

  • 11
  • 249
Alcohol %
Family Wine Cellar
Mtsvane • Kisi 2021
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Tsangala 2021
  1. Array
        [product_id] => 14441
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        [company_name] => Batumi
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        [status] => A
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    <p>The wine has a certain potential of aging in the bottle (another 1-2 years). It goes perfectly with grilled white fish, asparagus and light vegetable dishes.</p>
    <p class="text-right">Dea Purtseladze</p><p class="text-right">Wine expert, MA in Wine Hospitality and Wine Marketing</p>
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                        [parent_id] => 157
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                                [48013] => Array
                                        [value] => 
                                        [value_int] => 
                                        [variant_id] => 48013
                                        [variant] => 750ml
                                        [image_pairs] => 
                [163] => Array
                        [feature_id] => 163
                        [value] => 
                        [value_int] => 13.00
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                        [feature_type] => N
                        [internal_name] => Alcohol
                        [description] => Alcohol
                        [prefix] => 
                        [suffix] => 
                        [variant] => 13.00
                        [parent_id] => 157
                        [display_on_header] => N
                        [display_on_catalog] => Y
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                        [purpose] => find_products
                        [name] => 
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                                [48045] => Array
                                        [value] => 
                                        [value_int] => 13.00
                                        [variant_id] => 48045
                                        [variant] => 13.00
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                [158] => Array
                        [feature_id] => 158
                        [value] => 
                        [value_int] => 
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                        [description] => Color
                        [prefix] => 
                        [suffix] => 
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                        [display_on_header] => N
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                        [display_on_product] => Y
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                        [name] => 
                        [variants] => Array
                                [48002] => Array
                                        [value] => 
                                        [value_int] => 
                                        [variant_id] => 48002
                                        [variant] => Amber
                                        [image_pairs] => 
                [159] => Array
                        [feature_id] => 159
                        [value] => 
                        [value_int] => 
                        [variant_id] => 49722
                        [feature_type] => M
                        [internal_name] => Aroma
                        [description] => Aroma
                        [prefix] => 
                        [suffix] => 
                        [variant] => Walnut
                        [parent_id] => 157
                        [display_on_header] => N
                        [display_on_catalog] => Y
                        [display_on_product] => Y
                        [feature_code] => 
                        [purpose] => find_products
                        [name] => 
                        [variants] => Array
                                [49722] => Array
                                        [value] => 
                                        [value_int] => 
                                        [variant_id] => 49722
                                        [variant] => Walnut
                                        [image_pairs] => 
                                [52075] => Array
                                        [value] => 
                                        [value_int] => 
                                        [variant_id] => 52075
                                        [variant] => Dried apricots
                [160] => Array
                        [feature_id] => 160
                        [value] => 
                        [value_int] => 
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                        [feature_type] => M
                        [internal_name] => Taste
                        [description] => Taste
                        [prefix] => 
                        [suffix] => 
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                        [display_on_product] => Y
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                        [name] => 
                        [variants] => Array
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                                        [value] => 
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                                        [variant_id] => 49978
                                        [variant] => Complete body
                                        [image_pairs] => 
                                [49982] => Array
                                        [value] => 
                                        [value_int] => 
                                        [variant_id] => 49982
                                        [variant] => With tannin
                [165] => Array
                        [feature_id] => 165
                        [value] => 
                        [value_int] => 
                        [variant_id] => 48011
                        [feature_type] => M
                        [internal_name] => Technology
                        [description] => Technology
                        [prefix] => 
                        [suffix] => 
                        [variant] => Qvevri
                        [parent_id] => 157
                        [display_on_header] => N
                        [display_on_catalog] => Y
                        [display_on_product] => Y
                        [feature_code] => 
                        [purpose] => find_products
                        [name] => 
                        [features_hash] => 46-48011
                        [variants] => Array
                                [48011] => Array
                                        [value] => 
                                        [value_int] => 
                                        [variant_id] => 48011
                                        [variant] => Qvevri
                                        [image_pairs] => 
                [161] => Array
                        [feature_id] => 161
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                        [value_int] => 
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                        [internal_name] => Grape
                        [description] => Grape
                        [prefix] => 
                        [suffix] => 
                        [variant] => Kisi
                        [parent_id] => 157
                        [display_on_header] => N
                        [display_on_catalog] => Y
                        [display_on_product] => Y
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                        [purpose] => find_products
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                                        [value] => 
                                        [value_int] => 
                                        [variant_id] => 51525
                                        [variant] => Kisi
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                        [feature_id] => 169
                        [value] => 
                        [value_int] => 
                        [variant_id] => 50579
                        [feature_type] => M
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                        [description] => Origin
