => N [unlimited_download] => N [tracking] => B [free_shipping] => N [feature_comparison] => N [zero_price_action] => R [is_pbp] => Y [is_op] => N [is_oper] => N [is_returnable] => Y [return_period] => 10 [avail_since] => 0 [out_of_stock_actions] => N [localization] => [min_qty] => 0 [max_qty] => 0 [qty_step] => 0 [list_qty_count] => 0 [tax_ids] => [age_verification] => N [age_limit] => 0 [options_type] => P [exceptions_type] => F [details_layout] => default [shipping_params] => a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;} [facebook_obj_type] => [buy_now_url] => [fina_id] => 17236 [updated] => 0 [has_video] => N [is_stock_split_by_warehouses] => N [price] => 25.20000000 [short_description] => [full_description] => <p>Salmon-colored wine, in which you can feel the aroma of rose petals and barberry. On the palate, pleasant acidity and soft texture. A wine with a rosé label is as soft, light, and simple as the color rosé itself. </p> <p>The wine is a very interesting sample from a gastronomic point of view, although I will refrain from recommending a specific dish because as the winemaker Rezi Tsetslakadze himself says, his wine has no matching rules, you can enjoy it everywhere, always and with everything. </p><p></p><p class="text-right">Kato Shalvashvili<br>8000 Vintages Sommelier and Wine Taster</p> [meta_keywords] => Pery Wines Wine with Pink Label Saperavi Rose 2022 [meta_description] => Pery Wines Wine with Pink Label Saperavi Rose 2022 [search_words] => Pery Wines Wine with Pink Label Saperavi Rose 2022, ფერი ვაინსი,ფერი ვაინს,ფერრი,პერი ვაინსი,pery wines,perry wines,feri wines,fery wines,ferry wines [promo_text] => [category_ids] => Array ( [0] => 243 [1] => 224 ) [position] => [seo_name] => 2022-ka-136 [seo_path] => 223/224 [main_category] => 224 [category_ids_with_parents] => Array ( [0] => 223 [1] => 224 ) [category_names] => Array ( [223] => ROSE [224] => DRY ) [options_type_raw] => P [exceptions_type_raw] => F [tracking_raw] => B [zero_price_action_raw] => R [min_qty_raw] => 0 [max_qty_raw] => 0 [qty_step_raw] => 0 [list_qty_count_raw] => 0 [details_layout_raw] => default [main_pair] => Array ( [pair_id] => 12855 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 17256 [position] => 5 [object_id] => 9248 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 9248 [object_type] => product [type] => M [image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/17/pery_wines_rose.png [alt] => Pery Wines Wine with Pink Label Saperavi Rose 2022 [image_x] => 672 [image_y] => 1800 [http_image_path] => http://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/17/pery_wines_rose.png [https_image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/17/pery_wines_rose.png [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/17/pery_wines_rose.png [relative_path] => detailed/17/pery_wines_rose.png ) ) [image_pairs] => Array ( [12854] => Array ( [pair_id] => 12854 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 17255 [position] => 6 [object_id] => 9248 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 9248 [object_type] => product [type] => A [image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/17/pink-label-back-121.png [alt] => [image_x] => 672 [image_y] => 1800 [http_image_path] => http://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/17/pink-label-back-121.png [https_image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/17/pink-label-back-121.png [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/17/pink-label-back-121.png [relative_path] => detailed/17/pink-label-back-121.png ) ) ) [base_price] => 25.20000000 [selected_options] => Array ( ) [has_options] => [product_options] => Array ( ) [discounts] => Array ( [A] => 0 [P] => 0 ) [product_features] => Array ( [167] => Array ( [feature_id] => 167 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48013 [feature_type] => S [internal_name] => Volume [description] => Volume [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 750ml [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [48013] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48013 [variant] => 750ml [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [163] => Array ( [feature_id] => 163 [value] => [value_int] => 12.50 [variant_id] => 48032 [feature_type] => N [internal_name] => Alcohol [description] => Alcohol [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 12.50 [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 43-48032 [variants] => Array ( [48032] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => 12.50 [variant_id] => 48032 [variant] => 12.50 [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [158] => Array ( [feature_id] => 158 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48638 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Color [description] => Color [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Soft pink [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [48638] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48638 [variant] => Soft pink [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [159] => Array ( [feature_id] => 159 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50075 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Aroma [description] => Aroma [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Red berry fruit [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [50075] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50075 [variant] => Red berry fruit [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [160] => Array ( [feature_id] => 160 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49968 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Taste [description] => Taste [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Pleasant acidity [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [49968] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49968 [variant] => Pleasant acidity [image_pairs] => ) [49909] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49909 [variant] => Light ) ) ) [165] => Array ( [feature_id] => 165 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48033 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Technology [description] => Technology [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Classic [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 46-48033 [variants] => Array ( [48033] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48033 [variant] => Classic [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [161] => Array ( [feature_id] => 161 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48030 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Grape [description] => Grape [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Saperavi [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 47-48030 [variants] => Array ( [48030] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48030 [variant] => Saperavi [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [162] => Array ( [feature_id] => 162 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48008 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Region [description] => Region [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Kakheti [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 49-48008 [variants] => Array ( [48008] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48008 [variant] => Kakheti [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [164] => Array ( [feature_id] => 164 [value] => [value_int] => 2022.00 [variant_id] => 48046 [feature_type] => N [internal_name] => Vintage Year [description] => Vintage Year [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 2022 [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 44-48046 [variants] => Array ( [48046] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => 2022.00 [variant_id] => 48046 [variant] => 2022 [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [156] => Array ( [feature_id] => 156 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48061 [feature_type] => E [internal_name] => Brands [description] => Brands [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Pery Wines [parent_id] => 155 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => N [feature_code] => [purpose] => organize_catalog [name] => winery-pery-wines [features_hash] => 45-48061 [variants] => Array ( [48061] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48061 [variant] => Pery Wines [image_pairs] => ) ) ) ) [qty_content] => Array ( ) [detailed_params] => Array ( [get_icon] => 1 [get_detailed] => 1 [get_additional] => 1 [get_options] => 1 [get_discounts] => 1 [get_features] => 1 [get_extra] => [get_taxed_prices] => 1 [get_for_one_product] => [detailed_params] => 1 [features_display_on] => C [get_active_options] => [get_only_selectable_options] => ) )
Pery Wines
