₾ – ₾
No items found matching the search criteria
Array ( [product_id] => 13560 [product] => Kisi Reserve [company_name] => Batumi [supplier_id] => [product_code] => 300200336 [product_type] => P [status] => A [company_id] => 7 [list_price] => 0.00 [amount] => 9 [weight] => 1.50 [length] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [shipping_freight] => 0.00 [low_avail_limit] => 0 [timestamp] => 1717063693 [updated_timestamp] => 1731078984 [usergroup_ids] => 0 [is_edp] => N [edp_shipping] => N [unlimited_download] => N [tracking] => B [free_shipping] => N [feature_comparison] => N [zero_price_action] => R [is_pbp] => Y [is_op] => N [is_oper] => N [is_returnable] => Y [return_period] => 10 [avail_since] => 0 [out_of_stock_actions] => N [localization] => [min_qty] => 0 [max_qty] => 0 [qty_step] => 0 [list_qty_count] => 0 [tax_ids] => [age_verification] => N [age_limit] => 0 [options_type] => P [exceptions_type] => F [details_layout] => default [shipping_params] => a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;} [facebook_obj_type] => [buy_now_url] => [fina_id] => 21282 [updated] => 0 [has_video] => N [is_stock_split_by_warehouses] => N [price] => 63.00000000 [short_description] => [full_description] => [meta_keywords] => Babunidze Wines Kisi 2022 Reserve [meta_description] => Babunidze Wines Kisi 2022 Reserve [search_words] => ბაბუნიძის მარანი ქისი 2022 რეზერვი, Babunidze Wines Kisi 2022 Reserve, babunidzes marani,babunidzis marani, babunidzis gvinoebi,ბაბუნიძის ღვინოები,ბაბუნიდზე,ბაბუნიძეbabunidzes marani,babunidzis marani, babunidzis gvinoebi,ბაბუნიძის ღვინოები,ბაბუნიდზე,ბაბუნიძეს მარანი,გიbabunidzes marani,babunidzis marani, babunidzis gvinoebi,ბაბუნიძის ღვინოები,ბაბუნიდზე,ბაბუნიძეს მარანი,გიორგი ბაბუნიძის მეღვინეობა,giorgi babunidzes winery.გიორგი ბაბუნიძეს მეღვინეობა ბაბუნიძის მარანი Babunidze ორგი ბაბუნიძის მეღვინეობა,giorgi babunidzes winery.გიორგი ბაბუნიძეს მეღვინეობა [promo_text] => [category_ids] => Array ( [0] => 222 [1] => 231 [2] => 220 ) [seo_name] => babunidze-wines-kisi-2022-reserve [seo_path] => 219/220 [main_category] => 220 [category_ids_with_parents] => Array ( [0] => 219 [1] => 220 ) [category_names] => Array ( [219] => WHITE [220] => DRY ) [options_type_raw] => P [exceptions_type_raw] => F [tracking_raw] => B [zero_price_action_raw] => R [min_qty_raw] => 0 [max_qty_raw] => 0 [qty_step_raw] => 0 [list_qty_count_raw] => 0 [details_layout_raw] => default [main_pair] => Array ( [pair_id] => 16653 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 21000 [position] => 0 [object_id] => 13560 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 13560 [object_type] => product [type] => M [image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/21/babunidze_kisi_2022_cfpw-qk.png [alt] => Babunidze Wines Kisi 2022 Reserve [image_x] => 672 [image_y] => 1800 [http_image_path] => http://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/21/babunidze_kisi_2022_cfpw-qk.png [https_image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/21/babunidze_kisi_2022_cfpw-qk.png [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/21/babunidze_kisi_2022_cfpw-qk.png [relative_path] => detailed/21/babunidze_kisi_2022_cfpw-qk.png ) ) [image_pairs] => Array ( [16654] => Array ( [pair_id] => 16654 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 21001 [position] => 1 [object_id] => 13560 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 13560 [object_type] => product [type] => A [image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/21/babunidze_kisi_20222_i0gw-gr.png [alt] => [image_x] => 672 [image_y] => 1800 [http_image_path] => http://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/21/babunidze_kisi_20222_i0gw-gr.png [https_image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/21/babunidze_kisi_20222_i0gw-gr.png [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/21/babunidze_kisi_20222_i0gw-gr.png [relative_path] => detailed/21/babunidze_kisi_20222_i0gw-gr.png ) ) ) [base_price] => 63.00000000 [selected_options] => Array ( ) [has_options] => [product_options] => Array ( ) [discounts] => Array ( [A] => 0 [P] => 0 ) [product_features] => Array ( [166] => Array ( [feature_id] => 166 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48107 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Icons [description] => Icons [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => მუხის კასრი [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [48107] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48107 [variant] => მუხის კასრი [image_pairs] => ) [48012] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48012 [variant] => ქვევრი ) ) ) [167] => Array ( [feature_id] => 167 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48013 [feature_type] => S [internal_name] => Volume [description] => Volume [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 750ml [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [48013] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48013 [variant] => 750ml [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [163] => Array ( [feature_id] => 163 [value] => [value_int] => 13.00 [variant_id] => 48045 [feature_type] => N [internal_name] => Alcohol [description] => Alcohol [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 13.00 [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 43-48045 [variants] => Array ( [48045] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => 13.00 [variant_id] => 48045 [variant] => 13.00 [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [158] => Array ( [feature_id] => 158 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48002 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Color [description] => Color [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Amber [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [48002] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48002 [variant] => Amber [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [159] => Array ( [feature_id] => 159 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49707 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Aroma [description] => Aroma [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Ripe pear [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [49707] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49707 [variant] => Ripe pear [image_pairs] => ) [49582] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49582 [variant] => Dried apricot ) ) ) [160] => Array ( [feature_id] => 160 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50035 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Taste [description] => Taste [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Velvety [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [50035] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50035 [variant] => Velvety [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [165] => Array ( [feature_id] => 165 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48233 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Technology [description] => Technology [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Qvevri/Oak Barrel [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 46-48233 [variants] => Array ( [48233] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48233 [variant] => Qvevri/Oak Barrel [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [161] => Array ( [feature_id] => 161 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 51525 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Grape [description] => Grape [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Kisi [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 47-51525 [variants] => Array ( [51525] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 51525 [variant] => Kisi [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [168] => Array ( [feature_id] => 168 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50198 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Family Wine Cellar [description] => Family Wine Cellar [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Babunidze Wines [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 51-50198 [variants] => Array ( [50198] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50198 [variant] => Babunidze Wines [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [169] => Array ( [feature_id] => 169 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50585 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Origin [description] => Origin [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Telavi [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 48-50585 [variants] => Array ( [50585] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50585 [variant] => Telavi [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [162] => Array ( [feature_id] => 162 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48008 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Region [description] => Region [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Kakheti [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 49-48008 [variants] => Array ( [48008] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48008 [variant] => Kakheti [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [164] => Array ( [feature_id] => 164 [value] => [value_int] => 2022.00 [variant_id] => 48046 [feature_type] => N [internal_name] => Vintage Year [description] => Vintage Year [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 2022 [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 44-48046 [variants] => Array ( [48046] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => 2022.00 [variant_id] => 48046 [variant] => 2022 [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [156] => Array ( [feature_id] => 156 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48312 [feature_type] => E [internal_name] => Brands [description] => Brands [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Babunidze Wines [parent_id] => 155 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => N [feature_code] => [purpose] => organize_catalog [name] => winery-babunidze [features_hash] => 45-48312 [variants] => Array ( [48312] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48312 [variant] => Babunidze Wines [image_pairs] => ) ) ) ) [qty_content] => Array ( ) [detailed_params] => Array ( [get_icon] => 1 [get_detailed] => 1 [get_additional] => 1 [get_options] => 1 [get_discounts] => 1 [get_features] => 1 [get_extra] => [get_taxed_prices] => 1 [get_for_one_product] => [detailed_params] => 1 [features_display_on] => C [get_active_options] => [get_only_selectable_options] => ) )
