€ – €
No items found matching the search criteria
Array ( [product_id] => 9952 [product] => Khikhvi [company_name] => Berlin [supplier_id] => [product_code] => 4860105897174 [product_type] => P [status] => A [company_id] => 5 [list_price] => 0.00 [amount] => 10 [weight] => 1.50 [length] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [shipping_freight] => 0.00 [low_avail_limit] => 0 [timestamp] => 1700216452 [updated_timestamp] => 1733478718 [usergroup_ids] => 0 [is_edp] => N [edp_shipping] => N [unlimited_download] => N [tracking] => B [free_shipping] => N [feature_comparison] => N [zero_price_action] => R [is_pbp] => Y [is_op] => N [is_oper] => N [is_returnable] => Y [return_period] => 10 [avail_since] => 0 [out_of_stock_actions] => N [localization] => [min_qty] => 0 [max_qty] => 0 [qty_step] => 0 [list_qty_count] => 0 [tax_ids] => [age_verification] => N [age_limit] => 0 [options_type] => P [exceptions_type] => F [details_layout] => default [shipping_params] => a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;} [facebook_obj_type] => [buy_now_url] => [fina_id] => 0 [updated] => 0 [has_video] => N [is_stock_split_by_warehouses] => N [price] => 16.15000000 [short_description] => [full_description] => <p>The wine is made from the Khikhvi grape variety. An amber-colored wine rich in aromas of earth and spices. On the palate you can feel the heat, velvety tannins and strong structure. </p> <p>The wine has great potential to age and develop in the bottle and goes perfectly with tacos and Dzadziki sauce, along with vegetables. </p> <p></p> <p class="text-right">Kato Shalvashvili<br>8000 Vintages Sommelier and Wine Taster</p> [meta_keywords] => Terra Kisi Khikhvi Qvevri 2020 [meta_description] => Terra Kisi Khikhvi Qvevri 2020 [search_words] => ტერა ქისი,tera qisi,terra qisi,tera kisi,terra kisiTerra Kisi Khikhvi Qvevri 2020, tera qisi,terra qisi,tera kisi,terra qisi,ტერა ქისი,ტერრა ქისი,ტერა კისი,ტერრა კისი [promo_text] => [category_ids] => Array ( [0] => 181 [1] => 195 ) [position] => 0 [seo_name] => terra-kisi-khikhvi-qvevri-2020 [seo_path] => 185/195 [main_category] => 195 [category_ids_with_parents] => Array ( [0] => 185 [1] => 195 ) [category_names] => Array ( [185] => WHITE [195] => DRY ) [options_type_raw] => P [exceptions_type_raw] => F [tracking_raw] => B [zero_price_action_raw] => R [min_qty_raw] => 0 [max_qty_raw] => 0 [qty_step_raw] => 0 [list_qty_count_raw] => 0 [details_layout_raw] => default [main_pair] => Array ( [pair_id] => 13555 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 17956 [position] => 0 [object_id] => 9952 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 9952 [object_type] => product [type] => M [image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/17/terra-qisi-khikhvi-2020_v3fg-us.png [alt] => Terra Kisi Khikhvi Qvevri 2020 [image_x] => 672 [image_y] => 1800 [http_image_path] => http://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/17/terra-qisi-khikhvi-2020_v3fg-us.png [https_image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/17/terra-qisi-khikhvi-2020_v3fg-us.png [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/17/terra-qisi-khikhvi-2020_v3fg-us.png [relative_path] => detailed/17/terra-qisi-khikhvi-2020_v3fg-us.png ) ) [base_price] => 16.15000000 [selected_options] => Array ( ) [has_options] => [product_options] => Array ( ) [discounts] => Array ( [A] => 0 [P] => 0 ) [product_features] => Array ( [187] => Array ( [feature_id] => 187 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49414 [feature_type] => E [internal_name] => Brands [description] => Brands [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Terra Qisi [parent_id] => 186 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => N [feature_code] => [purpose] => organize_catalog [name] => terra-qisi-ka [features_hash] => 41-49414 [variants] => Array ( [49414] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49414 [variant] => Terra Qisi [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [154] => Array ( [feature_id] => 154 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47966 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => იკონკები [description] => იკონკები [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Qvevri [parent_id] => 153 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 37-47966 [variants] => Array ( [47966] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47966 [variant] => Qvevri [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [145] => Array ( [feature_id] => 145 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47986 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Taste [description] => Taste [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Harmonic [parent_id] => 153 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [47986] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47986 [variant] => Harmonic [image_pairs] => ) [49370] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49370 [variant] => Full ) ) ) [151] => Array ( [feature_id] => 151 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47956 [feature_type] => S [internal_name] => Year [description] => Year [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 2020 [parent_id] => 153 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 30-47956 [variants] => Array ( [47956] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47956 [variant] => 2020 [image_pairs] => ) ) ) ) [qty_content] => Array ( ) [detailed_params] => Array ( [get_icon] => 1 [get_detailed] => 1 [get_additional] => 1 [get_options] => 1 [get_discounts] => 1 [get_features] => 1 [get_extra] => [get_taxed_prices] => 1 [get_for_one_product] => [detailed_params] => 1 [features_display_on] => C [get_active_options] => [get_only_selectable_options] => ) )
Amber Dry
Terra Qisi