Array ( [product_id] => 9050 [product] => Aladasturi Rose [company_name] => Batumi [supplier_id] => [product_code] => 30001467 [product_type] => P [status] => A [company_id] => 7 [list_price] => 0.00 [amount] => 9 [weight] => 0.00 [length] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [shipping_freight] => 0.00 [low_avail_limit] => 0 [timestamp] => 1700142994 [updated_timestamp] => 1734840727 [usergroup_ids] => 0 [is_edp] => N [edp_shipping] => N [unlimited_download] => N [tracking] => B [free_shipping] => N [feature_comparison] => N [zero_price_action] => R [is_pbp] => Y [is_op] => N [is_oper] => N [is_returnable] => Y [return_period] => 10 [avail_since] => 0 [out_of_stock_actions] => N [localization] => [min_qty] => 0 [max_qty] => 0 [qty_step] => 0 [list_qty_count] => 0 [tax_ids] => [age_verification] => N [age_limit] => 0 [options_type] => P [exceptions_type] => F [details_layout] => [shipping_params] => a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;} [facebook_obj_type] => [buy_now_url] => [fina_id] => 15212 [updated] => 0 [has_video] => N [is_stock_split_by_warehouses] => N [price] => 44.85000000 [short_description] => [full_description] => [meta_keywords] => Bagrati's Wine Aladasturi Rose 2021 [meta_description] => Bagrati's Wine Aladasturi Rose 2021 [search_words] => Bagrati's Wine Aladasturi Rose 2021 Classic Dry [promo_text] => [category_ids] => Array ( [0] => 224 [1] => 226 ) [position] => [seo_name] => 2021-ka-65 [seo_path] => 225/226 [main_category] => 226 [category_ids_with_parents] => Array ( [0] => 223 [1] => 224 ) [category_names] => Array ( [223] => ROSE [224] => DRY ) [options_type_raw] => P [exceptions_type_raw] => F [tracking_raw] => B [zero_price_action_raw] => R [min_qty_raw] => 0 [max_qty_raw] => 0 [qty_step_raw] => 0 [list_qty_count_raw] => 0 [details_layout_raw] => [main_pair] => Array ( [pair_id] => 12656 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 17057 [position] => 0 [object_id] => 9050 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 9050 [object_type] => product [type] => M [image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/17/bagratisgvino_aladasturi-min.png [alt] => Bagrati's Wine Aladasturi Rose 2021 Classic Dry [image_x] => 672 [image_y] => 1800 [http_image_path] => http://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/17/bagratisgvino_aladasturi-min.png [https_image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/17/bagratisgvino_aladasturi-min.png [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/17/bagratisgvino_aladasturi-min.png [relative_path] => detailed/17/bagratisgvino_aladasturi-min.png ) ) [base_price] => 44.85000000 [selected_options] => Array ( ) [has_options] => [product_options] => Array ( ) [discounts] => Array ( [A] => 0 [P] => 0 ) [product_features] => Array ( [166] => Array ( [feature_id] => 166 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48201 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Icons [description] => Icons [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Light Pink [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [48201] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48201 [variant] => Light Pink [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [167] => Array ( [feature_id] => 167 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48013 [feature_type] => S [internal_name] => Volume [description] => Volume [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 750ml [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [48013] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48013 [variant] => 750ml [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [163] => Array ( [feature_id] => 163 [value] => [value_int] => 11.00 [variant_id] => 48009 [feature_type] => N [internal_name] => Alcohol [description] => Alcohol [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 11.00 [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 43-48009 [variants] => Array ( [48009] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => 11.00 [variant_id] => 48009 [variant] => 11.00 [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [158] => Array ( [feature_id] => 158 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48201 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Color [description] => Color [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Light Pink [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [48201] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48201 [variant] => Light Pink [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [159] => Array ( [feature_id] => 159 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50075 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Aroma [description] => Aroma [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Red berry fruit [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [50075] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50075 [variant] => Red berry fruit [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [160] => Array ( [feature_id] => 160 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49910 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Taste [description] => Taste [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Light acidity [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [49910] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49910 [variant] => Light acidity [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [165] => Array ( [feature_id] => 165 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48033 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Technology [description] => Technology [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Classic [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 46-48033 [variants] => Array ( [48033] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48033 [variant] => Classic [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [161] => Array ( [feature_id] => 161 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48171 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Grape [description] => Grape [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Aladasturi [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 47-48171 [variants] => Array ( [48171] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48171 [variant] => Aladasturi [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [168] => Array ( [feature_id] => 168 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50200 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Family Wine Cellar [description] => Family Wine Cellar [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Bagrati's Wine [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 51-50200 [variants] => Array ( [50200] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50200 [variant] => Bagrati's Wine [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [162] => Array ( [feature_id] => 162 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48044 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Region [description] => Region [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Imereti [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 49-48044 [variants] => Array ( [48044] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48044 [variant] => Imereti [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [164] => Array ( [feature_id] => 164 [value] => [value_int] => 2021.00 [variant_id] => 48010 [feature_type] => N [internal_name] => Vintage Year [description] => Vintage Year [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 2021 [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 44-48010 [variants] => Array ( [48010] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => 2021.00 [variant_id] => 48010 [variant] => 2021 [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [156] => Array ( [feature_id] => 156 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50806 [feature_type] => E [internal_name] => Brands [description] => Brands [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Bagrati's Wine [parent_id] => 155 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => N [feature_code] => [purpose] => organize_catalog [name] => winery-bagratis-wine [features_hash] => 45-50806 [variants] => Array ( [50806] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50806 [variant] => Bagrati's Wine [image_pairs] => ) ) ) ) [qty_content] => Array ( ) [detailed_params] => Array ( [get_icon] => 1 [get_detailed] => 1 [get_additional] => 1 [get_options] => 1 [get_discounts] => 1 [get_features] => 1 [get_extra] => [get_taxed_prices] => 1 [get_for_one_product] => [detailed_params] => 1 [features_display_on] => C [get_active_options] => [get_only_selectable_options] => ) )
Bagrati's Wine
Array ( [product_id] => 9010 [product] => Charopi Rose [company_name] => Batumi [supplier_id] => [product_code] => 3002589 [product_type] => P [status] => A [company_id] => 7 [list_price] => 0.00 [amount] => 7 [weight] => 0.00 [length] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [shipping_freight] => 0.00 [low_avail_limit] => 0 [timestamp] => 1700142992 [updated_timestamp] => 1730607129 [usergroup_ids] => 0 [is_edp] => N [edp_shipping] => N [unlimited_download] => N [tracking] => B [free_shipping] => N [feature_comparison] => N [zero_price_action] => R [is_pbp] => Y [is_op] => N [is_oper] => N [is_returnable] => Y [return_period] => 10 [avail_since] => 0 [out_of_stock_actions] => N [localization] => [min_qty] => 0 [max_qty] => 0 [qty_step] => 0 [list_qty_count] => 0 [tax_ids] => [age_verification] => N [age_limit] => 0 [options_type] => P [exceptions_type] => F [details_layout] => [shipping_params] => a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;} [facebook_obj_type] => [buy_now_url] => [fina_id] => 17456 [updated] => 0 [has_video] => N [is_stock_split_by_warehouses] => N [price] => 59.80000000 [short_description] => [full_description] => [meta_keywords] => Vakevisa Charopi Rose 2022 [meta_description] => Vakevisa Charopi Rose 2022 [search_words] => Vakevisa Charopi Rose 2022 [promo_text] => [category_ids] => Array ( [0] => 224 [1] => 244 ) [position] => [seo_name] => 2022-ka-60 [seo_path] => 223/244 [main_category] => 244 [category_ids_with_parents] => Array ( [0] => 223 [1] => 244 ) [category_names] => Array ( [223] => ROSE [244] => SPARKLING ) [options_type_raw] => P [exceptions_type_raw] => F [tracking_raw] => B [zero_price_action_raw] => R [min_qty_raw] => 0 [max_qty_raw] => 0 [qty_step_raw] => 0 [list_qty_count_raw] => 0 [details_layout_raw] => [main_pair] => Array ( [pair_id] => 12613 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 17014 [position] => 0 [object_id] => 9010 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 9010 [object_type] => product [type] => M [image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/17/vakevisa_charopi_rose-min.png [alt] => Vakevisa Charopi Rose 2022 [image_x] => 672 [image_y] => 1800 [http_image_path] => http://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/17/vakevisa_charopi_rose-min.png [https_image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/17/vakevisa_charopi_rose-min.png [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/17/vakevisa_charopi_rose-min.png [relative_path] => detailed/17/vakevisa_charopi_rose-min.png ) ) [base_price] => 59.80000000 [selected_options] => Array ( ) [has_options] => [product_options] => Array ( ) [discounts] => Array ( [A] => 0 [P] => 0 ) [product_features] => Array ( [166] => Array ( [feature_id] => 166 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48015 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Icons [description] => Icons [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Pink [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [48015] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48015 [variant] => Pink [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [167] => Array ( [feature_id] => 167 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48013 [feature_type] => S [internal_name] => Volume [description] => Volume [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 750ml [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [48013] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48013 [variant] => 750ml [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [163] => Array ( [feature_id] => 163 [value] => [value_int] => 11.00 [variant_id] => 48009 [feature_type] => N [internal_name] => Alcohol [description] => Alcohol [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 11.00 [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 43-48009 [variants] => Array ( [48009] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => 11.00 [variant_id] => 48009 [variant] => 11.00 [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [158] => Array ( [feature_id] => 158 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48015 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Color [description] => Color [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Pink [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [48015] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48015 [variant] => Pink [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [159] => Array ( [feature_id] => 159 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49668 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Aroma [description] => Aroma [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Field flowers [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [49668] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49668 [variant] => Field flowers [image_pairs] => ) [49597] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49597 [variant] => Rose ) [49632] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49632 [variant] => Lilac ) ) ) [160] => Array ( [feature_id] => 160 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49809 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Taste [description] => Taste [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Expressive acidity [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [49809] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49809 [variant] => Expressive acidity [image_pairs] => ) [49970] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49970 [variant] => Pleasant sweetness ) ) ) [165] => Array ( [feature_id] => 165 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48161 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Technology [description] => Technology [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Sparkling [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 46-48161 [variants] => Array ( [48161] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48161 [variant] => Sparkling [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [161] => Array ( [feature_id] => 161 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50101 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Grape [description] => Grape [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Dzelshavi [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 47-50101 [variants] => Array ( [50101] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50101 [variant] => Dzelshavi [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [168] => Array ( [feature_id] => 168 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50265 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Family Wine Cellar [description] => Family Wine Cellar [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Vakevisa [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 51-50265 [variants] => Array ( [50265] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50265 [variant] => Vakevisa [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [169] => Array ( [feature_id] => 169 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50649 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Origin [description] => Origin [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Chikha [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 48-50649 [variants] => Array ( [50649] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50649 [variant] => Chikha [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [162] => Array ( [feature_id] => 162 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48044 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Region [description] => Region [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Imereti [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 49-48044 [variants] => Array ( [48044] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48044 [variant] => Imereti [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [164] => Array ( [feature_id] => 164 [value] => [value_int] => 2022.00 [variant_id] => 48046 [feature_type] => N [internal_name] => Vintage Year [description] => Vintage Year [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 2022 [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 44-48046 [variants] => Array ( [48046] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => 2022.00 [variant_id] => 48046 [variant] => 2022 [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [156] => Array ( [feature_id] => 156 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50876 [feature_type] => E [internal_name] => Brands [description] => Brands [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Vakevisa [parent_id] => 155 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => N [feature_code] => [purpose] => organize_catalog [name] => winery-vakevisa [features_hash] => 45-50876 [variants] => Array ( [50876] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50876 [variant] => Vakevisa [image_pairs] => ) ) ) ) [qty_content] => Array ( ) [detailed_params] => Array ( [get_icon] => 1 [get_detailed] => 1 [get_additional] => 1 [get_options] => 1 [get_discounts] => 1 [get_features] => 1 [get_extra] => [get_taxed_prices] => 1 [get_for_one_product] => [detailed_params] => 1 [features_display_on] => C [get_active_options] => [get_only_selectable_options] => ) )
Rose Sparkling
Array ( [product_id] => 9004 [product] => Chkhaveri Rose [company_name] => Batumi [supplier_id] => [product_code] => 3001360 [product_type] => P [status] => A [company_id] => 7 [list_price] => 0.00 [amount] => 8 [weight] => 1.50 [length] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [shipping_freight] => 0.00 [low_avail_limit] => 0 [timestamp] => 1700142991 [updated_timestamp] => 1734354728 [usergroup_ids] => 0 [is_edp] => N [edp_shipping] => N [unlimited_download] => N [tracking] => B [free_shipping] => N [feature_comparison] => N [zero_price_action] => R [is_pbp] => Y [is_op] => N [is_oper] => N [is_returnable] => Y [return_period] => 10 [avail_since] => 0 [out_of_stock_actions] => N [localization] => [min_qty] => 0 [max_qty] => 0 [qty_step] => 0 [list_qty_count] => 0 [tax_ids] => [age_verification] => N [age_limit] => 0 [options_type] => P [exceptions_type] => F [details_layout] => default [shipping_params] => a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;} [facebook_obj_type] => [buy_now_url] => [fina_id] => 18830 [updated] => 0 [has_video] => N [is_stock_split_by_warehouses] => N [price] => 53.20000000 [short_description] => [full_description] => [meta_keywords] => Loladze Family Winery Chkhaveri Rose 2022 semi sweet [meta_description] => Loladze Family Winery Chkhaveri Rose 2022 semi sweet [search_words] => Loladze Family Winery Chkhaveri Rose 2022 semi sweet ლოლაძეების საოჯახო მეღვინეობა,gbw,loladze family winery,loladzeebis saojaxo megvineoba,loladzis,ლოლაძის [promo_text] => [category_ids] => Array ( [0] => 270 ) [position] => [seo_name] => loladze-family-winery-chkhaveri-rose-2022-semi-sweet [seo_path] => 223/270 [main_category] => 270 [category_ids_with_parents] => Array ( [0] => 223 [1] => 270 ) [category_names] => Array ( [223] => ROSE [270] => SEMI-SWEET ) [options_type_raw] => P [exceptions_type_raw] => F [tracking_raw] => B [zero_price_action_raw] => R [min_qty_raw] => 0 [max_qty_raw] => 0 [qty_step_raw] => 0 [list_qty_count_raw] => 0 [details_layout_raw] => default [main_pair] => Array ( [pair_id] => 16590 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 20949 [position] => 0 [object_id] => 9004 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 9004 [object_type] => product [type] => M [image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/20/loladze_chkhaveri_2022ssn.png [alt] => Loladze Family Winery Chkhaveri Rose 2022 semi sweet [image_x] => 672 [image_y] => 1800 [http_image_path] => http://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/20/loladze_chkhaveri_2022ssn.png [https_image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/20/loladze_chkhaveri_2022ssn.png [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/20/loladze_chkhaveri_2022ssn.png [relative_path] => detailed/20/loladze_chkhaveri_2022ssn.png ) ) [image_pairs] => Array ( [16591] => Array ( [pair_id] => 16591 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 20950 [position] => 1 [object_id] => 9004 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 9004 [object_type] => product [type] => A [image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/20/loladze_chkhaveri_2022ssn2.png [alt] => [image_x] => 672 [image_y] => 1800 [http_image_path] => http://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/20/loladze_chkhaveri_2022ssn2.png [https_image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/20/loladze_chkhaveri_2022ssn2.png [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/20/loladze_chkhaveri_2022ssn2.png [relative_path] => detailed/20/loladze_chkhaveri_2022ssn2.png ) ) ) [base_price] => 53.20000000 [selected_options] => Array ( ) [has_options] => [product_options] => Array ( ) [discounts] => Array ( [A] => 0 [P] => 0 ) [product_features] => Array ( [167] => Array ( [feature_id] => 167 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48013 [feature_type] => S [internal_name] => Volume [description] => Volume [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 750ml [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [48013] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48013 [variant] => 750ml [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [163] => Array ( [feature_id] => 163 [value] => [value_int] => 12.00 [variant_id] => 51528 [feature_type] => N [internal_name] => Alcohol [description] => Alcohol [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 12.00 [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 43-51528 [variants] => Array ( [51528] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => 12.00 [variant_id] => 51528 [variant] => 12.00 [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [158] => Array ( [feature_id] => 158 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48015 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Color [description] => Color [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Pink [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [48015] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48015 [variant] => Pink [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [159] => Array ( [feature_id] => 159 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49674 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Aroma [description] => Aroma [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Currant [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [49674] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49674 [variant] => Currant [image_pairs] => ) [49644] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49644 [variant] => Barberry ) ) ) [160] => Array ( [feature_id] => 160 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49909 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Taste [description] => Taste [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Light [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [49909] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49909 [variant] => Light [image_pairs] => ) [51619] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 51619 [variant] => Long finish ) ) ) [165] => Array ( [feature_id] => 165 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48033 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Technology [description] => Technology [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Classic [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 46-48033 [variants] => Array ( [48033] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48033 [variant] => Classic [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [161] => Array ( [feature_id] => 161 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48019 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Grape [description] => Grape [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Chkhaveri [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 47-48019 [variants] => Array ( [48019] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48019 [variant] => Chkhaveri [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [169] => Array ( [feature_id] => 169 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50573 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Origin [description] => Origin [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Vaio [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 48-50573 [variants] => Array ( [50573] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50573 [variant] => Vaio [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [162] => Array ( [feature_id] => 162 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48022 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Region [description] => Region [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Adjara [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 49-48022 [variants] => Array ( [48022] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48022 [variant] => Adjara [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [164] => Array ( [feature_id] => 164 [value] => [value_int] => 2022.00 [variant_id] => 48046 [feature_type] => N [internal_name] => Vintage Year [description] => Vintage Year [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 2022 [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 44-48046 [variants] => Array ( [48046] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => 2022.00 [variant_id] => 48046 [variant] => 2022 [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [156] => Array ( [feature_id] => 156 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48133 [feature_type] => E [internal_name] => Brands [description] => Brands [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Loladze Family Winery [parent_id] => 155 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => N [feature_code] => [purpose] => organize_catalog [name] => winery-loladze-family-winery [features_hash] => 45-48133 [variants] => Array ( [48133] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48133 [variant] => Loladze Family Winery [image_pairs] => ) ) ) ) [qty_content] => Array ( ) [detailed_params] => Array ( [get_icon] => 1 [get_detailed] => 1 [get_additional] => 1 [get_options] => 1 [get_discounts] => 1 [get_features] => 1 [get_extra] => [get_taxed_prices] => 1 [get_for_one_product] => [detailed_params] => 1 [features_display_on] => C [get_active_options] => [get_only_selectable_options] => ) )
Loladze Family Winery
Array ( [product_id] => 8968 [product] => Rose of Racha [company_name] => Batumi [supplier_id] => [product_code] => 3005550 [product_type] => P [status] => A [company_id] => 7 [list_price] => 35.00 [amount] => 4 [weight] => 0.00 [length] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [shipping_freight] => 0.00 [low_avail_limit] => 0 [timestamp] => 1700142990 [updated_timestamp] => 1734754328 [usergroup_ids] => 0 [is_edp] => N [edp_shipping] => N [unlimited_download] => N [tracking] => B [free_shipping] => N [feature_comparison] => N [zero_price_action] => R [is_pbp] => Y [is_op] => N [is_oper] => N [is_returnable] => Y [return_period] => 10 [avail_since] => 0 [out_of_stock_actions] => N [localization] => [min_qty] => 0 [max_qty] => 0 [qty_step] => 0 [list_qty_count] => 0 [tax_ids] => [age_verification] => N [age_limit] => 0 [options_type] => P [exceptions_type] => F [details_layout] => default [shipping_params] => a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;} [facebook_obj_type] => [buy_now_url] => [fina_id] => 17490 [updated] => 0 [has_video] => N [is_stock_split_by_warehouses] => N [price] => 26.25000000 [short_description] => [full_description] => [meta_keywords] => Gonadze Wines Rose Rachuli 2021 [meta_description] => Gonadze Wines Rose Rachuli 2021 [search_words] => Gonadze Wines Rose Rachuli 2021 გონაძეების ღვინო, გონაძის მეღვინეობა, gonadze winery, gonadzis gvino, gonadzeebis marani, [promo_text] => [category_ids] => Array ( [0] => 243 [1] => 224 ) [position] => [seo_name] => 2021-ka-53 [seo_path] => 223/224 [main_category] => 224 [category_ids_with_parents] => Array ( [0] => 223 [1] => 224 ) [category_names] => Array ( [223] => ROSE [224] => DRY ) [options_type_raw] => P [exceptions_type_raw] => F [tracking_raw] => B [zero_price_action_raw] => R [min_qty_raw] => 0 [max_qty_raw] => 0 [qty_step_raw] => 0 [list_qty_count_raw] => 0 [details_layout_raw] => default [main_pair] => Array ( [pair_id] => 12575 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 16976 [position] => 0 [object_id] => 8968 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 8968 [object_type] => product [type] => M [image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/16/gonadze_rose_2021.png [alt] => Gonadze Wines Rose Rachuli 2021 [image_x] => 672 [image_y] => 1800 [http_image_path] => http://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/16/gonadze_rose_2021.png [https_image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/16/gonadze_rose_2021.png [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/16/gonadze_rose_2021.png [relative_path] => detailed/16/gonadze_rose_2021.png ) ) [base_price] => 26.25000000 [selected_options] => Array ( ) [has_options] => [product_options] => Array ( ) [list_discount] => 8.75 [list_discount_prc] => 25 [discounts] => Array ( [A] => 0 [P] => 0 ) [product_features] => Array ( [167] => Array ( [feature_id] => 167 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48013 [feature_type] => S [internal_name] => Volume [description] => Volume [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 750ml [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [48013] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48013 [variant] => 750ml [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [163] => Array ( [feature_id] => 163 [value] => [value_int] => 11.50 [variant_id] => 48053 [feature_type] => N [internal_name] => Alcohol [description] => Alcohol [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 11.50 [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 43-48053 [variants] => Array ( [48053] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => 11.50 [variant_id] => 48053 [variant] => 11.50 [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [158] => Array ( [feature_id] => 158 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48638 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Color [description] => Color [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Soft pink [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [48638] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48638 [variant] => Soft pink [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [159] => Array ( [feature_id] => 159 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49644 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Aroma [description] => Aroma [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Barberry [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [49644] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49644 [variant] => Barberry [image_pairs] => ) [50076] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50076 [variant] => Red currant ) [49733] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49733 [variant] => Raspberry ) [48026] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48026 [variant] => Berries ) ) ) [160] => Array ( [feature_id] => 160 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50042 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Taste [description] => Taste [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Cheerful acidity [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [50042] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50042 [variant] => Cheerful acidity [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [165] => Array ( [feature_id] => 165 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48033 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Technology [description] => Technology [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Classic [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 46-48033 [variants] => Array ( [48033] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48033 [variant] => Classic [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [161] => Array ( [feature_id] => 161 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48245 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Grape [description] => Grape [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Aleksandrouli [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 47-48246 [variants] => Array ( [48245] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48245 [variant] => Aleksandrouli [image_pairs] => ) [48246] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48246 [variant] => Mujuretuli ) ) ) [169] => Array ( [feature_id] => 169 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50670 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Origin [description] => Origin [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Khvanchkara [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 48-50670 [variants] => Array ( [50670] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50670 [variant] => Khvanchkara [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [162] => Array ( [feature_id] => 162 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48114 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Region [description] => Region [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Racha [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 49-48114 [variants] => Array ( [48114] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48114 [variant] => Racha [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [164] => Array ( [feature_id] => 164 [value] => [value_int] => 2021.00 [variant_id] => 48010 [feature_type] => N [internal_name] => Vintage Year [description] => Vintage Year [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 2021 [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 44-48010 [variants] => Array ( [48010] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => 2021.00 [variant_id] => 48010 [variant] => 2021 [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [156] => Array ( [feature_id] => 156 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50847 [feature_type] => E [internal_name] => Brands [description] => Brands [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Gonadze [parent_id] => 155 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => N [feature_code] => [purpose] => organize_catalog [name] => winery-gonadze [features_hash] => 45-50847 [variants] => Array ( [50847] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50847 [variant] => Gonadze [image_pairs] => ) ) ) ) [qty_content] => Array ( ) [detailed_params] => Array ( [get_icon] => 1 [get_detailed] => 1 [get_additional] => 1 [get_options] => 1 [get_discounts] => 1 [get_features] => 1 [get_extra] => [get_taxed_prices] => 1 [get_for_one_product] => [detailed_params] => 1 [features_display_on] => C [get_active_options] => [get_only_selectable_options] => ) )
Array ( [product_id] => 8918 [product] => Aleksandreuli Rose [company_name] => Batumi [supplier_id] => [product_code] => 4860117770038 [product_type] => P [status] => A [company_id] => 7 [list_price] => 0.00 [amount] => 6 [weight] => 0.00 [length] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [shipping_freight] => 0.00 [low_avail_limit] => 0 [timestamp] => 1700142878 [updated_timestamp] => 1729779127 [usergroup_ids] => 0 [is_edp] => N [edp_shipping] => N [unlimited_download] => N [tracking] => B [free_shipping] => N [feature_comparison] => N [zero_price_action] => R [is_pbp] => Y [is_op] => N [is_oper] => N [is_returnable] => Y [return_period] => 10 [avail_since] => 0 [out_of_stock_actions] => N [localization] => [min_qty] => 0 [max_qty] => 0 [qty_step] => 0 [list_qty_count] => 0 [tax_ids] => [age_verification] => N [age_limit] => 0 [options_type] => P [exceptions_type] => F [details_layout] => default [shipping_params] => a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;} [facebook_obj_type] => [buy_now_url] => [fina_id] => 10872 [updated] => 0 [has_video] => N [is_stock_split_by_warehouses] => N [price] => 67.20000000 [short_description] => [full_description] => [meta_keywords] => Bimbili Aeksandrouli Rose 2019 [meta_description] => Bimbili Aeksandrouli Rose 2019 [search_words] => ბიმბილი-ალექსანდრეული როზე 2019 ბიმბილი ალექსანდროული როზე 2019 ალექსანდროული როზე bimbili aleksandrouli rose 2019 aleksandreuli [promo_text] => [category_ids] => Array ( [0] => 243 [1] => 224 ) [position] => [seo_name] => 2019-ka-35 [seo_path] => 223/224 [main_category] => 224 [category_ids_with_parents] => Array ( [0] => 223 [1] => 224 ) [category_names] => Array ( [223] => ROSE [224] => DRY ) [options_type_raw] => P [exceptions_type_raw] => F [tracking_raw] => B [zero_price_action_raw] => R [min_qty_raw] => 0 [max_qty_raw] => 0 [qty_step_raw] => 0 [list_qty_count_raw] => 0 [details_layout_raw] => default [main_pair] => Array ( [pair_id] => 12527 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 16928 [position] => 0 [object_id] => 8918 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 8918 [object_type] => product [type] => M [image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/16/bimbili_aleqsandreuli_2019.png [alt] => Bimbili Aeksandreuli Rose 2019 [image_x] => 672 [image_y] => 1800 [http_image_path] => http://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/16/bimbili_aleqsandreuli_2019.png [https_image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/16/bimbili_aleqsandreuli_2019.png [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/16/bimbili_aleqsandreuli_2019.png [relative_path] => detailed/16/bimbili_aleqsandreuli_2019.png ) ) [base_price] => 67.20000000 [selected_options] => Array ( ) [has_options] => [product_options] => Array ( ) [discounts] => Array ( [A] => 0 [P] => 0 ) [product_features] => Array ( [166] => Array ( [feature_id] => 166 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48047 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Icons [description] => Icons [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => გაუფილტრავი [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [48047] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48047 [variant] => გაუფილტრავი [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [167] => Array ( [feature_id] => 167 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48013 [feature_type] => S [internal_name] => Volume [description] => Volume [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 750ml [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [48013] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48013 [variant] => 750ml [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [163] => Array ( [feature_id] => 163 [value] => [value_int] => 14.50 [variant_id] => 48289 [feature_type] => N [internal_name] => Alcohol [description] => Alcohol [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 14.50 [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 43-48289 [variants] => Array ( [48289] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => 14.50 [variant_id] => 48289 [variant] => 14.50 [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [158] => Array ( [feature_id] => 158 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48015 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Color [description] => Color [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Pink [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [48015] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48015 [variant] => Pink [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [159] => Array ( [feature_id] => 159 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50075 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Aroma [description] => Aroma [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Red berry fruit [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [50075] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50075 [variant] => Red berry fruit [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [160] => Array ( [feature_id] => 160 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49911 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Taste [description] => Taste [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Light body [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [49911] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49911 [variant] => Light body [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [165] => Array ( [feature_id] => 165 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48033 