No items found matching the search criteria
Array ( [product_id] => 8466 [product] => Saperavi [company_name] => Berlin [price] => 149.00000000 [supplier_id] => [product_code] => 4860015041278 [product_type] => P [status] => A [company_id] => 5 [list_price] => 0.00 [amount] => 5 [weight] => 1.50 [length] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [shipping_freight] => 0.00 [low_avail_limit] => 0 [timestamp] => 1699110446 [updated_timestamp] => 1733588268 [usergroup_ids] => 0 [is_edp] => N [edp_shipping] => N [unlimited_download] => N [tracking] => B [free_shipping] => N [feature_comparison] => N [zero_price_action] => R [is_pbp] => Y [is_op] => N [is_oper] => N [is_returnable] => Y [return_period] => 10 [avail_since] => 0 [out_of_stock_actions] => N [localization] => [min_qty] => 0 [max_qty] => 0 [qty_step] => 0 [list_qty_count] => 0 [tax_ids] => [age_verification] => N [age_limit] => 0 [options_type] => P [exceptions_type] => F [details_layout] => default [shipping_params] => a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;} [facebook_obj_type] => [buy_now_url] => [fina_id] => 0 [updated] => 0 [has_video] => N [is_stock_split_by_warehouses] => N [short_description] => Giorgi Mirianashvili, the owner, and winemaker, is assisted by his children, Andria and Anna, in wine production and promotion. The winery is located in East Georgia, in the Kakheti region, in the village of Shilda. The winery owns its own vineyards. [full_description] => [meta_keywords] => Chelti Saperavi 2008 [meta_description] => Chelti Saperavi 2008 [search_words] => Chelti Saperavi 2008 ჩელთი,ცელტი,ცელთი,ჩელტი,chelti,winery chelti,მეღვინეობა ჩელთი,ჩელთის ღვინო [promo_text] => [category_ids] => Array ( [0] => 189 ) [position] => 0 [seo_name] => chelti-saperavi-2008-oak [seo_path] => 184/189 [main_category] => 189 [category_ids_with_parents] => Array ( [0] => 184 [1] => 189 ) [category_names] => Array ( [184] => RED [189] => DRY ) [options_type_raw] => P [exceptions_type_raw] => F [tracking_raw] => B [zero_price_action_raw] => R [min_qty_raw] => 0 [max_qty_raw] => 0 [qty_step_raw] => 0 [list_qty_count_raw] => 0 [details_layout_raw] => default [main_pair] => Array ( [pair_id] => 11579 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 16050 [position] => 0 [object_id] => 8466 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 8466 [object_type] => product [type] => M [image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/16/chelti-saperavi-heritage-2008_lkb2-oo.png [alt] => Chelti Saperavi 2008 [image_x] => 672 [image_y] => 1800 [http_image_path] => http://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/16/chelti-saperavi-heritage-2008_lkb2-oo.png [https_image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/16/chelti-saperavi-heritage-2008_lkb2-oo.png [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/16/chelti-saperavi-heritage-2008_lkb2-oo.png [relative_path] => detailed/16/chelti-saperavi-heritage-2008_lkb2-oo.png ) ) [base_price] => 149.00000000 [selected_options] => Array ( ) [has_options] => [product_options] => Array ( ) [discounts] => Array ( [A] => 0 [P] => 0 ) [product_features] => Array ( [187] => Array ( [feature_id] => 187 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49222 [feature_type] => E [internal_name] => Brands [description] => Brands [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Chelti [parent_id] => 186 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => N [feature_code] => [purpose] => organize_catalog [name] => winery-chelti [features_hash] => 41-49222 [variants] => Array ( [49222] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49222 [variant] => Chelti [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [154] => Array ( [feature_id] => 154 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47967 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => იკონკები [description] => იკონკები [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Oak Barrel [parent_id] => 153 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 37-47967 [variants] => Array ( [47967] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47967 [variant] => Oak Barrel [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [145] => Array ( [feature_id] => 145 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48999 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Taste [description] => Taste [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Rich bouquet [parent_id] => 153 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [48999] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 48999 [variant] => Rich bouquet [image_pairs] => ) [47993] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47993 [variant] => Sophisticated ) [49208] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49208 [variant] => Elegant ) ) ) [151] => Array ( [feature_id] => 151 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49067 [feature_type] => S [internal_name] => Year [description] => Year [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 2008 [parent_id] => 153 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 30-49067 [variants] => Array ( [49067] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49067 [variant] => 2008 [image_pairs] => ) ) ) ) [qty_content] => Array ( ) [detailed_params] => Array ( [get_icon] => 1 [get_detailed] => 1 [get_additional] => 1 [get_options] => 1 [get_discounts] => 1 [get_features] => 1 [get_extra] => [get_taxed_prices] => 1 [get_for_one_product] => [detailed_params] => 1 [features_display_on] => C [get_active_options] => [get_only_selectable_options] => ) )
Red Dry
Array ( [product_id] => 8469 [product] => Saperavi [company_name] => Berlin [price] => 99.00000000 [supplier_id] => [product_code] => 4860015040806 [product_type] => P [status] => A [company_id] => 5 [list_price] => 0.00 [amount] => 19 [weight] => 1.50 [length] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [shipping_freight] => 0.00 [low_avail_limit] => 0 [timestamp] => 1699111891 [updated_timestamp] => 1733588269 [usergroup_ids] => 0 [is_edp] => N [edp_shipping] => N [unlimited_download] => N [tracking] => B [free_shipping] => N [feature_comparison] => N [zero_price_action] => R [is_pbp] => Y [is_op] => N [is_oper] => N [is_returnable] => Y [return_period] => 10 [avail_since] => 0 [out_of_stock_actions] => N [localization] => [min_qty] => 0 [max_qty] => 0 [qty_step] => 0 [list_qty_count] => 0 [tax_ids] => [age_verification] => N [age_limit] => 0 [options_type] => P [exceptions_type] => F [details_layout] => default [shipping_params] => a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;} [facebook_obj_type] => [buy_now_url] => [fina_id] => 0 [updated] => 0 [has_video] => N [is_stock_split_by_warehouses] => N [short_description] => Giorgi Mirianashvili, the owner, and winemaker, is assisted by his children, Andria and Anna, in wine production and promotion. The winery is located in East Georgia, in the Kakheti region, in the village of Shilda. The winery owns its own vineyards. [full_description] => [meta_keywords] => Chelti Saperavi Qvevri 2015 [meta_description] => Chelti Saperavi Qvevri 2015 [search_words] => ჩელთი,ცელტი,ცელთი,ჩელტი,chelti,winery chelti,მეღვინეობა ჩელთი,ჩელთის ღვინო [promo_text] => [category_ids] => Array ( [0] => 182 [1] => 189 ) [position] => 0 [seo_name] => chelti-saperavi-qvevri-2015 [seo_path] => 184/189 [main_category] => 189 [category_ids_with_parents] => Array ( [0] => 184 [1] => 189 ) [category_names] => Array ( [184] => RED [189] => DRY ) [options_type_raw] => P [exceptions_type_raw] => F [tracking_raw] => B [zero_price_action_raw] => R [min_qty_raw] => 0 [max_qty_raw] => 0 [qty_step_raw] => 0 [list_qty_count_raw] => 0 [details_layout_raw] => default [main_pair] => Array ( [pair_id] => 11582 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 16053 [position] => 0 [object_id] => 8469 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 8469 [object_type] => product [type] => M [image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/16/chelti-saperavi-heritage-2015-qvevri_fj8m-1b.png [alt] => Chelti Saperavi Qvevri 2015 [image_x] => 672 [image_y] => 1800 [http_image_path] => http://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/16/chelti-saperavi-heritage-2015-qvevri_fj8m-1b.png [https_image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/16/chelti-saperavi-heritage-2015-qvevri_fj8m-1b.png [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/16/chelti-saperavi-heritage-2015-qvevri_fj8m-1b.png [relative_path] => detailed/16/chelti-saperavi-heritage-2015-qvevri_fj8m-1b.png ) ) [base_price] => 99.00000000 [selected_options] => Array ( ) [has_options] => [product_options] => Array ( ) [discounts] => Array ( [A] => 0 [P] => 0 ) [product_features] => Array ( [187] => Array ( [feature_id] => 187 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49222 [feature_type] => E [internal_name] => Brands [description] => Brands [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Chelti [parent_id] => 186 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => N [feature_code] => [purpose] => organize_catalog [name] => winery-chelti [features_hash] => 41-49222 [variants] => Array ( [49222] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49222 [variant] => Chelti [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [154] => Array ( [feature_id] => 154 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47966 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => იკონკები [description] => იკონკები [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Qvevri [parent_id] => 153 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 37-47966 [variants] => Array ( [47966] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47966 [variant] => Qvevri [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [145] => Array ( [feature_id] => 145 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49208 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Taste [description] => Taste [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Elegant [parent_id] => 153 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [49208] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49208 [variant] => Elegant [image_pairs] => ) [47995] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47995 [variant] => Gentle ) [49101] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49101 [variant] => Velvety ) ) ) [151] => Array ( [feature_id] => 151 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47951 [feature_type] => S [internal_name] => Year [description] => Year [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 2015 [parent_id] => 153 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 30-47951 [variants] => Array ( [47951] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47951 [variant] => 2015 [image_pairs] => ) ) ) ) [qty_content] => Array ( ) [detailed_params] => Array ( [get_icon] => 1 [get_detailed] => 1 [get_additional] => 1 [get_options] => 1 [get_discounts] => 1 [get_features] => 1 [get_extra] => [get_taxed_prices] => 1 [get_for_one_product] => [detailed_params] => 1 [features_display_on] => C [get_active_options] => [get_only_selectable_options] => ) )
Array ( [product_id] => 9939 [product] => Saperavi [company_name] => Berlin [price] => 95.45000000 [supplier_id] => [product_code] => 300316 [product_type] => P [status] => A [company_id] => 5 [list_price] => 0.00 [amount] => 4 [weight] => 1.50 [length] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [shipping_freight] => 0.00 [low_avail_limit] => 0 [timestamp] => 1700210862 [updated_timestamp] => 1731412246 [usergroup_ids] => 0 [is_edp] => N [edp_shipping] => N [unlimited_download] => N [tracking] => B [free_shipping] => N [feature_comparison] => N [zero_price_action] => R [is_pbp] => Y [is_op] => N [is_oper] => N [is_returnable] => Y [return_period] => 10 [avail_since] => 0 [out_of_stock_actions] => N [localization] => [min_qty] => 0 [max_qty] => 0 [qty_step] => 0 [list_qty_count] => 0 [tax_ids] => [age_verification] => N [age_limit] => 0 [options_type] => P [exceptions_type] => F [details_layout] => default [shipping_params] => a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;} [facebook_obj_type] => [buy_now_url] => [fina_id] => 0 [updated] => 0 [has_video] => N [is_stock_split_by_warehouses] => N [short_description] => [full_description] => <p>Aged in an oak barrel. Giorgi Solomnishvili stands among the ranks of young winemakers and offers quite interesting projects to wine enthusiasts. He has created many memorable wines, and this is one of them. It is characterized by a ruby color of medium intensity, aromas of berries, cherries, and smoke are felt. On the palate, it is medium intense, with strong oak tannins and it is short-lived. The wine can be considered as a collector's item. <br></p> <p class="text-right">Rezi Tsetskhladze</p> <p class="text-right">Winemaker, wine expert, WSET Level 3<br></p> [meta_keywords] => Solomnishvili Saperavi 2010 [meta_description] => Solomnishvili Saperavi 2010 [search_words] => Solomnishvili Saperavi 2010გიორგი სოლომნიშვილი, სოლომნიშვილი, გიორგი სოლომნიშვილის მეღვინეობა, გიორგი სოლომნიშვილის მეღვინეობა,გიორგი სოლომნიშვილის ღვინო,giorgi solomnishvili wine,solomnishvilis winery,giorgi solomnishvili's winery,გიორგი სოლომნიშვილის მეღვინეობა,giorgi solomnishvilis winery,solomnishvili's winery [promo_text] => [category_ids] => Array ( [0] => 182 [1] => 189 ) [position] => 0 [seo_name] => solomnishvili-saperavi-2010 [seo_path] => 184/189 [main_category] => 189 [category_ids_with_parents] => Array ( [0] => 184 [1] => 189 ) [category_names] => Array ( [184] => RED [189] => DRY ) [options_type_raw] => P [exceptions_type_raw] => F [tracking_raw] => B [zero_price_action_raw] => R [min_qty_raw] => 0 [max_qty_raw] => 0 [qty_step_raw] => 0 [list_qty_count_raw] => 0 [details_layout_raw] => default [main_pair] => Array ( [pair_id] => 13542 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 17943 [position] => 0 [object_id] => 9939 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 9939 [object_type] => product [type] => M [image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/17/solomnishvili_2010_da7e-pl.png [alt] => Solomnishvili Saperavi 2010 [image_x] => 672 [image_y] => 1800 [http_image_path] => http://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/17/solomnishvili_2010_da7e-pl.png [https_image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/17/solomnishvili_2010_da7e-pl.png [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/17/solomnishvili_2010_da7e-pl.png [relative_path] => detailed/17/solomnishvili_2010_da7e-pl.png ) ) [base_price] => 95.45000000 [selected_options] => Array ( ) [has_options] => [product_options] => Array ( ) [discounts] => Array ( [A] => 0 [P] => 0 ) [product_features] => Array ( [187] => Array ( [feature_id] => 187 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49397 [feature_type] => E [internal_name] => Brands [description] => Brands [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Giorgi Solomnishvili Winery [parent_id] => 186 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => N [feature_code] => [purpose] => organize_catalog [name] => giorgi-solomnishvili-winery [features_hash] => 41-49397 [variants] => Array ( [49397] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49397 [variant] => Giorgi Solomnishvili Winery [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [154] => Array ( [feature_id] => 154 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47966 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => იკონკები [description] => იკონკები [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Qvevri [parent_id] => 153 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 37-47967 [variants] => Array ( [47966] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47966 [variant] => Qvevri [image_pairs] => ) [47967] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47967 [variant] => Oak Barrel ) ) ) [145] => Array ( [feature_id] => 145 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49400 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Taste [description] => Taste [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Dried plum [parent_id] => 153 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [49400] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49400 [variant] => Dried plum [image_pairs] => ) [49246] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49246 [variant] => Velvet tannin ) [49216] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49216 [variant] => Full body ) ) ) [151] => Array ( [feature_id] => 151 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49209 [feature_type] => S [internal_name] => Year [description] => Year [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 2010 [parent_id] => 153 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 30-49209 [variants] => Array ( [49209] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49209 [variant] => 2010 [image_pairs] => ) ) ) ) [qty_content] => Array ( ) [detailed_params] => Array ( [get_icon] => 1 [get_detailed] => 1 [get_additional] => 1 [get_options] => 1 [get_discounts] => 1 [get_features] => 1 [get_extra] => [get_taxed_prices] => 1 [get_for_one_product] => [detailed_params] => 1 [features_display_on] => C [get_active_options] => [get_only_selectable_options] => ) )
Giorgi Solomnishvili Winery