Amber Dry
Babunidze Wines
Array ( [product_id] => 13524 [product] => Kisi [company_name] => Batumi [supplier_id] => [product_code] => 30002106 [product_type] => P [status] => A [company_id] => 7 [list_price] => 42.00 [amount] => 23 [weight] => 1.50 [length] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [shipping_freight] => 0.00 [low_avail_limit] => 0 [timestamp] => 1717063690 [updated_timestamp] => 1734235929 [usergroup_ids] => 0 [is_edp] => N [edp_shipping] => N [unlimited_download] => N [tracking] => B [free_shipping] => N [feature_comparison] => N [zero_price_action] => R [is_pbp] => Y [is_op] => N [is_oper] => N [is_returnable] => Y [return_period] => 10 [avail_since] => 0 [out_of_stock_actions] => N [localization] => [min_qty] => 0 [max_qty] => 0 [qty_step] => 0 [list_qty_count] => 0 [tax_ids] => [age_verification] => N [age_limit] => 0 [options_type] => P [exceptions_type] => F [details_layout] => default [shipping_params] => a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;} [facebook_obj_type] => [buy_now_url] => [fina_id] => 21115 [updated] => 0 [has_video] => N [is_stock_split_by_warehouses] => N [price] => 29.40000000 [short_description] => [full_description] => [meta_keywords] => Babunidze Wines Kisi 2021 Qvevri [meta_description] => Babunidze Wines Kisi 2021 Qvevri [search_words] => ბაბუნიძის ღვინოები ქისი 2021 ქვევრი ,Babunidze Wines Kisi 2021 Qvevri,ბაბუნიძე,ბაბუნიძის მარანი,ბაბუნიძის ღვინო,babunidzis marnai,babunidze,babunidzis marani,babunidzes gvinoebi,qisibabunidzes marani,babunidzis marani, babunidzis gvinoebi,ბაბუნიძის ღვინოები,ბაბუნიდზე,ბაბუნიძეს მარანი,გიორგი ბაბუნიძის მეღვინეობა,giorgi babunidzes winery.გიორგი ბაბუნიძეს მეღვინეობა ბაბუნიძის მარანი Babunidze [promo_text] => [category_ids] => Array ( [0] => 234 [1] => 222 [2] => 231 [3] => 220 ) [seo_name] => babunidze-wines-kisi-2021-qvevri [seo_path] => 219/220 [main_category] => 220 [category_ids_with_parents] => Array ( [0] => 219 [1] => 220 ) [category_names] => Array ( [219] => WHITE [220] => DRY ) [options_type_raw] => P [exceptions_type_raw] => F [tracking_raw] => B [zero_price_action_raw] => R [min_qty_raw] => 0 [max_qty_raw] => 0 [qty_step_raw] => 0 [list_qty_count_raw] => 0 [details_layout_raw] => default [main_pair] => Array ( [pair_id] => 17113 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 21460 [position] => 0 [object_id] => 13524 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 13524 [object_type] => product [type] => M [image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/21/babunidze_kisi_2021_jj07-ck.png [alt] => Babunidze Wines Kisi 2021 Qvevri [image_x] => 672 [image_y] => 1800 [http_image_path] => http://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/21/babunidze_kisi_2021_jj07-ck.png [https_image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/21/babunidze_kisi_2021_jj07-ck.png [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/21/babunidze_kisi_2021_jj07-ck.png [relative_path] => detailed/21/babunidze_kisi_2021_jj07-ck.png ) ) [image_pairs] => Array ( [17114] => Array ( [pair_id] => 17114 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 21461 [position] => 1 [object_id] => 13524 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 13524 [object_type] => product [type] => A [image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/21/babunidze_kisi_20212_oend-0t.png [alt] => [image_x] => 672 [image_y] => 1800 [http_image_path] => http://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/21/babunidze_kisi_20212_oend-0t.png [https_image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/21/babunidze_kisi_20212_oend-0t.png [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/21/babunidze_kisi_20212_oend-0t.png [relative_path] => detailed/21/babunidze_kisi_20212_oend-0t.png ) ) ) [base_price] => 29.40000000 [selected_options] => Array ( ) [has_options] => [product_options] => Array ( ) [list_discount] => 12.6 [list_discount_prc] => 30 [discounts] => Array ( [A] => 0 [P] => 0 ) [product_features] => Array ( [166] => Array ( [feature_id] => 166 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48012 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Icons [description] => Icons [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => ქვევრი [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [48012] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48012 [variant] => ქვევრი [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [167] => Array ( [feature_id] => 167 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48013 [feature_type] => S [internal_name] => Volume [description] => Volume [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 750ml [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [48013] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48013 [variant] => 750ml [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [163] => Array ( [feature_id] => 163 [value] => [value_int] => 12.50 [variant_id] => 48032 [feature_type] => N [internal_name] => Alcohol [description] => Alcohol [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 12.50 [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 43-48032 [variants] => Array ( [48032] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => 12.50 [variant_id] => 48032 [variant] => 12.50 [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [158] => Array ( [feature_id] => 158 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48002 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Color [description] => Color [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Amber [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [48002] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48002 [variant] => Amber [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [159] => Array ( [feature_id] => 159 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48150 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Aroma [description] => Aroma [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Apple [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [48150] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48150 [variant] => Apple [image_pairs] => ) [49707] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49707 [variant] => Ripe pear ) [49582] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49582 [variant] => Dried apricot ) ) ) [160] => Array ( [feature_id] => 160 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50035 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Taste [description] => Taste [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Velvety [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [50035] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50035 [variant] => Velvety [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [165] => Array ( [feature_id] => 165 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48011 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Technology [description] => Technology [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Qvevri [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 46-48011 [variants] => Array ( [48011] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48011 [variant] => Qvevri [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [161] => Array ( [feature_id] => 161 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 51525 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Grape [description] => Grape [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Kisi [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 47-51525 [variants] => Array ( [51525] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 51525 [variant] => Kisi [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [168] => Array ( [feature_id] => 168 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50198 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Family Wine Cellar [description] => Family Wine Cellar [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Babunidze Wines [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 51-50198 [variants] => Array ( [50198] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50198 [variant] => Babunidze Wines [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [162] => Array ( [feature_id] => 162 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48008 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Region [description] => Region [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Kakheti [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 49-48008 [variants] => Array ( [48008] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48008 [variant] => Kakheti [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [164] => Array ( [feature_id] => 164 [value] => [value_int] => 2021.00 [variant_id] => 48010 [feature_type] => N [internal_name] => Vintage Year [description] => Vintage Year [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 2021 [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 44-48010 [variants] => Array ( [48010] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => 2021.00 [variant_id] => 48010 [variant] => 2021 [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [156] => Array ( [feature_id] => 156 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48312 [feature_type] => E [internal_name] => Brands [description] => Brands [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Babunidze Wines [parent_id] => 155 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => N [feature_code] => [purpose] => organize_catalog [name] => winery-babunidze [features_hash] => 45-48312 [variants] => Array ( [48312] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48312 [variant] => Babunidze Wines [image_pairs] => ) ) ) ) [qty_content] => Array ( ) [detailed_params] => Array ( [get_icon] => 1 [get_detailed] => 1 [get_additional] => 1 [get_options] => 1 [get_discounts] => 1 [get_features] => 1 [get_extra] => [get_taxed_prices] => 1 [get_for_one_product] => [detailed_params] => 1 [features_display_on] => C [get_active_options] => [get_only_selectable_options] => ) )