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Technology [description] => Technology [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Classic [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 46-48033 [variants] => Array ( [48033] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48033 [variant] => Classic [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [161] => Array ( [feature_id] => 161 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48245 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Grape [description] => Grape [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Aleksandrouli [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 47-48245 [variants] => Array ( [48245] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48245 [variant] => Aleksandrouli [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [162] => Array ( [feature_id] => 162 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48114 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Region [description] => Region [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Racha [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 49-48114 [variants] => Array ( [48114] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48114 [variant] => Racha [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [164] => Array ( [feature_id] => 164 [value] => [value_int] => 2019.00 [variant_id] => 48064 [feature_type] => N [internal_name] => Vintage Year [description] => Vintage Year [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 2019 [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 44-48064 [variants] => Array ( [48064] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => 2019.00 [variant_id] => 48064 [variant] => 2019 [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [156] => Array ( [feature_id] => 156 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48590 [feature_type] => E [internal_name] => Brands [description] => Brands [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Bimbili [parent_id] => 155 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => N [feature_code] => [purpose] => organize_catalog [name] => winery-bimbili [features_hash] => 45-48590 [variants] => Array ( [48590] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48590 [variant] => Bimbili [image_pairs] => ) ) ) ) [qty_content] => Array ( ) [detailed_params] => Array ( [get_icon] => 1 [get_detailed] => 1 [get_additional] => 1 [get_options] => 1 [get_discounts] => 1 [get_features] => 1 [get_extra] => [get_taxed_prices] => 1 [get_for_one_product] => [detailed_params] => 1 [features_display_on] => C [get_active_options] => [get_only_selectable_options] => ) )
Array ( [product_id] => 8938 [product] => Shade [company_name] => Batumi [supplier_id] => [product_code] => 4860119140044 [product_type] => P [status] => A [company_id] => 7 [list_price] => 0.00 [amount] => 9 [weight] => 1.50 [length] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [shipping_freight] => 0.00 [low_avail_limit] => 0 [timestamp] => 1700142878 [updated_timestamp] => 1733314329 [usergroup_ids] => 0 [is_edp] => N [edp_shipping] => N [unlimited_download] => N [tracking] => B [free_shipping] => N [feature_comparison] => N [zero_price_action] => R [is_pbp] => Y [is_op] => N [is_oper] => N [is_returnable] => Y [return_period] => 10 [avail_since] => 0 [out_of_stock_actions] => N [localization] => [min_qty] => 0 [max_qty] => 0 [qty_step] => 0 [list_qty_count] => 0 [tax_ids] => [age_verification] => N [age_limit] => 0 [options_type] => P [exceptions_type] => F [details_layout] => default [shipping_params] => a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;} [facebook_obj_type] => [buy_now_url] => [fina_id] => 18950 [updated] => 0 [has_video] => N [is_stock_split_by_warehouses] => N [price] => 56.00000000 [short_description] => The founder of George Grey winery is Giorgi Rukhadze. The winery positions itself in the market with colorful wines. They were the first in Georgia to create blue wine, and then they expanded their range to include green wine. [full_description] => [meta_keywords] => George Grey Shade 2022 Blue Wine [meta_description] => George Grey Shade 2022 Blue Wine [search_words] => George Grey Shade 2022 Blue Wine [promo_text] => [category_ids] => Array ( [0] => 275 ) [position] => [seo_name] => george-grey-shade-2022-blue-wine [seo_path] => 223/275 [main_category] => 275 [category_names] => Array ( ) [options_type_raw] => P [exceptions_type_raw] => F [tracking_raw] => B [zero_price_action_raw] => R [min_qty_raw] => 0 [max_qty_raw] => 0 [qty_step_raw] => 0 [list_qty_count_raw] => 0 [details_layout_raw] => default [main_pair] => Array ( [pair_id] => 12547 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 16948 [position] => 1 [object_id] => 8938 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 8938 [object_type] => product [type] => M [image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/16/george_grey_shade_blue_wine_front_9ie3-6m.png [alt] => George Grey Shade 2022 Blue Wine [image_x] => 672 [image_y] => 1800 [http_image_path] => http://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/16/george_grey_shade_blue_wine_front_9ie3-6m.png [https_image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/16/george_grey_shade_blue_wine_front_9ie3-6m.png [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/16/george_grey_shade_blue_wine_front_9ie3-6m.png [relative_path] => detailed/16/george_grey_shade_blue_wine_front_9ie3-6m.png ) ) [base_price] => 56.00000000 [selected_options] => Array ( ) [has_options] => [product_options] => Array ( ) [discounts] => Array ( [A] => 0 [P] => 0 ) [product_features] => Array ( [167] => Array ( [feature_id] => 167 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48013 [feature_type] => S [internal_name] => Volume [description] => Volume [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 750ml [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [48013] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48013 [variant] => 750ml [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [163] => Array ( [feature_id] => 163 [value] => [value_int] => 14.50 [variant_id] => 48289 [feature_type] => N [internal_name] => Alcohol [description] => Alcohol [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 14.50 [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 43-48289 [variants] => Array ( [48289] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => 14.50 [variant_id] => 48289 [variant] => 14.50 [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [158] => Array ( [feature_id] => 158 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49542 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Color [description] => Color [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Blue [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [49542] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49542 [variant] => Blue [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [159] => Array ( [feature_id] => 159 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49668 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Aroma [description] => Aroma [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Field flowers [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [49668] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49668 [variant] => Field flowers [image_pairs] => ) [49626] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49626 [variant] => White fruit ) ) ) [160] => Array ( [feature_id] => 160 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49911 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Taste [description] => Taste [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Light body [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [49911] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49911 [variant] => Light body [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [165] => Array ( [feature_id] => 165 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48033 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Technology [description] => Technology [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Classic [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 46-48033 [variants] => Array ( [48033] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48033 [variant] => Classic [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [161] => Array ( [feature_id] => 161 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 51526 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Grape [description] => Grape [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Rkatsiteli [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 47-51526 [variants] => Array ( [51526] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 51526 [variant] => Rkatsiteli [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [162] => Array ( [feature_id] => 162 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48008 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Region [description] => Region [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Kakheti [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 49-48008 [variants] => Array ( [48008] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48008 [variant] => Kakheti [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [164] => Array ( [feature_id] => 164 [value] => [value_int] => 2022.00 [variant_id] => 48046 [feature_type] => N [internal_name] => Vintage Year [description] => Vintage Year [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 2022 [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 44-48046 [variants] => Array ( [48046] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => 2022.00 [variant_id] => 48046 [variant] => 2022 [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [156] => Array ( [feature_id] => 156 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48024 [feature_type] => E [internal_name] => Brands [description] => Brands [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => George Grey [parent_id] => 155 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => N [feature_code] => [purpose] => organize_catalog [name] => winery-george-grey [features_hash] => 45-48024 [variants] => Array ( [48024] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48024 [variant] => George Grey [image_pairs] => ) ) ) ) [qty_content] => Array ( ) [detailed_params] => Array ( [get_icon] => 1 [get_detailed] => 1 [get_additional] => 1 [get_options] => 1 [get_discounts] => 1 [get_features] => 1 [get_extra] => [get_taxed_prices] => 1 [get_for_one_product] => [detailed_params] => 1 [features_display_on] => C [get_active_options] => [get_only_selectable_options] => ) )