Array ( [product_id] => 8467 [product] => Saperavi [company_name] => Berlin [price] => 76.25000000 [supplier_id] => [product_code] => 4860015041940 [product_type] => P [status] => A [company_id] => 5 [list_price] => 0.00 [amount] => 14 [weight] => 1.50 [length] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [shipping_freight] => 0.00 [low_avail_limit] => 0 [timestamp] => 1699111494 [updated_timestamp] => 1733761139 [usergroup_ids] => 0 [is_edp] => N [edp_shipping] => N [unlimited_download] => N [tracking] => B [free_shipping] => N [feature_comparison] => N [zero_price_action] => R [is_pbp] => Y [is_op] => N [is_oper] => N [is_returnable] => Y [return_period] => 10 [avail_since] => 0 [out_of_stock_actions] => N [localization] => [min_qty] => 0 [max_qty] => 0 [qty_step] => 0 [list_qty_count] => 0 [tax_ids] => [age_verification] => N [age_limit] => 0 [options_type] => P [exceptions_type] => F [details_layout] => default [shipping_params] => a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;} [facebook_obj_type] => [buy_now_url] => [fina_id] => 0 [updated] => 0 [has_video] => N [is_stock_split_by_warehouses] => N [short_description] => Giorgi Mirianashvili, the owner, and winemaker, is assisted by his children, Andria and Anna, in wine production and promotion. The winery is located in East Georgia, in the Kakheti region, in the village of Shilda. The winery owns its own vineyards. [full_description] => [meta_keywords] => Chelti Saperavi 2010 [meta_description] => Chelti Saperavi 2010 [search_words] => Chelti Saperavi 2010 ჩელთი,ცელტი,ცელთი,ჩელტი,chelti,winery chelti,მეღვინეობა ჩელთი,ჩელთის ღვინო [promo_text] => [category_ids] => Array ( [0] => 189 ) [position] => 0 [seo_name] => chelti-saperavi-2010 [seo_path] => 184/189 [main_category] => 189 [category_ids_with_parents] => Array ( [0] => 184 [1] => 189 ) [category_names] => Array ( [184] => RED [189] => DRY ) [options_type_raw] => P [exceptions_type_raw] => F [tracking_raw] => B [zero_price_action_raw] => R [min_qty_raw] => 0 [max_qty_raw] => 0 [qty_step_raw] => 0 [list_qty_count_raw] => 0 [details_layout_raw] => default [main_pair] => Array ( [pair_id] => 11580 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 16051 [position] => 0 [object_id] => 8467 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 8467 [object_type] => product [type] => M [image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/16/chelti_saperavi_2010.png [alt] => Chelti Saperavi 2010 [image_x] => 672 [image_y] => 1800 [http_image_path] => http://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/16/chelti_saperavi_2010.png [https_image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/16/chelti_saperavi_2010.png [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/16/chelti_saperavi_2010.png [relative_path] => detailed/16/chelti_saperavi_2010.png ) ) [base_price] => 76.25000000 [selected_options] => Array ( ) [has_options] => [product_options] => Array ( ) [discounts] => Array ( [A] => 0 [P] => 0 ) [product_features] => Array ( [187] => Array ( [feature_id] => 187 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49222 [feature_type] => E [internal_name] => Brands [description] => Brands [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Chelti [parent_id] => 186 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => N [feature_code] => [purpose] => organize_catalog [name] => winery-chelti [features_hash] => 41-49222 [variants] => Array ( [49222] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49222 [variant] => Chelti [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [145] => Array ( [feature_id] => 145 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49071 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Taste [description] => Taste [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Balanced [parent_id] => 153 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [49071] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49071 [variant] => Balanced [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [151] => Array ( [feature_id] => 151 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49209 [feature_type] => S [internal_name] => Year [description] => Year [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 2010 [parent_id] => 153 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 30-49209 [variants] => Array ( [49209] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49209 [variant] => 2010 [image_pairs] => ) ) ) ) [qty_content] => Array ( ) [detailed_params] => Array ( [get_icon] => 1 [get_detailed] => 1 [get_additional] => 1 [get_options] => 1 [get_discounts] => 1 [get_features] => 1 [get_extra] => [get_taxed_prices] => 1 [get_for_one_product] => [detailed_params] => 1 [features_display_on] => C [get_active_options] => [get_only_selectable_options] => ) )
Array ( [product_id] => 8470 [product] => Saperavi [company_name] => Berlin [price] => 54.20000000 [supplier_id] => [product_code] => 4860015042551 [product_type] => P [status] => A [company_id] => 5 [list_price] => 0.00 [amount] => 21 [weight] => 1.50 [length] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [shipping_freight] => 0.00 [low_avail_limit] => 0 [timestamp] => 1699112051 [updated_timestamp] => 1733588269 [usergroup_ids] => 0 [is_edp] => N [edp_shipping] => N [unlimited_download] => N [tracking] => B [free_shipping] => N [feature_comparison] => N [zero_price_action] => R [is_pbp] => Y [is_op] => N [is_oper] => N [is_returnable] => Y [return_period] => 10 [avail_since] => 0 [out_of_stock_actions] => N [localization] => [min_qty] => 0 [max_qty] => 0 [qty_step] => 0 [list_qty_count] => 0 [tax_ids] => [age_verification] => N [age_limit] => 0 [options_type] => P [exceptions_type] => F [details_layout] => default [shipping_params] => a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;} [facebook_obj_type] => [buy_now_url] => [fina_id] => 0 [updated] => 0 [has_video] => N [is_stock_split_by_warehouses] => N [short_description] => Giorgi Mirianashvili, the owner, and winemaker, is assisted by his children, Andria and Anna, in wine production and promotion. The winery is located in East Georgia, in the Kakheti region, in the village of Shilda. The winery owns its own vineyards. [full_description] => [meta_keywords] => Chelti Saperavi Qvevri 2016 [meta_description] => Chelti Saperavi Qvevri 2016 [search_words] => Chelti Saperavi Qvevri 2016 ჩელთი,ცელტი,ცელთი,ჩელტი,chelti,winery chelti,მეღვინეობა ჩელთი,ჩელთის ღვინო [promo_text] => [category_ids] => Array ( [0] => 182 [1] => 189 ) [position] => 0 [seo_name] => chelti-saperavi-qvevri-2016-ka [seo_path] => 184/189 [main_category] => 189 [category_ids_with_parents] => Array ( [0] => 184 [1] => 189 ) [category_names] => Array ( [184] => RED [189] => DRY ) [options_type_raw] => P [exceptions_type_raw] => F [tracking_raw] => B [zero_price_action_raw] => R [min_qty_raw] => 0 [max_qty_raw] => 0 [qty_step_raw] => 0 [list_qty_count_raw] => 0 [details_layout_raw] => default [main_pair] => Array ( [pair_id] => 11583 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 16054 [position] => 0 [object_id] => 8470 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 8470 [object_type] => product [type] => M [image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/16/chelti_saperavi_qvevri2016n.png [alt] => Chelti Saperavi Qvevri 2016 [image_x] => 672 [image_y] => 1800 [http_image_path] => http://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/16/chelti_saperavi_qvevri2016n.png [https_image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/16/chelti_saperavi_qvevri2016n.png [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/16/chelti_saperavi_qvevri2016n.png [relative_path] => detailed/16/chelti_saperavi_qvevri2016n.png ) ) [base_price] => 54.20000000 [selected_options] => Array ( ) [has_options] => [product_options] => Array ( ) [discounts] => Array ( [A] => 0 [P] => 0 ) [product_features] => Array ( [187] => Array ( [feature_id] => 187 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49222 [feature_type] => E [internal_name] => Brands [description] => Brands [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Chelti [parent_id] => 186 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => N [feature_code] => [purpose] => organize_catalog [name] => winery-chelti [features_hash] => 41-49222 [variants] => Array ( [49222] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49222 [variant] => Chelti [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [154] => Array ( [feature_id] => 154 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47966 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => იკონკები [description] => იკონკები [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Qvevri [parent_id] => 153 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 37-47966 [variants] => Array ( [47966] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47966 [variant] => Qvevri [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [145] => Array ( [feature_id] => 145 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47986 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Taste [description] => Taste [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Harmonic [parent_id] => 153 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [47986] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47986 [variant] => Harmonic [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [151] => Array ( [feature_id] => 151 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47952 [feature_type] => S [internal_name] => Year [description] => Year [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 2016 [parent_id] => 153 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => 2016-ka-12 [features_hash] => 30-47952 [variants] => Array ( [47952] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47952 [variant] => 2016 [image_pairs] => ) ) ) ) [qty_content] => Array ( ) [detailed_params] => Array ( [get_icon] => 1 [get_detailed] => 1 [get_additional] => 1 [get_options] => 1 [get_discounts] => 1 [get_features] => 1 [get_extra] => [get_taxed_prices] => 1 [get_for_one_product] => [detailed_params] => 1 [features_display_on] => C [get_active_options] => [get_only_selectable_options] => ) )
