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[product] => Saperavi • Otskhanuri Sapere • Shavkapito
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[full_description] => <p>Dekanozishvili wine is made from three grape varieties - Saperavi (68%), Otskhanuri Sapere (22%), and Shavkapito (10%), using traditional technology in Qvevri.
<p>The wine displays a dark cherry color, with a garnet-colored edge. Leading aromas include vanilla, cinnamon, caramel, and coconut. The second nose reveals light tones of red bell pepper and berries. It boasts a full-bodied profile with rounded tannins and a lingering aftertaste. The elevated alcohol content imparts a pleasant warmth on the palate, with notes of black plum and smokiness. Its stylistic resemblance to Bordeaux wines makes it intriguing for enthusiasts.
<p>With good bottle aging potential, it's advisable to decant the wine before serving. Ideal pairings include beef, pork, lamb, or wild fowl, alongside grilled vegetables and berry sauce.
</p><p class="text-right">Dea Purtseladze<br>Wine expert, MA in Wine Hospitality and Wine Marketing</p>
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[meta_description] => Dekanozishvili Saperavi Otskhanuri Sapere Shavkapito 2017
[search_words] => Dekanozishvili Saperavi Otskhanuri Sapere Shavkapito 2017დეკანოზიშვილები, dekanozishvili, დეკანოზიშვილის მარანი,dekanozishvilis marani,
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[47987] => Array
[variant] => Otskhanuri Sapere
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[49014] => Array
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[name] => Saperavi • Otskhanuri Sapere • Shavkapito
[description] => Dekanozishvili wine is made from three grape varieties - Saperavi (68%), Otskhanuri Sapere (22%), and Shavkapito (10%), using traditional technology in Qvevri.
The wine displays a dark cherry color, with a garnet-colored edge. Leading aromas include vanilla, cinnamon, caramel, and coconut. The second nose reveals light tones of red bell pepper and berries. It boasts a full-bodied profile with rounded tannins and a lingering aftertaste. The elevated alcohol content imparts a pleasant warmth on the palate, with notes of black plum and smokiness. Its stylistic resemblance to Bordeaux wines makes it intriguing for enthusiasts.
With good bottle aging potential, it's advisable to decant the wine before serving. Ideal pairings include beef, pork, lamb, or wild fowl, alongside grilled vegetables and berry sauce.
Dea PurtseladzeWine expert, MA in Wine Hospitality and Wine Marketing
[show_price] => 1
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[price_currency] => EUR
[price] => 38.3
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