Array ( [product_id] => 13525 [product] => Khikhvi Reserve [company_name] => Batumi [supplier_id] => [product_code] => 300200335 [product_type] => P [status] => A [company_id] => 7 [list_price] => 0.00 [amount] => 5 [weight] => 1.50 [length] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [shipping_freight] => 0.00 [low_avail_limit] => 0 [timestamp] => 1717063690 [updated_timestamp] => 1731078984 [usergroup_ids] => 0 [is_edp] => N [edp_shipping] => N [unlimited_download] => N [tracking] => B [free_shipping] => N [feature_comparison] => N [zero_price_action] => R [is_pbp] => Y [is_op] => N [is_oper] => N [is_returnable] => Y [return_period] => 10 [avail_since] => 0 [out_of_stock_actions] => N [localization] => [min_qty] => 0 [max_qty] => 0 [qty_step] => 0 [list_qty_count] => 0 [tax_ids] => [age_verification] => N [age_limit] => 0 [options_type] => P [exceptions_type] => F [details_layout] => default [shipping_params] => a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;} [facebook_obj_type] => [buy_now_url] => [fina_id] => 21281 [updated] => 0 [has_video] => N [is_stock_split_by_warehouses] => N [price] => 63.00000000 [short_description] => [full_description] => [meta_keywords] => Babunidze Wines Khikhvi 2022 Reserve [meta_description] => Babunidze Wines Khikhvi 2022 Reserve [search_words] => ბაბუნიძის მარანი ხიხვი 2022 რეზერვი, Babunidze Wines Khikhvi 2022 Reserve, babunidzes marani,babunidzis marani, babunidzis gvinoebi,ბაბუნიძის ღვინოები,ბაბუნიდზე,ბაბუნიძეbabunidzes marani,babunidzis marani, babunidzis gvinoebi,ბაბუნიძის ღვინოები,ბაბუნიდზე,ბაბუნიძეს მარანი,გიbabunidzes marani,babunidzis marani, babunidzis gvinoebi,ბაბუნიძის ღვინოები,ბაბუნიდზე,ბაბუნიძეს მარანი,გიორგი ბაბუნიძის მეღვინეობა,giorgi babunidzes winery.გიორგი ბაბუნიძეს მეღვინეობა ბაბუნიძის მარანი Babunidze ორგი ბაბუნიძის მეღვინეობა,giorgi babunidzes winery.გიორგი ბაბუნიძეს მეღვინეობა [promo_text] => [category_ids] => Array ( [0] => 222 [1] => 231 [2] => 220 ) [seo_name] => babunidze-wines-khikhvi-2022-reserve [seo_path] => 219/220 [main_category] => 220 [category_ids_with_parents] => Array ( [0] => 219 [1] => 220 ) [category_names] => Array ( [219] => WHITE [220] => DRY ) [options_type_raw] => P [exceptions_type_raw] => F [tracking_raw] => B [zero_price_action_raw] => R [min_qty_raw] => 0 [max_qty_raw] => 0 [qty_step_raw] => 0 [list_qty_count_raw] => 0 [details_layout_raw] => default [main_pair] => Array ( [pair_id] => 16649 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 20996 [position] => 0 [object_id] => 13525 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 13525 [object_type] => product [type] => M [image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/20/babunidze_khikhvi_reserve_2022_scj0-fs.png [alt] => Babunidze Wines Khikhvi 2022 Reserve [image_x] => 672 [image_y] => 1800 [http_image_path] => http://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/20/babunidze_khikhvi_reserve_2022_scj0-fs.png [https_image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/20/babunidze_khikhvi_reserve_2022_scj0-fs.png [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/20/babunidze_khikhvi_reserve_2022_scj0-fs.png [relative_path] => detailed/20/babunidze_khikhvi_reserve_2022_scj0-fs.png ) ) [image_pairs] => Array ( [16650] => Array ( [pair_id] => 16650 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 20997 [position] => 1 [object_id] => 13525 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 13525 [object_type] => product [type] => A [image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/20/babunidze_khikhvi_reserve_20222_3wuv-8v.png [alt] => [image_x] => 672 [image_y] => 1800 [http_image_path] => http://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/20/babunidze_khikhvi_reserve_20222_3wuv-8v.png [https_image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/20/babunidze_khikhvi_reserve_20222_3wuv-8v.png [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/20/babunidze_khikhvi_reserve_20222_3wuv-8v.png [relative_path] => detailed/20/babunidze_khikhvi_reserve_20222_3wuv-8v.png ) ) ) [base_price] => 63.00000000 [selected_options] => Array ( ) [has_options] => [product_options] => Array ( ) [discounts] => Array ( [A] => 0 [P] => 0 ) [product_features] => Array ( [166] => Array ( [feature_id] => 166 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48012 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Icons [description] => Icons [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => ქვევრი [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [48012] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48012 [variant] => ქვევრი [image_pairs] => ) [48107] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48107 [variant] => მუხის კასრი ) ) ) [167] => Array ( [feature_id] => 167 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48013 [feature_type] => S [internal_name] => Volume [description] => Volume [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 750ml [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [48013] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48013 [variant] => 750ml [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [163] => Array ( [feature_id] => 163 [value] => [value_int] => 12.00 [variant_id] => 51528 [feature_type] => N [internal_name] => Alcohol [description] => Alcohol [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 12.00 [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 43-51528 [variants] => Array ( [51528] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => 12.00 [variant_id] => 51528 [variant] => 12.00 [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [158] => Array ( [feature_id] => 158 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48002 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Color [description] => Color [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Amber [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [48002] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48002 [variant] => Amber [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [159] => Array ( [feature_id] => 159 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49595 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Aroma [description] => Aroma [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Vanilla [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [49595] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49595 [variant] => Vanilla [image_pairs] => ) [49707] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49707 [variant] => Ripe pear ) [49643] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49643 [variant] => Quince ) ) ) [160] => Array ( [feature_id] => 160 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50035 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Taste [description] => Taste [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Velvety [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [50035] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50035 [variant] => Velvety [image_pairs] => ) [49910] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49910 [variant] => Light acidity ) ) ) [165] => Array ( [feature_id] => 165 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48233 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Technology [description] => Technology [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Qvevri/Oak Barrel [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 46-48233 [variants] => Array ( [48233] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48233 [variant] => Qvevri/Oak Barrel [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [161] => Array ( [feature_id] => 161 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48401 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Grape [description] => Grape [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Khikhvi [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 47-48401 [variants] => Array ( [48401] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48401 [variant] => Khikhvi [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [168] => Array ( [feature_id] => 168 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50198 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Family Wine Cellar [description] => Family Wine Cellar [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Babunidze Wines [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 51-50198 [variants] => Array ( [50198] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50198 [variant] => Babunidze Wines [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [169] => Array ( [feature_id] => 169 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50585 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Origin [description] => Origin [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Telavi [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 48-50585 [variants] => Array ( [50585] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50585 [variant] => Telavi [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [162] => Array ( [feature_id] => 162 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48008 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Region [description] => Region [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Kakheti [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 49-48008 [variants] => Array ( [48008] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48008 [variant] => Kakheti [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [164] => Array ( [feature_id] => 164 [value] => [value_int] => 2022.00 [variant_id] => 48046 [feature_type] => N [internal_name] => Vintage Year [description] => Vintage Year [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 2022 [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 44-48046 [variants] => Array ( [48046] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => 2022.00 [variant_id] => 48046 [variant] => 2022 [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [156] => Array ( [feature_id] => 156 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48312 [feature_type] => E [internal_name] => Brands [description] => Brands [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Babunidze Wines [parent_id] => 155 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => N [feature_code] => [purpose] => organize_catalog [name] => winery-babunidze [features_hash] => 45-48312 [variants] => Array ( [48312] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48312 [variant] => Babunidze Wines [image_pairs] => ) ) ) ) [qty_content] => Array ( ) [detailed_params] => Array ( [get_icon] => 1 [get_detailed] => 1 [get_additional] => 1 [get_options] => 1 [get_discounts] => 1 [get_features] => 1 [get_extra] => [get_taxed_prices] => 1 [get_for_one_product] => [detailed_params] => 1 [features_display_on] => C [get_active_options] => [get_only_selectable_options] => ) )