Array ( [product_id] => 10615 [product] => Ojaleshi [company_name] => Berlin [price] => 46.60000000 [supplier_id] => [product_code] => 4860101590581 [product_type] => P [status] => A [company_id] => 5 [list_price] => 0.00 [amount] => 23 [weight] => 1.50 [length] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [shipping_freight] => 0.00 [low_avail_limit] => 0 [timestamp] => 1703182227 [updated_timestamp] => 1726415243 [usergroup_ids] => 0 [is_edp] => N [edp_shipping] => N [unlimited_download] => N [tracking] => B [free_shipping] => N [feature_comparison] => N [zero_price_action] => R [is_pbp] => Y [is_op] => N [is_oper] => N [is_returnable] => Y [return_period] => 10 [avail_since] => 0 [out_of_stock_actions] => N [localization] => [min_qty] => 0 [max_qty] => 0 [qty_step] => 0 [list_qty_count] => 0 [tax_ids] => [age_verification] => N [age_limit] => 0 [options_type] => P [exceptions_type] => F [details_layout] => default [shipping_params] => a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;} [facebook_obj_type] => [buy_now_url] => [fina_id] => 0 [updated] => 0 [has_video] => N [is_stock_split_by_warehouses] => N [short_description] => [full_description] => <p>The wine has a cherry color, aromas of overripe strawberries, cornelian cherry, light smoke, and blueberry. The wine is medium-bodied. It has medium, ripe tannins, medium acidity, and a short, fruit-oriented finish. Pair with roasted red paprika with walnuts, pasta with fresh cherry tomatoes, seasoned soft cheese, and salmon. <br></p> <p></p> <p class="text-right">Gio Potskhverashvili</p> <p class="text-right">Wine critic, WSET Level 3<br></p> [meta_keywords] => Lionidzis Zvari Ojaleshi 2020 Dry Red [meta_description] => Lionidzis Zvari Ojaleshi 2020 Dry Red [search_words] => ლიონიძის ზვარი,ლიონიძეს ზვარი,lionidzis zvari,lionidzes zvari,lionidze's zvari,ლიონიძის მეღვინეობა,lionidze winery Lionidzis Zvari Ojaleshi 2020 Dry Red [promo_text] => [category_ids] => Array ( [0] => 189 ) [position] => 0 [seo_name] => lionidzis-zvari-ojaleshi-2020-dry-red [seo_path] => 184/189 [main_category] => 189 [category_ids_with_parents] => Array ( [0] => 184 [1] => 189 ) [category_names] => Array ( [184] => RED [189] => DRY ) [options_type_raw] => P [exceptions_type_raw] => F [tracking_raw] => B [zero_price_action_raw] => R [min_qty_raw] => 0 [max_qty_raw] => 0 [qty_step_raw] => 0 [list_qty_count_raw] => 0 [details_layout_raw] => default [main_pair] => Array ( [pair_id] => 14139 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 18528 [position] => 0 [object_id] => 10615 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 10615 [object_type] => product [type] => M [image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/18/Lionidze_Ojaleshi.png [alt] => Lionidzis Zvari Ojaleshi 2020 Dry Red [image_x] => 672 [image_y] => 1800 [http_image_path] => http://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/18/Lionidze_Ojaleshi.png [https_image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/18/Lionidze_Ojaleshi.png [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/18/Lionidze_Ojaleshi.png [relative_path] => detailed/18/Lionidze_Ojaleshi.png ) ) [image_pairs] => Array ( [16596] => Array ( [pair_id] => 16596 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 20955 [position] => 1 [object_id] => 10615 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 10615 [object_type] => product [type] => A [image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/20/lionidze_zvari_ojaleshi_20202_vdvy-f1.png [alt] => [image_x] => 672 [image_y] => 1800 [http_image_path] => http://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/20/lionidze_zvari_ojaleshi_20202_vdvy-f1.png [https_image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/20/lionidze_zvari_ojaleshi_20202_vdvy-f1.png [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/20/lionidze_zvari_ojaleshi_20202_vdvy-f1.png [relative_path] => detailed/20/lionidze_zvari_ojaleshi_20202_vdvy-f1.png ) ) ) [base_price] => 46.60000000 [selected_options] => Array ( ) [has_options] => [product_options] => Array ( ) [discounts] => Array ( [A] => 0 [P] => 0 ) [product_features] => Array ( [187] => Array ( [feature_id] => 187 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 51283 [feature_type] => E [internal_name] => Brands [description] => Brands [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Lionidze's Zvari [parent_id] => 186 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => N [feature_code] => [purpose] => organize_catalog [name] => lionidzis-zvari-ka [features_hash] => 41-51283 [variants] => Array ( [51283] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 51283 [variant] => Lionidze's Zvari [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [145] => Array ( [feature_id] => 145 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47999 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Taste [description] => Taste [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Soft body [parent_id] => 153 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [47999] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47999 [variant] => Soft body [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [151] => Array ( [feature_id] => 151 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47956 [feature_type] => S [internal_name] => Year [description] => Year [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 2020 [parent_id] => 153 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 30-47956 [variants] => Array ( [47956] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47956 [variant] => 2020 [image_pairs] => ) ) ) ) [qty_content] => Array ( ) [detailed_params] => Array ( [get_icon] => 1 [get_detailed] => 1 [get_additional] => 1 [get_options] => 1 [get_discounts] => 1 [get_features] => 1 [get_extra] => [get_taxed_prices] => 1 [get_for_one_product] => [detailed_params] => 1 [features_display_on] => C [get_active_options] => [get_only_selectable_options] => ) )
Lionidze's Zvari
Array ( [product_id] => 10618 [product] => Ojaleshi [company_name] => Berlin [price] => 44.75000000 [supplier_id] => [product_code] => 3005569 [product_type] => P [status] => A [company_id] => 5 [list_price] => 0.00 [amount] => 5 [weight] => 1.50 [length] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [shipping_freight] => 0.00 [low_avail_limit] => 0 [timestamp] => 1703182618 [updated_timestamp] => 1727780707 [usergroup_ids] => 0 [is_edp] => N [edp_shipping] => N [unlimited_download] => N [tracking] => B [free_shipping] => N [feature_comparison] => N [zero_price_action] => R [is_pbp] => Y [is_op] => N [is_oper] => N [is_returnable] => Y [return_period] => 10 [avail_since] => 0 [out_of_stock_actions] => N [localization] => [min_qty] => 0 [max_qty] => 0 [qty_step] => 0 [list_qty_count] => 0 [tax_ids] => [age_verification] => N [age_limit] => 0 [options_type] => P [exceptions_type] => F [details_layout] => default [shipping_params] => a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;} [facebook_obj_type] => [buy_now_url] => [fina_id] => 0 [updated] => 0 [has_video] => N [is_stock_split_by_warehouses] => N [short_description] => [full_description] => <p>The wine is made in the ancestral cellar of Lagvilavas and this is their first harvest. Grapes are grown in the village of Inchkhuri, which stands out for its beautiful nature. The wine has a ruby color of low intensity, it is hardy, and the color is very characteristic for this variety. The aroma is of medium intensity, characterized by green and grassy tones. On the palate, it is thin, with high acidity, medium tannins, and a medium finish. Perfect to enjoy now. It can be served cold, and it goes well with roasted or boiled veal. <br></p> <p