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[product] => Tavkveri • Shiraz
[shortname] =>
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[full_description] => <p>Dark Uta, named after Chotiashvili's dark-haired son, blends the Kartli variety Tavkveri with the Shiraz, using traditional Kakhetian methods. Limited to 600 bottles, it boasts a cherry color with a violet tinge. Characterful and rigid wine expresses the varietal aromas of Saperavi, alongside rosemary, basil, and meaty undertones. Full-bodied with sharp tannins, high acidity, and a long finish, it benefits from decanting before serving and has aging potential in the bottle. It pairs perfectly with rich beef and pork dishes.</p>
<p class="text-right">Dea Purtseladze</p>
<p class="text-right">Wine expert, MA in Wine Hospitality and Wine Marketing</p>
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[name] => Tavkveri • Shiraz
[description] => Dark Uta, named after Chotiashvili's dark-haired son, blends the Kartli variety Tavkveri with the Shiraz, using traditional Kakhetian methods. Limited to 600 bottles, it boasts a cherry color with a violet tinge. Characterful and rigid wine expresses the varietal aromas of Saperavi, alongside rosemary, basil, and meaty undertones. Full-bodied with sharp tannins, high acidity, and a long finish, it benefits from decanting before serving and has aging potential in the bottle. It pairs perfectly with rich beef and pork dishes.
Dea Purtseladze
Wine expert, MA in Wine Hospitality and Wine Marketing
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