Alcohol %
Family Wine Cellar
Saperavi Reserve 2017
  1. Array
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        [full_description] => <p>The wine is dark ruby, with brown edges characteristic of age. On the palate, leather and smoky tones are felt, typical for the age, along with slightly below-average acidity, rounded tannins, and a medium aftertaste.</p>
    <p>It is interesting to try it with a 10-11-year-old.</p>
    <p>Pairs well with steak, smoked meat, fatty chicken dish, salty cheese.</p>
    <p class="text-right">Qeti Japaridze</p>
    <p class="text-right">MA in Enology</p>
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Khikhvi 2017
  1. Array
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Khikhvi 2022
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Satrapezo Saperavi 2019
  1. Array
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Saperavi • 1984 2018
  1. Array
        [product_id] => 14333
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        [company_name] => Berlin
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    <p>Decanting before serving is recommended. Despite its eight-year age, the wine shows promise for further bottle aging. It pairs well with pork or lamb, grilled vegetables, and mushroom dishes.</p>
    <p class="text-right">Dea Purtseladze</p>
    <p class="text-right">Wine expert, MA in Wine Hospitality and Wine Marketing</p>
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        [meta_description] => Solomnishvili Budeshuri Saperavi 2018 (1984)
        [search_words] => Solomnishvili Budeshuri Saperavi 2018 (1984)გიორგი სოლომნიშვილი, სოლომნიშვილი, გიორგი სოლომნიშვილის მეღვინეობა, გიორგი სოლომნიშვილის მეღვინეობა,გიორგი სოლომნიშვილის ღვინო,giorgi solomnishvili wine,solomnishvilis winery,giorgi solomnishvili's winery,გიორგი სოლომნიშვილის მეღვინეობა,giorgi solomnishvilis winery,solomnishvili's winery
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Rkatsiteli 2021
  1. Array
        [product_id] => 14334
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        [full_description] => <p>Fermented in French oak barrels and aged for 12 months, the wine is light golden in color with a greenish hue. The aromas of barrel aging are leading: spices, conifers, white pepper. Tones of cream, white bliss jam, and orange peel are also felt. The palate is livelier than the aromas, with cheerful acidity and citrus tones. The palate is characterized by light spiciness and minerality.</p>
    <p>It is ideal for those who like white wines saturated with the aromas of barrel aging. The wine has several years of aging in the bottle. Goes well with grilled salmon or tuna, poultry, and mushroom dishes.</p>
    <p class="text-right">Dea Purtseladze</p>
    <p class="text-right">Wine expert, MA in Wine Hospitality and Wine Marketing</p>
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Saperavi • Reserve 2007
  1. Array
        [product_id] => 14307
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        [company_name] => Berlin
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        [full_description] => <p>Made from Saperavi grapes grown in Kakheti's exceptional terroirs of Akhobi and Mukuzani, Georgian Fine Wines presents a dark cherry hue with a purple rim.</p>
    <p>Dominant aromas of barrel aging and bottle maturation include smoke, vanilla, coconut, leather, ripe black plums, spices, and tobacco. Full-bodied with velvety tannins and a long finish, it offers tones of dried plum on the palate.</p>
    <p>Complex, characterful, and elegant, this wine ages well with potential for further bottle aging. Unfiltered and requiring at least an hour of decanting, it pairs superbly with slow-cooked red meats and browned vegetables, as well as pate and mushroom dishes.</p>
    <p class="text-right">Dea Purtseladze</p>
    <p class="text-right">Wine expert, MA in Wine Hospitality and Wine Marketing</p>
        [meta_keywords] => Georgian Fine Wines Saperavi 2007
        [meta_description] => Georgian Fine Wines Saperavi 2007
        [search_words] => Georgian Fine Wines, Saperavi Reserve, 2007 Aged in Oak Barrels Unfiltered ჯორჯიან ფაინ ვაინს ჯორჯიან ფაინ ვაინზ საფერავი რეზერვი 2007 ქართული რჩეული ღვინოები
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                        [description] => იკონკები
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                        [suffix] => 
                        [variant] => Oak Barrel
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                        [features_hash] => 37-47970
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                                        [value_int] => 
                                        [variant_id] => 47967
                                        [variant] => Oak Barrel
                                        [image_pairs] => 
                                [47970] => Array
                                        [value] => 
                                        [value_int] => 
                                        [variant_id] => 47970
                                        [variant] => Unfiltered
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                        [variant_id] => 49099
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                                        [value_int] => 
                                        [variant_id] => 49099
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                                [49007] => Array
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                                        [value_int] => 
                                        [variant_id] => 49007
                                        [variant] => Tannin
                                [49031] => Array
                                        [value] => 
                                        [value_int] => 
                                        [variant_id] => 49031
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Aleksandrouli 2022
  1. Array
        [product_id] => 14310
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        [company_name] => Berlin
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        [full_description] => <p>The wine is made in the Racha-Lechkhumi region, in the Khvanchkara microzone, from harvested Aleksandrouli by the classical method and aged in French oak barrels.</p>
    <p>The wine is pomegranate-colored, with leading aromas of spices, smoke, and black pepper. There are also notes of red bell pepper, forest soil, and red rose. It has a medium body with good acidity and a medium-length finish. On the palate, you can feel the tones of aging in an oak barrel.</p>
    <p>Has the potential to age in the bottle for several years. Goes well with grilled tuna steak, mushroom tortellini with pesto sauce, and a variety of sausages.</p>
    <p class="text-right">Dea Purtseladze</p>
    <p class="text-right">Wine expert, MA in Wine Hospitality and Wine Marketing</p>
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                        [suffix] => 
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                                        [value_int] => 
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                                        [variant] => Oak Barrel
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Saperavi Superieur 2019
  1. Array
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        [product] => Saperavi Superieur
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Shavkapito 2020
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Saperavi • Otskhanuri Sapere • Shavkapito 2017
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    <p>The wine displays a dark cherry color, with a garnet-colored edge. Leading aromas include vanilla, cinnamon, caramel, and coconut. The second nose reveals light tones of red bell pepper and berries. It boasts a full-bodied profile with rounded tannins and a lingering aftertaste. The elevated alcohol content imparts a pleasant warmth on the palate, with notes of black plum and smokiness. Its stylistic resemblance to Bordeaux wines makes it intriguing for enthusiasts.
    <p>With good bottle aging potential, it's advisable to decant the wine before serving. Ideal pairings include beef, pork, lamb, or wild fowl, alongside grilled vegetables and berry sauce.
    </p><p class="text-right">Dea Purtseladze<br>Wine expert, MA in Wine Hospitality and Wine Marketing</p>
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Saperavi Khashmi 2020
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        [short_description] => 
        [full_description] => <p>The wine is aged using red wine technology in stainless steel and then aged in an oak barrel for 15 months.
    <p>The wine is rich in aromas of lively berries and blackberries, perfectly combined with tones of dark chocolate and light coffee beans from the oak barrel. On the palate, there is lively, pronounced acidity, elegant, rounded tannins, and a medium body.
    <p>The wine goes perfectly with truffle paste and lamb meat.
    </p><p></p><p class="text-right">Kato Shalvashvili<br>8000 Vintages Sommelier and Wine Taster</p>
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