Array ( [product_id] => 13484 [product] => Saperavi Reserve [company_name] => Batumi [supplier_id] => [product_code] => 300200334 [product_type] => P [status] => A [company_id] => 7 [list_price] => 0.00 [amount] => 6 [weight] => 1.50 [length] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [shipping_freight] => 0.00 [low_avail_limit] => 0 [timestamp] => 1717063689 [updated_timestamp] => 1734581527 [usergroup_ids] => 0 [is_edp] => N [edp_shipping] => N [unlimited_download] => N [tracking] => B [free_shipping] => N [feature_comparison] => N [zero_price_action] => R [is_pbp] => Y [is_op] => N [is_oper] => N [is_returnable] => Y [return_period] => 10 [avail_since] => 0 [out_of_stock_actions] => N [localization] => [min_qty] => 0 [max_qty] => 0 [qty_step] => 0 [list_qty_count] => 0 [tax_ids] => [age_verification] => N [age_limit] => 0 [options_type] => P [exceptions_type] => F [details_layout] => default [shipping_params] => a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;} [facebook_obj_type] => [buy_now_url] => [fina_id] => 21280 [updated] => 0 [has_video] => N [is_stock_split_by_warehouses] => N [price] => 63.00000000 [short_description] => [full_description] => [meta_keywords] => Babunidze Wines Saperavi 2022 Reserve [meta_description] => Babunidze Wines Saperavi 2022 Reserve [search_words] => ბაბუნიძის მარანი საფერავი 2022 რეზერვი, Babunidze Wines Saperavi 2022 Reserve, babunidzes marani,babunidzis marani, babunidzis gvinoebi,ბაბუნიძის ღვინოები,ბაბუნიდზე,ბაბუნიძეbabunidzes marani,babunidzis marani, babunidzis gvinoebi,ბაბუნიძის ღვინოები,ბაბუნიდზე,ბაბუნიძეს მარანი,გიორგი ბაბუნიძის მეღვინეობა,giorgi babunidzes winery.გიორგი ბაბუნიძეს მეღვინეობაbabunidzes marani,babunidzis marani, babunidzis gvinoebi,ბაბუნიძის ღვინოები,ბაბუნიდზე,ბაბუნიძეს მარანი,გიორგი ბაბუნიძის მეღვინეობა,giorgi babunidzes winery.გიორგი ბაბუნიძეს მეღვინეობა ბაბუნიძის მარანი Babunidze [promo_text] => [category_ids] => Array ( [0] => 239 [1] => 240 [2] => 238 ) [seo_name] => babunidze-wines-saperavi-2022-reserve [seo_path] => 228/238 [main_category] => 238 [category_ids_with_parents] => Array ( [0] => 228 [1] => 238 ) [category_names] => Array ( [228] => RED [238] => DRY ) [options_type_raw] => P [exceptions_type_raw] => F [tracking_raw] => B [zero_price_action_raw] => R [min_qty_raw] => 0 [max_qty_raw] => 0 [qty_step_raw] => 0 [list_qty_count_raw] => 0 [details_layout_raw] => default [main_pair] => Array ( [pair_id] => 16651 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 20998 [position] => 0 [object_id] => 13484 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 13484 [object_type] => product [type] => M [image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/20/babunidze_saperavi_reserve_2022_te98-7f.png [alt] => Babunidze Wines Saperavi 2022 Reserve [image_x] => 672 [image_y] => 1800 [http_image_path] => http://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/20/babunidze_saperavi_reserve_2022_te98-7f.png [https_image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/20/babunidze_saperavi_reserve_2022_te98-7f.png [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/20/babunidze_saperavi_reserve_2022_te98-7f.png [relative_path] => detailed/20/babunidze_saperavi_reserve_2022_te98-7f.png ) ) [image_pairs] => Array ( [16652] => Array ( [pair_id] => 16652 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 20999 [position] => 1 [object_id] => 13484 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 13484 [object_type] => product [type] => A [image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/20/babunidze_saperavi_reserve_20222_c41i-yf.png [alt] => [image_x] => 672 [image_y] => 1800 [http_image_path] => http://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/20/babunidze_saperavi_reserve_20222_c41i-yf.png [https_image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/20/babunidze_saperavi_reserve_20222_c41i-yf.png [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/20/babunidze_saperavi_reserve_20222_c41i-yf.png [relative_path] => detailed/20/babunidze_saperavi_reserve_20222_c41i-yf.png ) ) ) [base_price] => 63.00000000 [selected_options] => Array ( ) [has_options] => [product_options] => Array ( ) [discounts] => Array ( [A] => 0 [P] => 0 ) [product_features] => Array ( [166] => Array ( [feature_id] => 166 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48012 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Icons [description] => Icons [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => ქვევრი [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [48012] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48012 [variant] => ქვევრი [image_pairs] => ) [48107] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48107 [variant] => მუხის კასრი ) ) ) [167] => Array ( [feature_id] => 167 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48013 [feature_type] => S [internal_name] => Volume [description] => Volume [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 750ml [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [48013] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48013 [variant] => 750ml [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [163] => Array ( [feature_id] => 163 [value] => [value_int] => 13.00 [variant_id] => 48045 [feature_type] => N [internal_name] => Alcohol [description] => Alcohol [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 13.00 [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 43-48045 [variants] => Array ( [48045] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => 13.00 [variant_id] => 48045 [variant] => 13.00 [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [158] => Array ( [feature_id] => 158 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48433 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Color [description] => Color [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Cherry [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [48433] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48433 [variant] => Cherry [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [159] => Array ( [feature_id] => 159 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49595 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Aroma [description] => Aroma [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Vanilla [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [49595] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49595 [variant] => Vanilla [image_pairs] => ) [49664] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49664 [variant] => Blackberry ) ) ) [160] => Array ( [feature_id] => 160 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 51619 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Taste [description] => Taste [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Long finish [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [51619] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 51619 [variant] => Long finish [image_pairs] => ) [50035] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50035 [variant] => Velvety ) [49982] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49982 [variant] => With tannin ) ) ) [165] => Array ( [feature_id] => 165 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48233 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Technology [description] => Technology [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Qvevri/Oak Barrel [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 46-48233 [variants] => Array ( [48233] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48233 [variant] => Qvevri/Oak Barrel [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [161] => Array ( [feature_id] => 161 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48030 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Grape [description] => Grape [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Saperavi [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 47-48030 [variants] => Array ( [48030] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48030 [variant] => Saperavi [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [168] => Array ( [feature_id] => 168 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50198 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Family Wine Cellar [description] => Family Wine Cellar [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Babunidze Wines [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 51-50198 [variants] => Array ( [50198] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50198 [variant] => Babunidze Wines [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [169] => Array ( [feature_id] => 169 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50585 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Origin [description] => Origin [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Telavi [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 48-50585 [variants] => Array ( [50585] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50585 [variant] => Telavi [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [162] => Array ( [feature_id] => 162 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48008 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Region [description] => Region [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Kakheti [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 49-48008 [variants] => Array ( [48008] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48008 [variant] => Kakheti [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [164] => Array ( [feature_id] => 164 [value] => [value_int] => 2022.00 [variant_id] => 48046 [feature_type] => N [internal_name] => Vintage Year [description] => Vintage Year [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 2022 [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 44-48046 [variants] => Array ( [48046] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => 2022.00 [variant_id] => 48046 [variant] => 2022 [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [156] => Array ( [feature_id] => 156 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48312 [feature_type] => E [internal_name] => Brands [description] => Brands [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Babunidze Wines [parent_id] => 155 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => N [feature_code] => [purpose] => organize_catalog [name] => winery-babunidze [features_hash] => 45-48312 [variants] => Array ( [48312] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48312 [variant] => Babunidze Wines [image_pairs] => ) ) ) ) [qty_content] => Array ( ) [detailed_params] => Array ( [get_icon] => 1 [get_detailed] => 1 [get_additional] => 1 [get_options] => 1 [get_discounts] => 1 [get_features] => 1 [get_extra] => [get_taxed_prices] => 1 [get_for_one_product] => [detailed_params] => 1 [features_display_on] => C [get_active_options] => [get_only_selectable_options] => ) )
