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[product] => Tavkveri • Saperavi
[shortname] =>
[short_description] => <p>Tchotiashvili Family Winery was founded in 2002 and is one of the first family wineries to have decided to produce wine at an early stage of Georgian wine development. The winery is located in the village of Saniore, Kakheti region, Eastern Georgia. The winery has more than 40 grape varieties on which Kakha Tchotiashvili (winemaker and founder) conducts experiments every year. The winery uses 14 different varieties for commercial purposes, including several international grape varieties as well. Tchotiashvili family winery is medium-sized among wineries and produces wines from grapes harvested from its own vineyards using the traditional Georgian method in qvevri, with the help of an endemic yeast culture.</p>
[full_description] => <p>The wine has a dark ruby color, aromas of red cherry, wild gooseberry, blackberry, blackberry bush, shindig, and light black pepper. The wine is full-bodied, with lively acidity and fresh fruit flavors. The wine reveals the promised flavors on the nose. The wine has the potential to age. Enjoy from 2022 to 2030 with roast beef tenderloin with red wine reduction, dark chocolate, cream cheese, and smoked sausage sandwich, and spaghetti bolognese. <br></p>
<p class="text-right">Gio Potskhverashvili</p>
<p class="text-right">Wine critic, WSET Level 3<br></p>
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[meta_description] => Satsnakheli/Tchotiashvili Vineyards Tavkveri Saperavi 2018
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[name] => Tavkveri • Saperavi
[description] => The wine has a dark ruby color, aromas of red cherry, wild gooseberry, blackberry, blackberry bush, shindig, and light black pepper. The wine is full-bodied, with lively acidity and fresh fruit flavors. The wine reveals the promised flavors on the nose. The wine has the potential to age. Enjoy from 2022 to 2030 with roast beef tenderloin with red wine reduction, dark chocolate, cream cheese, and smoked sausage sandwich, and spaghetti bolognese.
Gio Potskhverashvili
Wine critic, WSET Level 3
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