George Grey
Array ( [product_id] => 8889 [product] => Khidistauri Rose [company_name] => Batumi [supplier_id] => [product_code] => 3002667 [product_type] => P [status] => A [company_id] => 7 [list_price] => 0.00 [amount] => 6 [weight] => 1.50 [length] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [shipping_freight] => 0.00 [low_avail_limit] => 0 [timestamp] => 1700142877 [updated_timestamp] => 1731312768 [usergroup_ids] => 0 [is_edp] => N [edp_shipping] => N [unlimited_download] => N [tracking] => B [free_shipping] => N [feature_comparison] => N [zero_price_action] => R [is_pbp] => Y [is_op] => N [is_oper] => N [is_returnable] => Y [return_period] => 10 [avail_since] => 0 [out_of_stock_actions] => N [localization] => [min_qty] => 0 [max_qty] => 0 [qty_step] => 0 [list_qty_count] => 0 [tax_ids] => [age_verification] => N [age_limit] => 0 [options_type] => P [exceptions_type] => F [details_layout] => default [shipping_params] => a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;} [facebook_obj_type] => [buy_now_url] => [fina_id] => 18469 [updated] => 0 [has_video] => N [is_stock_split_by_warehouses] => N [price] => 49.80000000 [short_description] => [full_description] => [meta_keywords] => Spring Fields Khidistauri Rose 2022 [meta_description] => Spring Fields Khidistauri Rose 2022 [search_words] => სფრინგ ფილდსი ხიდისთაური როზე 2022, Spring Fields Khidistauri Rose 2022,გაზაფხულის მინდვრები,gazafkhulis mindvrebi [promo_text] => [category_ids] => Array ( [0] => 224 ) [position] => [seo_name] => spring-fields-khidistauri-rose-2022 [seo_path] => 223/224 [main_category] => 224 [category_ids_with_parents] => Array ( [0] => 223 [1] => 224 ) [category_names] => Array ( [223] => ROSE [224] => DRY ) [options_type_raw] => P [exceptions_type_raw] => F [tracking_raw] => B [zero_price_action_raw] => R [min_qty_raw] => 0 [max_qty_raw] => 0 [qty_step_raw] => 0 [list_qty_count_raw] => 0 [details_layout_raw] => default [main_pair] => Array ( [pair_id] => 18832 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 23137 [position] => 0 [object_id] => 8889 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 8889 [object_type] => product [type] => M [image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/23/spring_fields_khidistauri_2022_45d5-ei.png [alt] => Spring Fields Khidistauri Rose 2022 [image_x] => 672 [image_y] => 1800 [http_image_path] => http://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/23/spring_fields_khidistauri_2022_45d5-ei.png [https_image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/23/spring_fields_khidistauri_2022_45d5-ei.png [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/23/spring_fields_khidistauri_2022_45d5-ei.png [relative_path] => detailed/23/spring_fields_khidistauri_2022_45d5-ei.png ) ) [image_pairs] => Array ( [18833] => Array ( [pair_id] => 18833 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 23138 [position] => 1 [object_id] => 8889 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 8889 [object_type] => product [type] => A [image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/23/spring_fields_khidistauri_20222_xoev-2b.png [alt] => [image_x] => 672 [image_y] => 1800 [http_image_path] => http://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/23/spring_fields_khidistauri_20222_xoev-2b.png [https_image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/23/spring_fields_khidistauri_20222_xoev-2b.png [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/23/spring_fields_khidistauri_20222_xoev-2b.png [relative_path] => detailed/23/spring_fields_khidistauri_20222_xoev-2b.png ) ) ) [base_price] => 49.80000000 [selected_options] => Array ( ) [has_options] => [product_options] => Array ( ) [discounts] => Array ( [A] => 0 [P] => 0 ) [product_features] => Array ( [166] => Array ( [feature_id] => 166 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48047 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Icons [description] => Icons [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => გაუფილტრავი [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [48047] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48047 [variant] => გაუფილტრავი [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [167] => Array ( [feature_id] => 167 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48013 [feature_type] => S [internal_name] => Volume [description] => Volume [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 750ml [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [48013] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48013 [variant] => 750ml [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [163] => Array ( [feature_id] => 163 [value] => [value_int] => 11.50 [variant_id] => 48053 [feature_type] => N [internal_name] => Alcohol [description] => Alcohol [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 11.50 [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 43-48053 [variants] => Array ( [48053] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => 11.50 [variant_id] => 48053 [variant] => 11.50 [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [158] => Array ( [feature_id] => 158 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48517 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Color [description] => Color [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Salmon [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [48517] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48517 [variant] => Salmon [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [159] => Array ( [feature_id] => 159 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49733 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Aroma [description] => Aroma [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Raspberry [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [49733] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49733 [variant] => Raspberry [image_pairs] => ) [50074] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50074 [variant] => Red berry ) ) ) [160] => Array ( [feature_id] => 160 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49970 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Taste [description] => Taste [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Pleasant sweetness [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [49970] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49970 [variant] => Pleasant sweetness [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [165] => Array ( [feature_id] => 165 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48033 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Technology [description] => Technology [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Classic [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 46-48033 [variants] => Array ( [48033] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48033 [variant] => Classic [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [161] => Array ( [feature_id] => 161 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48076 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Grape [description] => Grape [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Muskaturi Rkatsiteli [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 47-51527 [variants] => Array ( [48076] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48076 [variant] => Muskaturi Rkatsiteli [image_pairs] => ) [51527] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 51527 [variant] => Tavkveri ) ) ) [169] => Array ( [feature_id] => 169 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50603 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Origin [description] => Origin [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Manavi [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 48-50603 [variants] => Array ( [50603] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50603 [variant] => Manavi [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [162] => Array ( [feature_id] => 162 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48145 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Region [description] => Region [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Kartli [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 49-48008 [variants] => Array ( [48145] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48145 [variant] => Kartli [image_pairs] => ) [48008] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48008 [variant] => Kakheti ) ) ) [164] => Array ( [feature_id] => 164 [value] => [value_int] => 2022.00 [variant_id] => 48046 [feature_type] => N [internal_name] => Vintage Year [description] => Vintage Year [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 2022 [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 44-48046 [variants] => Array ( [48046] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => 2022.00 [variant_id] => 48046 [variant] => 2022 [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [156] => Array ( [feature_id] => 156 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48071 [feature_type] => E [internal_name] => Brands [description] => Brands [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Spring Fields [parent_id] => 155 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => N [feature_code] => [purpose] => organize_catalog [name] => winery-spring-fields [features_hash] => 45-48071 [variants] => Array ( [48071] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48071 [variant] => Spring Fields [image_pairs] => ) ) ) ) [qty_content] => Array ( ) [detailed_params] => Array ( [get_icon] => 1 [get_detailed] => 1 [get_additional] => 1 [get_options] => 1 [get_discounts] => 1 [get_features] => 1 [get_extra] => [get_taxed_prices] => 1 [get_for_one_product] => [detailed_params] => 1 [features_display_on] => C [get_active_options] => [get_only_selectable_options] => ) )