Red Dry
Array ( [product_id] => 13486 [product] => Rkatsiteli Reserve [company_name] => Batumi [supplier_id] => [product_code] => 300200337 [product_type] => P [status] => A [company_id] => 7 [list_price] => 0.00 [amount] => 11 [weight] => 1.50 [length] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [shipping_freight] => 0.00 [low_avail_limit] => 0 [timestamp] => 1717063689 [updated_timestamp] => 1731078986 [usergroup_ids] => 0 [is_edp] => N [edp_shipping] => N [unlimited_download] => N [tracking] => B [free_shipping] => N [feature_comparison] => N [zero_price_action] => R [is_pbp] => Y [is_op] => N [is_oper] => N [is_returnable] => Y [return_period] => 10 [avail_since] => 0 [out_of_stock_actions] => N [localization] => [min_qty] => 0 [max_qty] => 0 [qty_step] => 0 [list_qty_count] => 0 [tax_ids] => [age_verification] => N [age_limit] => 0 [options_type] => P [exceptions_type] => F [details_layout] => default [shipping_params] => a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;} [facebook_obj_type] => [buy_now_url] => [fina_id] => 21283 [updated] => 0 [has_video] => N [is_stock_split_by_warehouses] => N [price] => 63.00000000 [short_description] => [full_description] => [meta_keywords] => Babunidze Wines Rkatsiteli 2022 Reserve [meta_description] => Babunidze Wines Rkatsiteli 2022 Reserve [search_words] => ბაბუნიძის მარანი რქაწითელი 2022 რეზერვი, Babunidze Wines Rkatsiteli 2022 Reserve,babunidzes marani,babunidzis marani, babunidzis gvinoebi,ბაბუნიძის ღვინოები,ბაბუნიდზე,ბაბუნიძეbabunidzes marani,babunidzis marani, babunidzis gvinoebi,ბაბუნიძის ღვინოები,ბაბუნიდზე,ბაბუნიძეს მარანი,გიორგი ბაბუნიძის მეღვინეობა,giorgi babunidzes winery.გიორგი ბაბუნიძეს მეღვინეობაbabunidzes marani,babunidzis marani, babunidzis gvinoebi,ბაბუნიძის ღვინოები,ბაბუნიდზე,ბაბუნიძეს მარანი,გიორგი ბაბუნიძის მეღვინეობა,giorgi babunidzes winery.გიორგი ბაბუნიძეს მეღვინეობა ბაბუნიძის მარანი Babunidze [promo_text] => [category_ids] => Array ( [0] => 222 [1] => 231 [2] => 220 ) [seo_name] => babunidze-wines-rkatsiteli-2022-reserve [seo_path] => 219/220 [main_category] => 220 [category_ids_with_parents] => Array ( [0] => 219 [1] => 220 ) [category_names] => Array ( [219] => WHITE [220] => DRY ) [options_type_raw] => P [exceptions_type_raw] => F [tracking_raw] => B [zero_price_action_raw] => R [min_qty_raw] => 0 [max_qty_raw] => 0 [qty_step_raw] => 0 [list_qty_count_raw] => 0 [details_layout_raw] => default [main_pair] => Array ( [pair_id] => 16655 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 21002 [position] => 0 [object_id] => 13486 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 13486 [object_type] => product [type] => M [image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/21/babunidze_rkatsiteli_2022_hwpf-g8.png [alt] => Babunidze Wines Rkatsiteli 2022 Reserve [image_x] => 672 [image_y] => 1800 [http_image_path] => http://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/21/babunidze_rkatsiteli_2022_hwpf-g8.png [https_image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/21/babunidze_rkatsiteli_2022_hwpf-g8.png [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/21/babunidze_rkatsiteli_2022_hwpf-g8.png [relative_path] => detailed/21/babunidze_rkatsiteli_2022_hwpf-g8.png ) ) [image_pairs] => Array ( [16656] => Array ( [pair_id] => 16656 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 21003 [position] => 1 [object_id] => 13486 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 13486 [object_type] => product [type] => A [image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/21/babunidze_rkatsiteli_20222_r3lz-nm.png [alt] => [image_x] => 672 [image_y] => 1800 [http_image_path] => http://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/21/babunidze_rkatsiteli_20222_r3lz-nm.png [https_image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/21/babunidze_rkatsiteli_20222_r3lz-nm.png [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/21/babunidze_rkatsiteli_20222_r3lz-nm.png [relative_path] => detailed/21/babunidze_rkatsiteli_20222_r3lz-nm.png ) ) ) [base_price] => 63.00000000 [selected_options] => Array ( ) [has_options] => [product_options] => Array ( ) [discounts] => Array ( [A] => 0 [P] => 0 ) [product_features] => Array ( [166] => Array ( [feature_id] => 166 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48012 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Icons [description] => Icons [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => ქვევრი [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [48012] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48012 [variant] => ქვევრი [image_pairs] => ) [48107] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48107 [variant] => მუხის კასრი ) ) ) [167] => Array ( [feature_id] => 167 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48013 [feature_type] => S [internal_name] => Volume [description] => Volume [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 750ml [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [48013] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48013 [variant] => 750ml [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [163] => Array ( [feature_id] => 163 [value] => [value_int] => 12.00 [variant_id] => 51528 [feature_type] => N [internal_name] => Alcohol [description] => Alcohol [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 12.00 [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 43-51528 [variants] => Array ( [51528] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => 12.00 [variant_id] => 51528 [variant] => 12.00 [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [158] => Array ( [feature_id] => 158 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48002 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Color [description] => Color [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Amber [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [48002] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48002 [variant] => Amber [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [159] => Array ( [feature_id] => 159 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49595 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Aroma [description] => Aroma [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Vanilla [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [49595] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49595 [variant] => Vanilla [image_pairs] => ) [49582] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49582 [variant] => Dried apricot ) ) ) [160] => Array ( [feature_id] => 160 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50053 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Taste [description] => Taste [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Harmonic [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [50053] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50053 [variant] => Harmonic [image_pairs] => ) [49980] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49980 [variant] => Bodied ) ) ) [165] => Array ( [feature_id] => 165 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48233 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Technology [description] => Technology [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Qvevri/Oak Barrel [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 46-48233 [variants] => Array ( [48233] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48233 [variant] => Qvevri/Oak Barrel [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [161] => Array ( [feature_id] => 161 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 51526 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Grape [description] => Grape [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Rkatsiteli [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 47-51526 [variants] => Array ( [51526] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 51526 [variant] => Rkatsiteli [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [168] => Array ( [feature_id] => 168 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50198 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Family Wine Cellar [description] => Family Wine Cellar [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Babunidze Wines [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 51-50198 [variants] => Array ( [50198] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50198 [variant] => Babunidze Wines [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [169] => Array ( [feature_id] => 169 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50585 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Origin [description] => Origin [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Telavi [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 48-50585 [variants] => Array ( [50585] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50585 [variant] => Telavi [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [162] => Array ( [feature_id] => 162 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48008 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Region [description] => Region [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Kakheti [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 49-48008 [variants] => Array ( [48008] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48008 [variant] => Kakheti [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [164] => Array ( [feature_id] => 164 [value] => [value_int] => 2022.00 [variant_id] => 48046 [feature_type] => N [internal_name] => Vintage Year [description] => Vintage Year [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 2022 [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 44-48046 [variants] => Array ( [48046] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => 2022.00 [variant_id] => 48046 [variant] => 2022 [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [156] => Array ( [feature_id] => 156 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48312 [feature_type] => E [internal_name] => Brands [description] => Brands [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Babunidze Wines [parent_id] => 155 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => N [feature_code] => [purpose] => organize_catalog [name] => winery-babunidze [features_hash] => 45-48312 [variants] => Array ( [48312] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48312 [variant] => Babunidze Wines [image_pairs] => ) ) ) ) [qty_content] => Array ( ) [detailed_params] => Array ( [get_icon] => 1 [get_detailed] => 1 [get_additional] => 1 [get_options] => 1 [get_discounts] => 1 [get_features] => 1 [get_extra] => [get_taxed_prices] => 1 [get_for_one_product] => [detailed_params] => 1 [features_display_on] => C [get_active_options] => [get_only_selectable_options] => ) )
Array ( [product_id] => 12944 [product] => Saperavi [company_name] => Batumi [supplier_id] => [product_code] => 3003475 [product_type] => P [status] => A [company_id] => 7 [list_price] => 49.00 [amount] => 28 [weight] => 1.50 [length] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [shipping_freight] => 0.00 [low_avail_limit] => 0 [timestamp] => 1712063288 [updated_timestamp] => 1734235929 [usergroup_ids] => 0 [is_edp] => N [edp_shipping] => N [unlimited_download] => N [tracking] => B [free_shipping] => N [feature_comparison] => N [zero_price_action] => R [is_pbp] => Y [is_op] => N [is_oper] => N [is_returnable] => Y [return_period] => 10 [avail_since] => 0 [out_of_stock_actions] => N [localization] => [min_qty] => 0 [max_qty] => 0 [qty_step] => 0 [list_qty_count] => 0 [tax_ids] => [age_verification] => N [age_limit] => 0 [options_type] => P [exceptions_type] => F [details_layout] => default [shipping_params] => a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;} [facebook_obj_type] => [buy_now_url] => [fina_id] => 21057 [updated] => 0 [has_video] => N [is_stock_split_by_warehouses] => N [price] => 29.40000000 [short_description] => [full_description] => <p>The wine is yellow with medium acidity, with sweet and overripe fruit aromas. On the palate, sharp tannins and medium acidity with berry flavors and lingering tannins. </p> <p>The wine is interesting to enjoy after 8-9 years of aging. It pairs well with vegetables, pasta, and wood mushrooms.</p><p class="text-right">Qeti Japaridze<br>MA in Enology</p> [meta_keywords] => Babunidze Wines Saperavi 2021 Qvevri [meta_description] => Babunidze Wines Saperavi 2021 Qvevri [search_words] => [promo_text] => [category_ids] => Array ( [0] => 240 [1] => 248 [2] => 239 [3] => 238 ) [seo_name] => babunidze-wines-saperavi-2021-qvevri [seo_path] => 228/238 [main_category] => 238 [category_ids_with_parents] => Array ( [0] => 228 [1] => 238 ) [category_names] => Array ( [228] => RED [238] => DRY ) [options_type_raw] => P [exceptions_type_raw] => F [tracking_raw] => B [zero_price_action_raw] => R [min_qty_raw] => 0 [max_qty_raw] => 0 [qty_step_raw] => 0 [list_qty_count_raw] => 0 [details_layout_raw] => default [main_pair] => Array ( [pair_id] => 15652 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 20033 [position] => 0 [object_id] => 12944 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 12944 [object_type] => product [type] => M [image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/20/babunidze_saperavi_2021_110a-s7_qv1w-yt.png [alt] => Babunidze Wines Saperavi 2021 Qvevri [image_x] => 672 [image_y] => 1800 [http_image_path] => http://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/20/babunidze_saperavi_2021_110a-s7_qv1w-yt.png [https_image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/20/babunidze_saperavi_2021_110a-s7_qv1w-yt.png [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/20/babunidze_saperavi_2021_110a-s7_qv1w-yt.png [relative_path] => detailed/20/babunidze_saperavi_2021_110a-s7_qv1w-yt.png ) ) [base_price] => 29.40000000 [selected_options] => Array ( ) [has_options] => [product_options] => Array ( ) [list_discount] => 19.6 [list_discount_prc] => 40 [discounts] => Array ( [A] => 0 [P] => 0 ) [product_features] => Array ( [166] => Array ( [feature_id] => 166 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48012 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Icons [description] => Icons [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => ქვევრი [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [48012] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48012 [variant] => ქვევრი [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [167] => Array ( [feature_id] => 167 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48013 [feature_type] => S [internal_name] => Volume [description] => Volume [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 750ml [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [48013] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48013 [variant] => 750ml [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [163] => Array ( [feature_id] => 163 [value] => [value_int] => 12.50 [variant_id] => 48032 [feature_type] => N [internal_name] => Alcohol [description] => Alcohol [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 12.50 [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 43-48032 [variants] => Array ( [48032] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => 12.50 [variant_id] => 48032 [variant] => 12.50 [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [158] => Array ( [feature_id] => 158 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49544 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Color [description] => Color [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Dark violet [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [49544] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49544 [variant] => Dark violet [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [159] => Array ( [feature_id] => 159 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49695 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Aroma [description] => Aroma [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Ripe cherry [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [49695] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49695 [variant] => Ripe cherry [image_pairs] => ) [50074] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50074 [variant] => Red berry ) ) ) [160] => Array ( [feature_id] => 160 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50023 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Taste [description] => Taste [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Strong tannin [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [50023] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50023 [variant] => Strong tannin [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [165] => Array ( [feature_id] => 165 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48011 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Technology [description] => Technology [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Qvevri [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 46-48011 [variants] => Array ( [48011] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48011 [variant] => Qvevri [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [161] => Array ( [feature_id] => 161 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48030 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Grape [description] => Grape [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Saperavi [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 47-48030 [variants] => Array ( [48030] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48030 [variant] => Saperavi [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [168] => Array ( [feature_id] => 168 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50198 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Family Wine Cellar [description] => Family Wine Cellar [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Babunidze Wines [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 51-50198 [variants] => Array ( [50198] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50198 [variant] => Babunidze Wines [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [162] => Array ( [feature_id] => 162 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48008 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Region [description] => Region [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Kakheti [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 49-48008 [variants] => Array ( [48008] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48008 [variant] => Kakheti [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [164] => Array ( [feature_id] => 164 [value] => [value_int] => 2021.00 [variant_id] => 48010 [feature_type] => N [internal_name] => Vintage Year [description] => Vintage Year [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 2021 [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 44-48010 [variants] => Array ( [48010] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => 2021.00 [variant_id] => 48010 [variant] => 2021 [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [156] => Array ( [feature_id] => 156 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48312 [feature_type] => E [internal_name] => Brands [description] => Brands [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Babunidze Wines [parent_id] => 155 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => N [feature_code] => [purpose] => organize_catalog [name] => winery-babunidze [features_hash] => 45-48312 [variants] => Array ( [48312] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48312 [variant] => Babunidze Wines [image_pairs] => ) ) ) ) [qty_content] => Array ( ) [detailed_params] => Array ( [get_icon] => 1 [get_detailed] => 1 [get_additional] => 1 [get_options] => 1 [get_discounts] => 1 [get_features] => 1 [get_extra] => [get_taxed_prices] => 1 [get_for_one_product] => [detailed_params] => 1 [features_display_on] => C [get_active_options] => [get_only_selectable_options] => ) )