class="text-right">Rezi Tsetskhladze</p> <p class="text-right">Winemaker, wine expert, WSET Level 3<br></p> [meta_keywords] => Martvelle Ojaleshi 2022 Dry Red [meta_description] => Martvelle Ojaleshi 2022 Dry Red [search_words] => Martvelle Ojaleshi 2022 Dry Red [promo_text] => [category_ids] => Array ( [0] => 189 ) [position] => 0 [seo_name] => martvelle-ojaleshi-2022-dry-red [seo_path] => 184/189 [main_category] => 189 [category_ids_with_parents] => Array ( [0] => 184 [1] => 189 ) [category_names] => Array ( [184] => RED [189] => DRY ) [options_type_raw] => P [exceptions_type_raw] => F [tracking_raw] => B [zero_price_action_raw] => R [min_qty_raw] => 0 [max_qty_raw] => 0 [qty_step_raw] => 0 [list_qty_count_raw] => 0 [details_layout_raw] => default [main_pair] => Array ( [pair_id] => 16585 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 20944 [position] => 1 [object_id] => 10618 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 10618 [object_type] => product [type] => M [image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/20/martvelle_ojaleshi_2022nn_mcwf-h1.png [alt] => Martv'elle Ojaleshi 2022 [image_x] => 672 [image_y] => 1800 [http_image_path] => http://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/20/martvelle_ojaleshi_2022nn_mcwf-h1.png [https_image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/20/martvelle_ojaleshi_2022nn_mcwf-h1.png [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/20/martvelle_ojaleshi_2022nn_mcwf-h1.png [relative_path] => detailed/20/martvelle_ojaleshi_2022nn_mcwf-h1.png ) ) [image_pairs] => Array ( [16586] => Array ( [pair_id] => 16586 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 20945 [position] => 2 [object_id] => 10618 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 10618 [object_type] => product [type] => A [image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/20/martvelle_ojaleshi_2022nn2_n04k-j1.png [alt] => [image_x] => 672 [image_y] => 1800 [http_image_path] => http://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/20/martvelle_ojaleshi_2022nn2_n04k-j1.png [https_image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/20/martvelle_ojaleshi_2022nn2_n04k-j1.png [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/20/martvelle_ojaleshi_2022nn2_n04k-j1.png [relative_path] => detailed/20/martvelle_ojaleshi_2022nn2_n04k-j1.png ) ) ) [base_price] => 44.75000000 [selected_options] => Array ( ) [has_options] => [product_options] => Array ( ) [discounts] => Array ( [A] => 0 [P] => 0 ) [product_features] => Array ( [187] => Array ( [feature_id] => 187 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 51285 [feature_type] => E [internal_name] => Brands [description] => Brands [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Martvelle [parent_id] => 186 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => N [feature_code] => [purpose] => organize_catalog [name] => martvelle [features_hash] => 41-51285 [variants] => Array ( [51285] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 51285 [variant] => Martvelle [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [145] => Array ( [feature_id] => 145 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49437 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Taste [description] => Taste [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Complex [parent_id] => 153 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [49437] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49437 [variant] => Complex [image_pairs] => ) [47986] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47986 [variant] => Harmonic ) ) ) [151] => Array ( [feature_id] => 151 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47958 [feature_type] => S [internal_name] => Year [description] => Year [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 2022 [parent_id] => 153 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 30-47958 [variants] => Array ( [47958] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47958 [variant] => 2022 [image_pairs] => ) ) ) ) [qty_content] => Array ( ) [detailed_params] => Array ( [get_icon] => 1 [get_detailed] => 1 [get_additional] => 1 [get_options] => 1 [get_discounts] => 1 [get_features] => 1 [get_extra] => [get_taxed_prices] => 1 [get_for_one_product] => [detailed_params] => 1 [features_display_on] => C [get_active_options] => [get_only_selectable_options] => ) )
Array ( [product_id] => 9945 [product] => Mukuzani [company_name] => Berlin [price] => 42.50000000 [supplier_id] => [product_code] => 3000924 [product_type] => P [status] => A [company_id] => 5 [list_price] => 0.00 [amount] => 24 [weight] => 1.50 [length] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [shipping_freight] => 0.00 [low_avail_limit] => 0 [timestamp] => 1700213467 [updated_timestamp] => 1733761139 [usergroup_ids] => 0 [is_edp] => N [edp_shipping] => N [unlimited_download] => N [tracking] => B [free_shipping] => N [feature_comparison] => N [zero_price_action] => R [is_pbp] => Y [is_op] => N [is_oper] => N [is_returnable] => Y [return_period] => 10 [avail_since] => 0 [out_of_stock_actions] => N [localization] => [min_qty] => 0 [max_qty] => 0 [qty_step] => 0 [list_qty_count] => 0 [tax_ids] => [age_verification] => N [age_limit] => 0 [options_type] => P [exceptions_type] => F [details_layout] => default [shipping_params] => a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;} [facebook_obj_type] => [buy_now_url] => [fina_id] => 0 [updated] => 0 [has_video] => N [is_stock_split_by_warehouses] => N [short_description] => [full_description] => [meta_keywords] => Tbilvino Mukuzani 2020 Reserve [meta_description] => Tbilvino Mukuzani 2020 Reserve [search_words] => Tbilvino Mukuzani 2020 Reserve, Tbilvino,tbilgvino,თბილღვინო,თბილვინო,ტბილვინო,ტბილგვინო,tbilivino [promo_text] => [category_ids] => Array ( [0] => 189 ) [position] => 0 [seo_name] => tbilvino-mukuzani-2020-reserve [seo_path] => 184/189 [main_category] => 189 [category_ids_with_parents] => Array ( [0] => 184 [1] => 189 ) [category_names] => Array ( [184] => RED [189] => DRY ) [options_type_raw] => P [exceptions_type_raw] => F [tracking_raw] => B [zero_price_action_raw] => R [min_qty_raw] => 0 [max_qty_raw] => 0 [qty_step_raw] => 0 [list_qty_count_raw] => 0 [details_layout_raw] => default [main_pair] => Array ( [pair_id] => 16243 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 20614 [position] => 2 [object_id] => 9945 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 9945 [object_type] => product [type] => M [image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/20/tbilvino_mukuzani_reserve_2020.png [alt] => Tbilvino Mukuzani 2020 Reserve [image_x] => 672 [image_y] => 1800 [http_image_path] => http://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/20/tbilvino_mukuzani_reserve_2020.png [https_image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/20/tbilvino_mukuzani_reserve_2020.png [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/20/tbilvino_mukuzani_reserve_2020.png [relative_path] => detailed/20/tbilvino_mukuzani_reserve_2020.png ) ) [image_pairs] => Array ( [16244] => Array ( [pair_id] => 16244 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 20615 [position] => 3 [object_id] => 9945 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 9945 [object_type] => product [type] => A [image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/20/tbilvino_mukuzani_reserve_20202.png [alt] => [image_x] => 672 [image_y] => 1800 [http_image_path] => http://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/20/tbilvino_mukuzani_reserve_20202.png [https_image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/20/tbilvino_mukuzani_reserve_20202.png [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/20/tbilvino_mukuzani_reserve_20202.png [relative_path] => detailed/20/tbilvino_mukuzani_reserve_20202.png ) ) ) [base_price] => 42.50000000 [selected_options] => Array ( ) [has_options] => [product_options] => Array ( ) [discounts] => Array ( [A] => 0 [P] => 0 ) [product_features] => Array ( [187] => Array ( [feature_id] => 187 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49406 [feature_type] => E [internal_name] => Brands [description] => Brands [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Tbilvino [parent_id] => 186 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => N [feature_code] => [purpose] => organize_catalog [name] => tbilvino-ka-2 [features_hash] => 41-49406 [variants] => Array ( [49406] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49406 [variant] => Tbilvino [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [154] => Array ( [feature_id] => 154 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47967 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => იკონკები [description] => იკონკები [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Oak