Spring Fields
Array ( [product_id] => 8877 [product] => Tavkveri Rose [company_name] => Batumi [supplier_id] => [product_code] => 3003169 [product_type] => P [status] => A [company_id] => 7 [list_price] => 0.00 [amount] => 15 [weight] => 1.50 [length] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [shipping_freight] => 0.00 [low_avail_limit] => 0 [timestamp] => 1700142876 [updated_timestamp] => 1733767930 [usergroup_ids] => 0 [is_edp] => N [edp_shipping] => N [unlimited_download] => N [tracking] => B [free_shipping] => N [feature_comparison] => N [zero_price_action] => R [is_pbp] => Y [is_op] => N [is_oper] => N [is_returnable] => Y [return_period] => 10 [avail_since] => 0 [out_of_stock_actions] => N [localization] => [min_qty] => 0 [max_qty] => 0 [qty_step] => 0 [list_qty_count] => 0 [tax_ids] => [age_verification] => N [age_limit] => 0 [options_type] => P [exceptions_type] => F [details_layout] => default [shipping_params] => a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;} [facebook_obj_type] => [buy_now_url] => [fina_id] => 19202 [updated] => 0 [has_video] => N [is_stock_split_by_warehouses] => N [price] => 44.85000000 [short_description] => [full_description] => [meta_keywords] => Gvinia Tavkveri Rose 2022 [meta_description] => Gvinia Tavkveri Rose 2022 [search_words] => Gvinia Tavkveri Rose 2022 [promo_text] => [category_ids] => Array ( [0] => 226 [1] => 224 ) [position] => [seo_name] => gvinia-tavkveri-rose-2022 [seo_path] => 223/224 [main_category] => 224 [category_ids_with_parents] => Array ( [0] => 223 [1] => 224 ) [category_names] => Array ( [223] => ROSE [224] => DRY ) [options_type_raw] => P [exceptions_type_raw] => F [tracking_raw] => B [zero_price_action_raw] => R [min_qty_raw] => 0 [max_qty_raw] => 0 [qty_step_raw] => 0 [list_qty_count_raw] => 0 [details_layout_raw] => default [main_pair] => Array ( [pair_id] => 15804 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 20185 [position] => 0 [object_id] => 8877 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 8877 [object_type] => product [type] => M [image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/20/gvinia_tavkveri_rose_2022_ehhs-e4.png [alt] => Gvinia Tavkveri Rose 2022 [image_x] => 672 [image_y] => 1800 [http_image_path] => http://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/20/gvinia_tavkveri_rose_2022_ehhs-e4.png [https_image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/20/gvinia_tavkveri_rose_2022_ehhs-e4.png [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/20/gvinia_tavkveri_rose_2022_ehhs-e4.png [relative_path] => detailed/20/gvinia_tavkveri_rose_2022_ehhs-e4.png ) ) [image_pairs] => Array ( [15805] => Array ( [pair_id] => 15805 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 20186 [position] => 1 [object_id] => 8877 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 8877 [object_type] => product [type] => A [image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/20/gvinia_tavkveri_rose_20222_ihh5-dc.png [alt] => [image_x] => 672 [image_y] => 1800 [http_image_path] => http://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/20/gvinia_tavkveri_rose_20222_ihh5-dc.png [https_image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/20/gvinia_tavkveri_rose_20222_ihh5-dc.png [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/20/gvinia_tavkveri_rose_20222_ihh5-dc.png [relative_path] => detailed/20/gvinia_tavkveri_rose_20222_ihh5-dc.png ) ) ) [base_price] => 44.85000000 [selected_options] => Array ( ) [has_options] => [product_options] => Array ( ) [discounts] => Array ( [A] => 0 [P] => 0 ) [product_features] => Array ( [166] => Array ( [feature_id] => 166 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48107 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Icons [description] => Icons [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => მუხის კასრი [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [48107] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48107 [variant] => მუხის კასრი [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [167] => Array ( [feature_id] => 167 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48013 [feature_type] => S [internal_name] => Volume [description] => Volume [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 750ml [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [48013] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48013 [variant] => 750ml [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [163] => Array ( [feature_id] => 163 [value] => [value_int] => 11.50 [variant_id] => 48053 [feature_type] => N [internal_name] => Alcohol [description] => Alcohol [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 11.50 [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 43-48053 [variants] => Array ( [48053] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => 11.50 [variant_id] => 48053 [variant] => 11.50 [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [158] => Array ( [feature_id] => 158 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48517 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Color [description] => Color [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Salmon [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [48517] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48517 [variant] => Salmon [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [159] => Array ( [feature_id] => 159 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49660 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Aroma [description] => Aroma [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Strawberry [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [49660] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49660 [variant] => Strawberry [image_pairs] => ) [49733] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49733 [variant] => Raspberry ) [50076] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50076 [variant] => Red currant ) ) ) [160] => Array ( [feature_id] => 160 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49821 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Taste [description] => Taste [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Balanced acidity [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [49821] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49821 [variant] => Balanced acidity [image_pairs] => ) [50007] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50007 [variant] => Dogwood ) ) ) [165] => Array ( [feature_id] => 165 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48106 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Technology [description] => Technology [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Classic/Oak Barrel [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 46-48106 [variants] => Array ( [48106] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48106 [variant] => Classic/Oak Barrel [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [161] => Array ( [feature_id] => 161 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 51527 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Grape [description] => Grape [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Tavkveri [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 47-51527 [variants] => Array ( [51527] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 51527 [variant] => Tavkveri [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [168] => Array ( [feature_id] => 168 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 51600 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Family Wine Cellar [description] => Family Wine Cellar [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Gvinia [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 51-51600 [variants] => Array ( [51600] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 51600 [variant] => Gvinia [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [162] => Array ( [feature_id] => 162 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48145 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Region [description] => Region [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Kartli [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 49-48145 [variants] => Array ( [48145] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48145 [variant] => Kartli [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [164] => Array ( [feature_id] => 164 [value] => [value_int] => 2022.00 [variant_id] => 48046 [feature_type] => N [internal_name] => Vintage Year [description] => Vintage Year [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 2022 [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 44-48046 [variants] => Array ( [48046] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => 2022.00 [variant_id] => 48046 [variant] => 2022 [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [156] => Array ( [feature_id] => 156 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 51601 [feature_type] => E [internal_name] => Brands [description] => Brands [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Gvinia [parent_id] => 155 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => N [feature_code] => [purpose] => organize_catalog [name] => winery-gvinia [features_hash] => 45-51601 [variants] => Array ( [51601] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 51601 [variant] => Gvinia [image_pairs] => ) ) ) ) [qty_content] => Array ( ) [detailed_params] => Array ( [get_icon] => 1 [get_detailed] => 1 [get_additional] => 1 [get_options] => 1 [get_discounts] => 1 [get_features] => 1 [get_extra] => [get_taxed_prices] => 1 [get_for_one_product] => [detailed_params] => 1 [features_display_on] => C [get_active_options] => [get_only_selectable_options] => ) )