                        [prefix] => 
                        [suffix] => 
                        [variant] => Vachnadziani
                        [parent_id] => 157
                        [display_on_header] => N
                        [display_on_catalog] => Y
                        [display_on_product] => Y
                        [feature_code] => 
                        [purpose] => find_products
                        [name] => 
                        [features_hash] => 48-50579
                        [variants] => Array
                                [50579] => Array
                                        [value] => 
                                        [value_int] => 
                                        [variant_id] => 50579
                                        [variant] => Vachnadziani
                                        [image_pairs] => 
                [162] => Array
                        [feature_id] => 162
                        [value] => 
                        [value_int] => 
                        [variant_id] => 48008
                        [feature_type] => M
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                        [description] => Region
                        [prefix] => 
                        [suffix] => 
                        [variant] => Kakheti
                        [parent_id] => 157
                        [display_on_header] => N
                        [display_on_catalog] => Y
                        [display_on_product] => Y
                        [feature_code] => 
                        [purpose] => find_products
                        [name] => 
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                        [variants] => Array
                                [48008] => Array
                                        [value] => 
                                        [value_int] => 
                                        [variant_id] => 48008
                                        [variant] => Kakheti
                                        [image_pairs] => 
                [164] => Array
                        [feature_id] => 164
                        [value] => 
                        [value_int] => 2020.00
                        [variant_id] => 48079
                        [feature_type] => N
                        [internal_name] => Vintage Year
                        [description] => Vintage Year
                        [prefix] => 
                        [suffix] => 
                        [variant] => 2020
                        [parent_id] => 157
                        [display_on_header] => Y
                        [display_on_catalog] => Y
                        [display_on_product] => Y
                        [feature_code] => 
                        [purpose] => find_products
                        [name] => 
                        [features_hash] => 44-48079
                        [variants] => Array
                                [48079] => Array
                                        [value] => 
                                        [value_int] => 2020.00
                                        [variant_id] => 48079
                                        [variant] => 2020
                                        [image_pairs] => 
                [156] => Array
                        [feature_id] => 156
                        [value] => 
                        [value_int] => 
                        [variant_id] => 50935
                        [feature_type] => E
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                        [prefix] => 
                        [suffix] => 
                        [variant] => Casreli
                        [parent_id] => 155
                        [display_on_header] => Y
                        [display_on_catalog] => Y
                        [display_on_product] => N
                        [feature_code] => 
                        [purpose] => organize_catalog
                        [name] => winery-casreli-ka
                        [features_hash] => 45-50935
                        [variants] => Array
                                [50935] => Array
                                        [value] => 
                                        [value_int] => 
                                        [variant_id] => 50935
                                        [variant] => Casreli
                                        [image_pairs] => 
        [qty_content] => Array
        [detailed_params] => Array
                [get_icon] => 1
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                [detailed_params] => 1
                [features_display_on] => C
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                [get_only_selectable_options] => 
Khikhvi 2021
  1. Array
        [product_id] => 14451
        [product] => Khikhvi
        [company_name] => Batumi
        [supplier_id] => 
        [product_code] => 3003250
        [product_type] => P
        [status] => A
        [company_id] => 7
        [list_price] => 0.00
        [amount] => 4
        [weight] => 1.50
        [length] => 0
        [width] => 0
        [height] => 0
        [shipping_freight] => 0.00
        [low_avail_limit] => 0
        [timestamp] => 1726052889
        [updated_timestamp] => 1730638110
        [usergroup_ids] => 0
        [is_edp] => N
        [edp_shipping] => N
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        [is_op] => N
        [is_oper] => N
        [is_returnable] => Y
        [return_period] => 10
        [avail_since] => 0
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        [facebook_obj_type] => 
        [buy_now_url] => 
        [fina_id] => 18158
        [updated] => 0
        [has_video] => N
        [is_stock_split_by_warehouses] => N
        [price] => 42.00000000
        [short_description] => 
        [full_description] => <p>The wine has an amber color of medium intensity and intense aromas of ripe citrus fruits such as lemon, orange, and tangerine. On the palate, it has very high intensity and wild tannins, low acidity, and a short finish, with the tannin finish. This wine can be aged until 2028-2035 and pairs well with fatty lamb dishes.
    <p class="text-right">Rezi Tsetskhladze</p>
    <p class="text-right">Winemaker, wine expert, WSET Level 3</p>
        [meta_keywords] => Casreli Khikhvi 2021
        [meta_description] => Casreli Khikhvi 2021
        [search_words] => მარანი კასრელი, marani kasreli,marani casreli,casreli cellar,  Casreli Khikhvi 2021,casreli,kasreli,marani casreli,casreli cellar,მარანი კასრელი,კასრელის ღვინო,კასრელის მარანი
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                        [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/23/casreli_khikhvi_2021n.png
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                                [image_y] => 1800
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                                [https_image_path] =>
                                [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/23/casreli_khikhvi_2021n2.png
                                [relative_path] => detailed/23/casreli_khikhvi_2021n2.png
        [base_price] => 42.00000000
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                                        [value] => 
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Tsinandali 2021
  1. Array
        [product_id] => 14454
        [product] => Tsinandali
        [company_name] => Batumi
        [supplier_id] => 
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        [company_id] => 7
        [list_price] => 0.00
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        [updated_timestamp] => 1732291932
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        [edp_shipping] => N
        [unlimited_download] => N
        [tracking] => B
        [free_shipping] => N
        [feature_comparison] => N
        [zero_price_action] => R
        [is_pbp] => Y
        [is_op] => N
        [is_oper] => N
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Gurashvili Mtsvane 2021 Qvevri/Oak
Mtsvane 2021
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35.00  31.50 
Gurashvili Kisi Mtsvane 2020 Qvevri
Kisi • Mtsvane 2020
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46.20  41.60 
Gurashvili Goruli Mtsvane Chinuri 2022 Qvevri Deduleti
Goruli Mtsvane • Chinuri 2022
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37.80  34.05 