Barrel [parent_id] => 153 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 37-47967 [variants] => Array ( [47967] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47967 [variant] => Oak Barrel [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [145] => Array ( [feature_id] => 145 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49031 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Taste [description] => Taste [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Long finnish [parent_id] => 153 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [49031] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49031 [variant] => Long finnish [image_pairs] => ) [49246] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49246 [variant] => Velvet tannin ) ) ) [151] => Array ( [feature_id] => 151 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47956 [feature_type] => S [internal_name] => Year [description] => Year [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 2020 [parent_id] => 153 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 30-47956 [variants] => Array ( [47956] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47956 [variant] => 2020 [image_pairs] => ) ) ) ) [qty_content] => Array ( ) [detailed_params] => Array ( [get_icon] => 1 [get_detailed] => 1 [get_additional] => 1 [get_options] => 1 [get_discounts] => 1 [get_features] => 1 [get_extra] => [get_taxed_prices] => 1 [get_for_one_product] => [detailed_params] => 1 [features_display_on] => C [get_active_options] => [get_only_selectable_options] => ) )
Array ( [product_id] => 14330 [product] => Satrapezo Saperavi [company_name] => Berlin [price] => 38.10000000 [supplier_id] => [product_code] => 3001265 [product_type] => P [status] => A [company_id] => 5 [list_price] => 0.00 [amount] => 7 [weight] => 1.50 [length] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [shipping_freight] => 0.00 [low_avail_limit] => 0 [timestamp] => 1724587117 [updated_timestamp] => 1733761139 [usergroup_ids] => 0 [is_edp] => N [edp_shipping] => N [unlimited_download] => N [tracking] => B [free_shipping] => N [feature_comparison] => N [zero_price_action] => R [is_pbp] => Y [is_op] => N [is_oper] => N [is_returnable] => Y [return_period] => 10 [avail_since] => 0 [out_of_stock_actions] => N [localization] => [min_qty] => 0 [max_qty] => 0 [qty_step] => 0 [list_qty_count] => 0 [tax_ids] => [age_verification] => N [age_limit] => 0 [options_type] => P [exceptions_type] => F [details_layout] => default [shipping_params] => a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;} [facebook_obj_type] => [buy_now_url] => [fina_id] => 0 [updated] => 0 [has_video] => N [is_stock_split_by_warehouses] => N [short_description] => [full_description] => [meta_keywords] => TWC Satrapezo Saperavi 2019 Qvevri [meta_description] => TWC Satrapezo Saperavi 2019 Qvevri [search_words] => თელავის ღვინის მარანი სატრაპეზო საფერავი 2019 ქვევრი, TWC Satrapezo Saperavi 2019 Qvevri,თელავის მარანი Telavi Wine Cellar Satrapezo Saperavi 2019 Qvevri [promo_text] => [category_ids] => Array ( [0] => 182 [1] => 189 ) [position] => 0 [seo_name] => twc-satrapezo-saperavi-2019-qvevri [seo_path] => 184/189 [main_category] => 189 [category_ids_with_parents] => Array ( [0] => 184 [1] => 189 ) [category_names] => Array ( [184] => RED [189] => DRY ) [options_type_raw] => P [exceptions_type_raw] => F [tracking_raw] => B [zero_price_action_raw] => R [min_qty_raw] => 0 [max_qty_raw] => 0 [qty_step_raw] => 0 [list_qty_count_raw] => 0 [details_layout_raw] => default [main_pair] => Array ( [pair_id] => 18263 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 22576 [position] => 0 [object_id] => 14330 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 14330 [object_type] => product [type] => M [image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/22/twc_satrapezo_saperavi_2019_ypqn-w3__1_.png [alt] => Telavi Wine Cellar Satrapezo Saperavi 2019 Qvevri [image_x] => 672 [image_y] => 1800 [http_image_path] => http://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/22/twc_satrapezo_saperavi_2019_ypqn-w3__1_.png [https_image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/22/twc_satrapezo_saperavi_2019_ypqn-w3__1_.png [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/22/twc_satrapezo_saperavi_2019_ypqn-w3__1_.png [relative_path] => detailed/22/twc_satrapezo_saperavi_2019_ypqn-w3__1_.png ) ) [image_pairs] => Array ( [18264] => Array ( [pair_id] => 18264 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 22577 [position] => 1 [object_id] => 14330 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 14330 [object_type] => product [type] => A [image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/22/twc_satrapezo_saperavi_20192__1_.png [alt] => [image_x] => 672 [image_y] => 1800 [http_image_path] => http://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/22/twc_satrapezo_saperavi_20192__1_.png [https_image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/22/twc_satrapezo_saperavi_20192__1_.png [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/22/twc_satrapezo_saperavi_20192__1_.png [relative_path] => detailed/22/twc_satrapezo_saperavi_20192__1_.png ) ) ) [base_price] => 38.10000000 [selected_options] => Array ( ) [has_options] => [product_options] => Array ( ) [discounts] => Array ( [A] => 0 [P] => 0 ) [product_features] => Array ( [187] => Array ( [feature_id] => 187 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 52007 [feature_type] => E [internal_name] => Brands [description] => Brands [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Telavi Wine Cellar [parent_id] => 186 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => N [feature_code] => [purpose] => organize_catalog [name] => winery-telavi-wine-cellar [features_hash] => 41-52007 [variants] => Array ( [52007] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 52007 [variant] => Telavi Wine Cellar [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [154] => Array ( [feature_id] => 154 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47966 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => იკონკები [description] => იკონკები [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Qvevri [parent_id] => 153 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 37-47967 [variants] => Array ( [47966] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47966 [variant] => Qvevri [image_pairs] => ) [47967] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47967 [variant] => Oak Barrel ) ) ) [145] => Array ( [feature_id] => 145 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49031 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Taste [description] => Taste [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Long finnish [parent_id] => 153 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [49031] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49031 [variant] => Long finnish [image_pairs] => ) [49101] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49101 [variant] => Velvety ) [49437] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49437 [variant] => Complex ) ) ) [151] => Array ( [feature_id] => 151 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47955 [feature_type] => S [internal_name] => Year [description] => Year [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 2019 [parent_id] => 153 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 30-47955 [variants] => Array ( [47955] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47955 [variant] => 2019 [image_pairs] => ) ) ) ) [qty_content] => Array ( ) [detailed_params] => Array ( [get_icon] => 1 [get_detailed] => 1 [get_additional] => 1 [get_options] => 1 [get_discounts] => 1 [get_features] => 1 [get_extra] => [get_taxed_prices] => 1 [get_for_one_product] => [detailed_params] => 1 [features_display_on] => C [get_active_options] => [get_only_selectable_options] => ) )
Telavi Wine Cellar