Array ( [product_id] => 12928 [product] => Rkatsiteli [company_name] => Batumi [supplier_id] => [product_code] => 30000905 [product_type] => P [status] => A [company_id] => 7 [list_price] => 42.00 [amount] => 13 [weight] => 1.50 [length] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [shipping_freight] => 0.00 [low_avail_limit] => 0 [timestamp] => 1712063287 [updated_timestamp] => 1734149527 [usergroup_ids] => 0 [is_edp] => N [edp_shipping] => N [unlimited_download] => N [tracking] => B [free_shipping] => N [feature_comparison] => N [zero_price_action] => R [is_pbp] => Y [is_op] => N [is_oper] => N [is_returnable] => Y [return_period] => 10 [avail_since] => 0 [out_of_stock_actions] => N [localization] => [min_qty] => 0 [max_qty] => 0 [qty_step] => 0 [list_qty_count] => 0 [tax_ids] => [age_verification] => N [age_limit] => 0 [options_type] => P [exceptions_type] => F [details_layout] => default [shipping_params] => a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;} [facebook_obj_type] => [buy_now_url] => [fina_id] => 21194 [updated] => 0 [has_video] => N [is_stock_split_by_warehouses] => N [price] => 29.40000000 [short_description] => [full_description] => <p>The wine made from the Rkatsiteli grape variety is characterized by a dark, deep amber color, transitioning to brown. It has the aromas of overripe, sweet fruits, raisins, dried apricots, and yellow, dried leaves. On the palate, the balance of tannins, acidity, and alcohol creates a harmonious wine with a strong structure and full body. </p> <p>The wine is in good drinking condition and goes perfectly with grilled turkey and mushroom burger. </p> <p></p> <p class="text-right">Kato Shalvashvili<br>8000 Vintages Sommelier and Wine Taster</p> [meta_keywords] => Babunidze Wines Rkatsiteli 2021 Qvevri [meta_description] => Babunidze Wines Rkatsiteli 2021 Qvevri [search_words] => Babunidze Wines Rkatsiteli 2021 Qvevri babunidzes marani,babunidzis marani, babunidzis gvinoebi,ბაბუნიძის ღვინოები,ბაბუნიდზე,ბაბუნიძეს მარანი,გიორგი ბაბუნიძის მეღვინეობა,giorgi babunidzes winery.გიორგი ბაბუნიძეს მეღვინეობა ბაბუნიძის მარანი Babunidze Rkatsiteli 2021 Qvevri [promo_text] => [category_ids] => Array ( [0] => 240 [1] => 222 [2] => 234 [3] => 220 ) [seo_name] => babunidze-wines-rkatsiteli-2021-qvevri [seo_path] => 219/220 [main_category] => 220 [category_ids_with_parents] => Array ( [0] => 219 [1] => 220 ) [category_names] => Array ( [219] => WHITE [220] => DRY ) [options_type_raw] => P [exceptions_type_raw] => F [tracking_raw] => B [zero_price_action_raw] => R [min_qty_raw] => 0 [max_qty_raw] => 0 [qty_step_raw] => 0 [list_qty_count_raw] => 0 [details_layout_raw] => default [main_pair] => Array ( [pair_id] => 15651 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 20032 [position] => 0 [object_id] => 12928 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 12928 [object_type] => product [type] => M [image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/20/babunidze_rkatsiteli_2020-min_4auj-ee.png [alt] => Babunidze Wines Rkatsiteli 2021 Qvevri [image_x] => 672 [image_y] => 1800 [http_image_path] => http://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/20/babunidze_rkatsiteli_2020-min_4auj-ee.png [https_image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/20/babunidze_rkatsiteli_2020-min_4auj-ee.png [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/20/babunidze_rkatsiteli_2020-min_4auj-ee.png [relative_path] => detailed/20/babunidze_rkatsiteli_2020-min_4auj-ee.png ) ) [base_price] => 29.40000000 [selected_options] => Array ( ) [has_options] => [product_options] => Array ( ) [list_discount] => 12.6 [list_discount_prc] => 30 [discounts] => Array ( [A] => 0 [P] => 0 ) [product_features] => Array ( [166] => Array ( [feature_id] => 166 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48012 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Icons [description] => Icons [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => ქვევრი [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [48012] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48012 [variant] => ქვევრი [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [167] => Array ( [feature_id] => 167 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48013 [feature_type] => S [internal_name] => Volume [description] => Volume [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 750ml [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [48013] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48013 [variant] => 750ml [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [163] => Array ( [feature_id] => 163 [value] => [value_int] => 13.50 [variant_id] => 48060 [feature_type] => N [internal_name] => Alcohol [description] => Alcohol [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 13.50 [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 43-48060 [variants] => Array ( [48060] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => 13.50 [variant_id] => 48060 [variant] => 13.50 [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [158] => Array ( [feature_id] => 158 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48002 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Color [description] => Color [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Amber [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [48002] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48002 [variant] => Amber [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [159] => Array ( [feature_id] => 159 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49582 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Aroma [description] => Aroma [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Dried apricot [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [49582] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49582 [variant] => Dried apricot [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [160] => Array ( [feature_id] => 160 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49980 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Taste [description] => Taste [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Bodied [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [49980] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49980 [variant] => Bodied [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [165] => Array ( [feature_id] => 165 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48011 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Technology [description] => Technology [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Qvevri [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 46-48011 [variants] => Array ( [48011] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48011 [variant] => Qvevri [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [161] => Array ( [feature_id] => 161 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 51526 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Grape [description] => Grape [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Rkatsiteli [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 47-51526 [variants] => Array ( [51526] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 51526 [variant] => Rkatsiteli [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [168] => Array ( [feature_id] => 168 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50198 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Family Wine Cellar [description] => Family Wine Cellar [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Babunidze Wines [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 51-50198 [variants] => Array ( [50198] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50198 [variant] => Babunidze Wines [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [162] => Array ( [feature_id] => 162 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48008 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Region [description] => Region [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Kakheti [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 49-48008 [variants] => Array ( [48008] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48008 [variant] => Kakheti [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [164] => Array ( [feature_id] => 164 [value] => [value_int] => 2021.00 [variant_id] => 48010 [feature_type] => N [internal_name] => Vintage Year [description] => Vintage Year [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 2021 [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 44-48010 [variants] => Array ( [48010] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => 2021.00 [variant_id] => 48010 [variant] => 2021 [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [156] => Array ( [feature_id] => 156 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48312 [feature_type] => E [internal_name] => Brands [description] => Brands [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Babunidze Wines [parent_id] => 155 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => N [feature_code] => [purpose] => organize_catalog [name] => winery-babunidze [features_hash] => 45-48312 [variants] => Array ( [48312] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48312 [variant] => Babunidze Wines [image_pairs] => ) ) ) ) [qty_content] => Array ( ) [detailed_params] => Array ( [get_icon] => 1 [get_detailed] => 1 [get_additional] => 1 [get_options] => 1 [get_discounts] => 1 [get_features] => 1 [get_extra] => [get_taxed_prices] => 1 [get_for_one_product] => [detailed_params] => 1 [features_display_on] => C [get_active_options] => [get_only_selectable_options] => ) )
