About Wine

The wine is made from Tavkveri grapes in qvevri, according to the traditional Georgian method. Natural and unfiltered wine is produced in small quantities, 489 bottles in total. It is a cheerful, easy-to-drink, and light wine. It is garnet in color with a ruby edge. Aromas of varietal berries such as red currant, raspberry, and strawberry jam are pronounced. It has a light body, fine tannins, and pleasant acidity.

It is preferable to enjoy it at a young age.

Japara Tavkveri 2022 Qvevri

750 ml
  • Red berry
  • Red fruit
  • Berry
  • Cherry
  • Tavkveri
Family Wine Cellar
  • Bolnisi
  • Kartli


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    <p>It is preferable to enjoy it at a young age.</p>
    <p class="text-right"></p>
    <p>Japara Tavkveri 2022 Qvevri<br></p>
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                                [https_image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/22/japara_tavkveri_20222.png
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                [name] => Tavkveri
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    It is preferable to enjoy it at a young age.
    Japara Tavkveri 2022 Qvevri
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                [availability] => InStock
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                [price] => 15.8
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                        [1] => https://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/22/japara_tavkveri_20222.png
                [brand] => Japara
- +
About Wine

The wine is made from Tavkveri grapes in qvevri, according to the traditional Georgian method. Natural and unfiltered wine is produced in small quantities, 489 bottles in total. It is a cheerful, easy-to-drink, and light wine. It is garnet in color with a ruby edge. Aromas of varietal berries such as red currant, raspberry, and strawberry jam are pronounced. It has a light body, fine tannins, and pleasant acidity.

It is preferable to enjoy it at a young age.

Japara Tavkveri 2022 Qvevri

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Otskhanuri Sapere 2021
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Mukuzani 2020
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Saperavi 2019
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