Array ( [product_id] => 9957 [product] => Saperavi [company_name] => Berlin [price] => 35.20000000 [supplier_id] => [product_code] => 4860114360058 [product_type] => P [status] => A [company_id] => 5 [list_price] => 0.00 [amount] => 6 [weight] => 1.50 [length] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [shipping_freight] => 0.00 [low_avail_limit] => 0 [timestamp] => 1701288000 [updated_timestamp] => 1727776256 [usergroup_ids] => 0 [is_edp] => N [edp_shipping] => N [unlimited_download] => N [tracking] => B [free_shipping] => N [feature_comparison] => N [zero_price_action] => R [is_pbp] => Y [is_op] => N [is_oper] => N [is_returnable] => Y [return_period] => 10 [avail_since] => 0 [out_of_stock_actions] => N [localization] => [min_qty] => 0 [max_qty] => 0 [qty_step] => 0 [list_qty_count] => 0 [tax_ids] => [age_verification] => N [age_limit] => 0 [options_type] => P [exceptions_type] => F [details_layout] => default [shipping_params] => a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;} [facebook_obj_type] => [buy_now_url] => [fina_id] => 0 [updated] => 0 [has_video] => N [is_stock_split_by_warehouses] => N [short_description] => [full_description] => <p>Tiko Estate is known for its wines aged in oak barrels. The 2018 vintage is made with red wine technology and aged in French oak barrels for 18 months. The wine is characterized by a dark cherry color, transitioning to purple color, with cherry and black currant intensive aromas which is perfectly matched by the tone of dark chocolate and tobacco obtained from the oak barrel. The wine is aged in bottles for six years and has a well-developed pleasant aroma of leather. On the palate wine has velvety, rounded, soft tannins. full, elegant, and refined structure. </p> <p>The wine is perfectly developed in the bottle and is in the best condition to be served, paired with lamb with blackberry sauce, assorted nuts, and aged cheese. </p> <p></p> <p class="text-right">Kato Shalvashvili<br>8000 Vintages Sommelier and Wine Taster</p> [meta_keywords] => Tiko Estate Saperavi 2018 The edge [meta_description] => Tiko Estate Saperavi 2018 The edge [search_words] => Tiko Estate Saperavi 2018 The edge, თიკო ესთეითი, tiko estate, tiko isteiti,, თიკო ისთეითი, თიკო ისთეითი,tiko estates,tikoestates,თიკო ესთეითი,თიკოს მამულები,ძმები ჭიჭინაძეების ღვინო,chichinadzeebis wine [promo_text] => [category_ids] => Array ( [0] => 189 [1] => 177 ) [position] => 0 [seo_name] => tiko-estate-saperavi-2018-the-edge [seo_path] => 175/177 [main_category] => 177 [category_ids_with_parents] => Array ( [0] => 184 [1] => 189 ) [category_names] => Array ( [184] => RED [189] => DRY ) [options_type_raw] => P [exceptions_type_raw] => F [tracking_raw] => B [zero_price_action_raw] => R [min_qty_raw] => 0 [max_qty_raw] => 0 [qty_step_raw] => 0 [list_qty_count_raw] => 0 [details_layout_raw] => default [main_pair] => Array ( [pair_id] => 13560 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 17961 [position] => 0 [object_id] => 9957 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 9957 [object_type] => product [type] => M [image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/17/tiko_estate_saperavi_2018_the_edge_lbn5-dw.png [alt] => Tiko Estate Saperavi 2018 The edge [image_x] => 672 [image_y] => 1800 [http_image_path] => http://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/17/tiko_estate_saperavi_2018_the_edge_lbn5-dw.png [https_image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/17/tiko_estate_saperavi_2018_the_edge_lbn5-dw.png [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/17/tiko_estate_saperavi_2018_the_edge_lbn5-dw.png [relative_path] => detailed/17/tiko_estate_saperavi_2018_the_edge_lbn5-dw.png ) ) [base_price] => 35.20000000 [selected_options] => Array ( ) [has_options] => [product_options] => Array ( ) [discounts] => Array ( [A] => 0 [P] => 0 ) [product_features] => Array ( [187] => Array ( [feature_id] => 187 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49421 [feature_type] => E [internal_name] => Brands [description] => Brands [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Tiko Estate [parent_id] => 186 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => N [feature_code] => [purpose] => organize_catalog [name] => tiko-estate-ka [features_hash] => 41-49421 [variants] => Array ( [49421] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49421 [variant] => Tiko Estate [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [154] => Array ( [feature_id] => 154 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47967 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => იკონკები [description] => იკონკები [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Oak Barrel [parent_id] => 153 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 37-47967 [variants] => Array ( [47967] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47967 [variant] => Oak Barrel [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [145] => Array ( [feature_id] => 145 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49309 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Taste [description] => Taste [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Red fruit [parent_id] => 153 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [49309] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49309 [variant] => Red fruit [image_pairs] => ) [49423] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49423 [variant] => Black pepper ) [49007] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49007 [variant] => Tannin ) ) ) [151] => Array ( [feature_id] => 151 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47954 [feature_type] => S [internal_name] => Year [description] => Year [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 2018 [parent_id] => 153 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 30-47954 [variants] => Array ( [47954] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47954 [variant] => 2018 [image_pairs] => ) ) ) ) [qty_content] => Array ( ) [detailed_params] => Array ( [get_icon] => 1 [get_detailed] => 1 [get_additional] => 1 [get_options] => 1 [get_discounts] => 1 [get_features] => 1 [get_extra] => [get_taxed_prices] => 1 [get_for_one_product] => [detailed_params] => 1 [features_display_on] => C [get_active_options] => [get_only_selectable_options] => ) )
Tiko Estate
Array ( [product_id] => 14307 [product] => Saperavi • Reserve [company_name] => Berlin [price] => 32.45000000 [supplier_id] => [product_code] => 4860113370010 [product_type] => P [status] => A [company_id] => 5 [list_price] => 0.00 [amount] => 20 [weight] => 0.00 [length] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [shipping_freight] => 0.00 [low_avail_limit] => 0 [timestamp] => 1724586490 [updated_timestamp] => 1733478718 [usergroup_ids] => 0 [is_edp] => N [edp_shipping] => N [unlimited_download] => N [tracking] => B [free_shipping] => N [feature_comparison] => N [zero_price_action] => R [is_pbp] => Y [is_op] => N [is_oper] => N [is_returnable] => Y [return_period] => 10 [avail_since] => 0 [out_of_stock_actions] => N [localization] => [min_qty] => 0 [max_qty] => 0 [qty_step] => 0 [list_qty_count] => 0 [tax_ids] => [age_verification] => N [age_limit] => 0 [options_type] => P [exceptions_type] => F [details_layout] => default [shipping_params] => a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;} [facebook_obj_type] => [buy_now_url] => [fina_id] => 0 [updated] => 0 [has_video] => N [is_stock_split_by_warehouses] => N [short_description] => [full_description] => <p>Made from Saperavi grapes grown in Kakheti's exceptional terroirs of Akhobi and Mukuzani, Georgian Fine Wines presents a dark cherry hue with a purple rim.</p> <p>Dominant aromas of barrel aging and bottle maturation include smoke, vanilla, coconut, leather, ripe black plums, spices, and tobacco. Full-bodied with velvety tannins and a long finish, it offers tones of dried plum on the palate.</p> <p>Complex, characterful, and elegant, this wine ages well with potential for further bottle aging. Unfiltered and requiring at least an hour of decanting, it pairs superbly with slow-cooked red meats and browned vegetables, as well as pate and mushroom dishes.</p> <p class="text-right">Dea Purtseladze</p> <p class="text-right">Wine expert, MA in Wine Hospitality and Wine Marketing</p> [meta_keywords] => Georgian Fine Wines Saperavi 2007 [meta_description] => Georgian Fine Wines Saperavi 2007 [search_words] => Georgian Fine Wines, Saperavi Reserve, 2007 Aged in Oak Barrels Unfiltered ჯორჯიან ფაინ ვაინს ჯორჯიან ფაინ ვაინზ საფერავი რეზერვი 2007 ქართული რჩეული ღვინოები [promo_text] => [category_ids] => Array ( [0] => 189 ) [position] => 0 [seo_name] => georgian-fine-wines-saperavi-2007 [seo_path] => 184/189 [main_category] => 189 [category_ids_with_parents] => Array ( [0] => 184 [1] => 189 ) [category_names] => Array ( [184] => RED [189] => DRY ) [options_type_raw] => P [exceptions_type_raw] => F [tracking_raw] => B [zero_price_action_raw] => R [min_qty_raw] => 0 [max_qty_raw] => 0 [qty_step_raw] => 0 [list_qty_count_raw] => 0 [details_layout_raw] => default [main_pair] => Array ( [pair_id] => 18207 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 22520 [position] => 0 [object_id] => 14307 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 14307 [object_type] => product [type] => M [image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/22/GFW_saperavi_2007.png [alt] => Georgian Fine Wines Saperavi 2007 [image_x] => 672 [image_y] => 1800 [http_image_path] => http://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/22/GFW_saperavi_2007.png [https_image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/22/GFW_saperavi_2007.png [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/22/GFW_saperavi_2007.png [relative_path] => detailed/22/GFW_saperavi_2007.png ) ) [base_price] => 32.45000000 [selected_options] => Array ( ) [has_options] => [product_options] => Array ( ) [discounts] => Array ( [A] => 0 [P] => 0 ) [product_features] => Array ( [187] => Array ( [feature_id] => 187 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 51971 [feature_type] => E [internal_name] => Brands [description] => Brands [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Georgian Fine Wines [parent_id] => 186 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => N [feature_code] => [purpose] => organize_catalog [name] => winery-georgian-fine-wines [features_hash] => 41-51971 [variants] => Array ( [51971] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 51971 [variant] => Georgian Fine Wines [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [154] => Array ( [feature_id] => 154 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47967 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => იკონკები [description] => იკონკები [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Oak Barrel [parent_id] => 153 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 37-47970 [variants] => Array ( [47967] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47967 [variant] => Oak Barrel [image_pairs] => ) [47970] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47970 [variant] => Unfiltered ) ) ) [145] => Array ( [feature_id] => 145 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49099 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Taste [description] => Taste [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Balanced acidity [parent_id] => 153 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [49099] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49099 [variant] => Balanced acidity [image_pairs] => ) [49007] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49007 [variant] => Tannin ) [49031] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49031 [variant] => Long finnish ) ) ) [151] => Array ( [feature_id] => 151 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 51970 [feature_type] => S [internal_name] => Year [description] => Year [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 2007 [parent_id] => 153 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 30-51970 [variants] => Array ( [51970] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 51970 [variant] => 2007 [image_pairs] => ) ) ) ) [qty_content] => Array ( ) [detailed_params] => Array ( [get_icon] => 1 [get_detailed] => 1 [get_additional] => 1 [get_options] => 1 [get_discounts] => 1 [get_features] => 1 [get_extra] => [get_taxed_prices] => 1 [get_for_one_product] => [detailed_params] => 1 [features_display_on] => C [get_active_options] => [get_only_selectable_options] => ) )
Georgian Fine Wines
Array ( [product_id] => 8450 [product] => Cabernet Sauvignon Reserve [company_name] => Berlin [price] => 32.10000000 [supplier_id] => [product_code] => 4860120450187 [product_type] => P [status] => A [company_id] => 5 [list_price] => 0.00 [amount] => 10 [weight] => 1.50 [length] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [shipping_freight] => 0.00 [low_avail_limit] => 0 [timestamp] => 1699104977 [updated_timestamp] => 1731512119 [usergroup_ids] => 0 [is_edp] => N [edp_shipping] => N [unlimited_download] => N [tracking] => B [free_shipping] => N [feature_comparison] => N [zero_price_action] => R [is_pbp] => Y [is_op] => N [is_oper] => N [is_returnable] => Y [return_period] => 10 [avail_since] => 0 [out_of_stock_actions] => N [localization] => [min_qty] => 0 [max_qty] => 0 [qty_step] => 0 [list_qty_count] => 0 [tax_ids] => [age_verification] => N [age_limit] => 0 [options_type] => P [exceptions_type] => F [details_layout] => default [shipping_params] => a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;} [facebook_obj_type] => [buy_now_url] => [fina_id] => 0 [updated] => 0 [has_video] => N [is_stock_split_by_warehouses] => N [short_description] => Winery Buera is located in Napareuli, in the Lopota river area. Located in the microzone of Napareuli, Chateau Buera vineyards cover 5 hectares of land on the northern slope. The winery produces wines using the traditional Georgian method in qvevri, as well as in stainless steel tanks and French oak barrels. The production incorporates both Georgian and international grape varieties. Chateau Buera is an integral part of Lopota Spa Resort, a resort built around a lake in central Kakheti, surrounded by the picturesque Caucasus Mountains. Encompassing 60 hectares and a 2-hour drive from the capital city, the resort offers diverse experiences for guests throughout all four seasons. [full_description] => [meta_keywords] => Chateu Buera Cabernet Sauvignon Reserve Classic 2019 [meta_description] => Chateu Buera Cabernet Sauvignon Reserve Classic 2019 [search_words] => Chateu Buera Cabernet Sauvignon Reserve Classic 2019 [promo_text] => [category_ids] => Array ( [0] => 189 ) [position] => 0 [seo_name] => chateu-buera-cabernet-sauvignon-reserve-classic-2019 [seo_path] => 184/189 [main_category] => 189 [category_ids_with_parents] => Array ( [0] => 184 [1] => 189 ) [category_names] => Array ( [184] => RED [189] => DRY ) [options_type_raw] => P [exceptions_type_raw] => F [tracking_raw] => B [zero_price_action_raw] => R [min_qty_raw] => 0 [max_qty_raw] => 0 [qty_step_raw] => 0 [list_qty_count_raw] => 0 [details_layout_raw] => default [main_pair] => Array ( [pair_id] => 11565 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 16036 [position] => 0 [object_id] => 8450 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 8450 [object_type] => product [type] => M [image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/16/chateau-buera-cabernet-reserve.png [alt] => Chateu Buera Cabernet Sauvignon Reserve Classic 2019 [image_x] => 672 [image_y] => 1800 [http_image_path] => http://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/16/chateau-buera-cabernet-reserve.png [https_image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/16/chateau-buera-cabernet-reserve.png [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/16/chateau-buera-cabernet-reserve.png [relative_path] => detailed/16/chateau-buera-cabernet-reserve.png ) ) [base_price] => 32.10000000 [selected_options] => Array ( ) [has_options] => [product_options] => Array ( ) [discounts] => Array ( [A] => 0 [P] => 0 ) [product_features] => Array ( [187] => Array ( [feature_id] => 187 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49223 [feature_type] => E [internal_name] => Brands [description] => Brands [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Chateau Buera [parent_id] => 186 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => N [feature_code] => [purpose] => organize_catalog [name] => winery-chateau-buera [features_hash] => 41-49223 [variants] => Array ( [49223] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49223 [variant] => Chateau Buera [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [154] => Array ( [feature_id] => 154 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47967 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => იკონკები [description] => იკონკები [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Oak Barrel [parent_id] => 153 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 37-47967 [variants] => Array ( [47967] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47967 [variant] => Oak Barrel [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [145] => Array ( [feature_id] => 145 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47979 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Taste [description] => Taste [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Bodied [parent_id] => 153 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [47979] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47979 [variant] => Bodied [image_pairs] => ) [49152] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49152 [variant] => Oak tones ) ) ) [151] => Array ( [feature_id] => 151 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47955 [feature_type] => S [internal_name] => Year [description] => Year [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 2019 [parent_id] => 153 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 30-47955 [variants] => Array ( [47955] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47955 [variant] => 2019 [image_pairs] => ) ) ) ) [qty_content] => Array ( ) [detailed_params] => Array ( [get_icon] => 1 [get_detailed] => 1 [get_additional] => 1 [get_options] => 1 [get_discounts] => 1 [get_features] => 1 [get_extra] => [get_taxed_prices] => 1 [get_for_one_product] => [detailed_params] => 1 [features_display_on] => C [get_active_options] => [get_only_selectable_options] => ) )
Chateau Buera