Array ( [product_id] => 11162 [product] => Khikhvi [company_name] => Batumi [supplier_id] => [product_code] => 30026818 [product_type] => P [status] => A [company_id] => 7 [list_price] => 42.00 [amount] => 12 [weight] => 1.50 [length] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [shipping_freight] => 0.00 [low_avail_limit] => 0 [timestamp] => 1706868495 [updated_timestamp] => 1733803508 [usergroup_ids] => 0 [is_edp] => N [edp_shipping] => N [unlimited_download] => N [tracking] => B [free_shipping] => N [feature_comparison] => N [zero_price_action] => R [is_pbp] => Y [is_op] => N [is_oper] => N [is_returnable] => Y [return_period] => 10 [avail_since] => 0 [out_of_stock_actions] => N [localization] => [min_qty] => 0 [max_qty] => 0 [qty_step] => 0 [list_qty_count] => 0 [tax_ids] => [age_verification] => N [age_limit] => 0 [options_type] => P [exceptions_type] => F [details_layout] => default [shipping_params] => a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;} [facebook_obj_type] => [buy_now_url] => [fina_id] => 19375 [updated] => 0 [has_video] => N [is_stock_split_by_warehouses] => N [price] => 29.40000000 [short_description] => [full_description] => [meta_keywords] => Babunidze Wines Khikhvi 2021 Qvevri [meta_description] => Babunidze Wines Khikhvi 2021 Qvevri [search_words] => ბაბუნიძის მარანი ხიხვი 2021 ქვევრი, Babunidze Wines Khikhvi 2021 Qvevri,ბაბუნიძის ღვინოები,ბაბუნიძეbabunidzes marani,babunidzis marani, babunidzis gvinoebi,ბაბუნიძის ღვინოები,ბაბუნიდზე,ბაბუნიძეს მარანი,გიორგი ბაბუნიძის მეღვინეობა,giorgi babunidzes winery.გიორგი ბაბუნიძეს მეღვინეობა ბაბუნიძის მარანი Babunidze [promo_text] => [category_ids] => Array ( [0] => 220 [1] => 234 [2] => 222 ) [seo_name] => babunidze-wines-khikhvi-2021-qvevri [seo_path] => 221/222 [main_category] => 222 [category_ids_with_parents] => Array ( [0] => 219 [1] => 220 ) [category_names] => Array ( [219] => WHITE [220] => DRY ) [options_type_raw] => P [exceptions_type_raw] => F [tracking_raw] => B [zero_price_action_raw] => R [min_qty_raw] => 0 [max_qty_raw] => 0 [qty_step_raw] => 0 [list_qty_count_raw] => 0 [details_layout_raw] => default [main_pair] => Array ( [pair_id] => 18627 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 22932 [position] => 0 [object_id] => 11162 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 11162 [object_type] => product [type] => M [image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/22/babunidze_khikhvi_qvevri_2021_dojp-i5.png [alt] => Babunidze Wines Khikhvi 2021 Qvevri [image_x] => 672 [image_y] => 1800 [http_image_path] => http://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/22/babunidze_khikhvi_qvevri_2021_dojp-i5.png [https_image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/22/babunidze_khikhvi_qvevri_2021_dojp-i5.png [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/22/babunidze_khikhvi_qvevri_2021_dojp-i5.png [relative_path] => detailed/22/babunidze_khikhvi_qvevri_2021_dojp-i5.png ) ) [image_pairs] => Array ( [18628] => Array ( [pair_id] => 18628 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 22933 [position] => 1 [object_id] => 11162 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 11162 [object_type] => product [type] => A [image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/22/babunidze_khikhvi_qvevri_20212_9y1p-2h.png [alt] => [image_x] => 672 [image_y] => 1800 [http_image_path] => http://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/22/babunidze_khikhvi_qvevri_20212_9y1p-2h.png [https_image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/bat/images/detailed/22/babunidze_khikhvi_qvevri_20212_9y1p-2h.png [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/22/babunidze_khikhvi_qvevri_20212_9y1p-2h.png [relative_path] => detailed/22/babunidze_khikhvi_qvevri_20212_9y1p-2h.png ) ) ) [base_price] => 29.40000000 [selected_options] => Array ( ) [has_options] => [product_options] => Array ( ) [list_discount] => 12.6 [list_discount_prc] => 30 [discounts] => Array ( [A] => 0 [P] => 0 ) [product_features] => Array ( [166] => Array ( [feature_id] => 166 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48012 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Icons [description] => Icons [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => ქვევრი [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [48012] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48012 [variant] => ქვევრი [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [167] => Array ( [feature_id] => 167 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48013 [feature_type] => S [internal_name] => Volume [description] => Volume [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 750ml [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [48013] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48013 [variant] => 750ml [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [163] => Array ( [feature_id] => 163 [value] => [value_int] => 12.00 [variant_id] => 51528 [feature_type] => N [internal_name] => Alcohol [description] => Alcohol [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 12.00 [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 43-51528 [variants] => Array ( [51528] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => 12.00 [variant_id] => 51528 [variant] => 12.00 [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [158] => Array ( [feature_id] => 158 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48002 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Color [description] => Color [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Amber [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [48002] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48002 [variant] => Amber [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [159] => Array ( [feature_id] => 159 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48150 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Aroma [description] => Aroma [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Apple [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [48150] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48150 [variant] => Apple [image_pairs] => ) [49723] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49723 [variant] => Almond ) [52075] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 52075 [variant] => Dried apricots ) ) ) [160] => Array ( [feature_id] => 160 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49980 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Taste [description] => Taste [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Bodied [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [49980] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49980 [variant] => Bodied [image_pairs] => ) [49982] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49982 [variant] => With tannin ) ) ) [165] => Array ( [feature_id] => 165 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48011 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Technology [description] => Technology [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Qvevri [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 46-48011 [variants] => Array ( [48011] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48011 [variant] => Qvevri [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [161] => Array ( [feature_id] => 161 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48401 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Grape [description] => Grape [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Khikhvi [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 47-48401 [variants] => Array ( [48401] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48401 [variant] => Khikhvi [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [168] => Array ( [feature_id] => 168 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50198 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Family Wine Cellar [description] => Family Wine Cellar [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Babunidze Wines [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 51-50198 [variants] => Array ( [50198] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 50198 [variant] => Babunidze Wines [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [162] => Array ( [feature_id] => 162 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48008 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Region [description] => Region [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Kakheti [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 49-48008 [variants] => Array ( [48008] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48008 [variant] => Kakheti [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [164] => Array ( [feature_id] => 164 [value] => [value_int] => 2021.00 [variant_id] => 48010 [feature_type] => N [internal_name] => Vintage Year [description] => Vintage Year [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 2021 [parent_id] => 157 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 44-48010 [variants] => Array ( [48010] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => 2021.00 [variant_id] => 48010 [variant] => 2021 [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [156] => Array ( [feature_id] => 156 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48312 [feature_type] => E [internal_name] => Brands [description] => Brands [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Babunidze Wines [parent_id] => 155 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => N [feature_code] => [purpose] => organize_catalog [name] => winery-babunidze [features_hash] => 45-48312 [variants] => Array ( [48312] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48312 [variant] => Babunidze Wines [image_pairs] => ) ) ) ) [qty_content] => Array ( ) [detailed_params] => Array ( [get_icon] => 1 [get_detailed] => 1 [get_additional] => 1 [get_options] => 1 [get_discounts] => 1 [get_features] => 1 [get_extra] => [get_taxed_prices] => 1 [get_for_one_product] => [detailed_params] => 1 [features_display_on] => C [get_active_options] => [get_only_selectable_options] => ) )