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[product] => Rkatsiteli
[shortname] =>
[short_description] =>
[full_description] => <p>The wine made from the Rkatsiteli grape variety is characterized by a dark, deep amber color, transitioning to brown. It has the aromas of overripe, sweet fruits, raisins, dried apricots, and yellow, dried leaves. On the palate, the balance of tannins, acidity, and alcohol creates a harmonious wine with a strong structure and full body.</p>
<p>The wine is in good drinking condition and goes perfectly with grilled turkey and mushroom burger.</p>
<p class="text-right">Kato Shalvashvili</p>
<p class="text-right">8000 Vintages Sommelier and Wine Taster</p>
[meta_keywords] => Babunidze Wines Rkatsiteli 2021 Qvevri
[meta_description] => Babunidze Wines Rkatsiteli 2021 Qvevri
[search_words] => Babunidze Wines Rkatsiteli 2021 Qvevribabunidzes marani,babunidzis marani, babunidzis gvinoebi,ბაბუნიძის ღვინოები,ბაბუნიდზე,ბაბუნიძეს მარანი,გიორგი ბაბუნიძის მეღვინეობა,giorgi babunidzes winery.გიორგი ბაბუნიძეს მეღვინეობაbabunidzes marani,babunidzis marani, babunidzis gvinoebi,ბაბუნიძის ღვინოები,ბაბუნიდზე,ბაბუნიძეს მარანი,გიორგი ბაბუნიძის მეღვინეობა,giorgi babunidzes winery.გიორგი ბაბუნიძეს მეღვინეობა ბაბუნიძის მარანი Babunidze
[page_title] => Babunidze Wines Rkatsiteli 2021 Qvevri
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[2] => 176
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[company_name] => Berlin
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[sales_amount] => 1
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[winery_info] => Array
[0] => Array
[variant] => Babunidze Wines
[description] =>
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[1] => Array
[variant] => Babunidze Wines
[description] =>
[name] => winery-babunidze-wines
[2] => Array
[variant] => Babunidze Wines
[description] =>
[name] => winery-babunidze-wines
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[image_x] => 672
[image_y] => 1800
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[47833] => Array
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[142] => Array
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[categories_path] => 171,175,179,180,184,185,186,187,188
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[49162] => Array
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[145] => Array
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[parent_id] => 153
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[description] => Grape
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[categories_path] => 171,175,179,180,184,185,186,187,188
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[value_int] =>
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[47989] => Array
[variant] => Rkatsiteli
[variant_id] => 47989
[feature_id] => 147
[selected] => 47989
[feature_type] => M
[seo_name] =>
[seo_path] =>
[image_pair] =>
[148] => Array
[feature_id] => 148
[company_id] => 5
[feature_type] => S
[parent_id] => 153
[display_on_product] => Y
[display_on_catalog] => N
[display_on_header] => N
[description] => Family Wine Cellar
[internal_name] => Family Wine Cellar
[lang_code] => en
[prefix] =>
[suffix] =>
[categories_path] => 171,175,179,180,184,185,186,187,188
[full_description] =>
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[value] =>
[variant_id] => 49166
[value_int] =>
[variants] => Array
[49166] => Array
[variant] => Babunidze Wines
[variant_id] => 49166
[feature_id] => 148
[selected] => 49166
[feature_type] => S
[seo_name] =>
[seo_path] =>
[image_pair] =>
[150] => Array
[feature_id] => 150
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[parent_id] => 153
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[categories_path] => 171,175,179,180,184,185,186,187,188
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[value_int] =>
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[47943] => Array
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[selected] => 47943
[feature_type] => M
[seo_name] =>
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[sku] => 30000905
[name] => Rkatsiteli
[description] => The wine made from the Rkatsiteli grape variety is characterized by a dark, deep amber color, transitioning to brown. It has the aromas of overripe, sweet fruits, raisins, dried apricots, and yellow, dried leaves. On the palate, the balance of tannins, acidity, and alcohol creates a harmonious wine with a strong structure and full body.
The wine is in good drinking condition and goes perfectly with grilled turkey and mushroom burger.
Kato Shalvashvili
8000 Vintages Sommelier and Wine Taster
[show_price] => 1
[availability] => InStock
[price_currency] => EUR
[price] => 14.15
[images] => Array
[0] =>
[brand] => Babunidze Wines