Array ( [product_id] => 9950 [product] => Kisi [company_name] => Berlin [supplier_id] => [product_code] => 3000767 [product_type] => P [status] => A [company_id] => 5 [list_price] => 0.00 [amount] => 5 [weight] => 1.50 [length] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [shipping_freight] => 0.00 [low_avail_limit] => 0 [timestamp] => 1700215929 [updated_timestamp] => 1734545108 [usergroup_ids] => 0 [is_edp] => N [edp_shipping] => N [unlimited_download] => N [tracking] => B [free_shipping] => N [feature_comparison] => N [zero_price_action] => R [is_pbp] => Y [is_op] => N [is_oper] => N [is_returnable] => Y [return_period] => 10 [avail_since] => 0 [out_of_stock_actions] => N [localization] => [min_qty] => 0 [max_qty] => 0 [qty_step] => 0 [list_qty_count] => 0 [tax_ids] => [age_verification] => N [age_limit] => 0 [options_type] => P [exceptions_type] => F [details_layout] => default [shipping_params] => a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;} [facebook_obj_type] => [buy_now_url] => [fina_id] => 0 [updated] => 0 [has_video] => N [is_stock_split_by_warehouses] => N [price] => 20.65000000 [short_description] => [full_description] => <p>Glekhuri, a limited line of Teliani Valley, exclusively produces Qvevri wines. The 2019 Kisi aged well and developed in the bottle. This amber-colored wine is characterized by aromas of nuts, hay, and dried grass. Velvety tannins, sweet fruit finish, and strong texture can be felt on the palate. The wine is complex, full, and properly developed in the bottle. </p> <p>This wine is in the best condition but still has great potential for aging and development. It pairs perfectly with chicken gyros, hummus with vegetables. </p> <p></p> <p class="text-right">Kato Shalvashvili<br>8000 Vintages Sommelier and Wine Taster</p> [meta_keywords] => Teliani Valley Glekhuri Kisi Qvevri 2019 [meta_description] => Teliani Valley Glekhuri Kisi Qvevri 2019 [search_words] => Teliani Valley Glekhuri Kisi Qvevri 2019, თელიანი ველი,teliani valley,teliani veli,ტელიანიველი,თელიანიველი,telianiveli,teliani valley,telliani valley [promo_text] => [category_ids] => Array ( [0] => 181 [1] => 195 ) [position] => 0 [seo_name] => teliani-valley-glekhuri-kisi-qvevri-2019 [seo_path] => 185/195 [main_category] => 195 [category_ids_with_parents] => Array ( [0] => 185 [1] => 195 ) [category_names] => Array ( [185] => WHITE [195] => DRY ) [options_type_raw] => P [exceptions_type_raw] => F [tracking_raw] => B [zero_price_action_raw] => R [min_qty_raw] => 0 [max_qty_raw] => 0 [qty_step_raw] => 0 [list_qty_count_raw] => 0 [details_layout_raw] => default [main_pair] => Array ( [pair_id] => 13553 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 17954 [position] => 0 [object_id] => 9950 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 9950 [object_type] => product [type] => M [image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/17/Glekhuri_Kisi_qvevri_2019.png [alt] => Teliani Valley Glekhuri Kisi Qvevri 2019 [image_x] => 672 [image_y] => 1800 [http_image_path] => http://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/17/Glekhuri_Kisi_qvevri_2019.png [https_image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/17/Glekhuri_Kisi_qvevri_2019.png [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/17/Glekhuri_Kisi_qvevri_2019.png [relative_path] => detailed/17/Glekhuri_Kisi_qvevri_2019.png ) ) [base_price] => 20.65000000 [selected_options] => Array ( ) [has_options] => [product_options] => Array ( ) [discounts] => Array ( [A] => 0 [P] => 0 ) [product_features] => Array ( [187] => Array ( [feature_id] => 187 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49410 [feature_type] => E [internal_name] => Brands [description] => Brands [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Teliani Valley [parent_id] => 186 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => N [feature_code] => [purpose] => organize_catalog [name] => teliani-valley-winery [features_hash] => 41-49410 [variants] => Array ( [49410] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49410 [variant] => Teliani Valley [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [154] => Array ( [feature_id] => 154 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47966 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => იკონკები [description] => იკონკები [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Qvevri [parent_id] => 153 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 37-47966 [variants] => Array ( [47966] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47966 [variant] => Qvevri [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [145] => Array ( [feature_id] => 145 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47979 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Taste [description] => Taste [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Bodied [parent_id] => 153 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [47979] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47979 [variant] => Bodied [image_pairs] => ) [49007] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49007 [variant] => Tannin ) [49325] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49325 [variant] => Marmalade ) ) ) [151] => Array ( [feature_id] => 151 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47955 [feature_type] => S [internal_name] => Year [description] => Year [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 2019 [parent_id] => 153 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 30-47955 [variants] => Array ( [47955] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47955 [variant] => 2019 [image_pairs] => ) ) ) ) [qty_content] => Array ( ) [detailed_params] => Array ( [get_icon] => 1 [get_detailed] => 1 [get_additional] => 1 [get_options] => 1 [get_discounts] => 1 [get_features] => 1 [get_extra] => [get_taxed_prices] => 1 [get_for_one_product] => [detailed_params] => 1 [features_display_on] => C [get_active_options] => [get_only_selectable_options] => ) )
Teliani Valley
Array ( [product_id] => 9944 [product] => Mtsvane [company_name] => Berlin [supplier_id] => [product_code] => 4860038004946 [product_type] => P [status] => A [company_id] => 5 [list_price] => 0.00 [amount] => 7 [weight] => 1.50 [length] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [shipping_freight] => 0.00 [low_avail_limit] => 0 [timestamp] => 1700213024 [updated_timestamp] => 1734539476 [usergroup_ids] => 0 [is_edp] => N [edp_shipping] => N [unlimited_download] => N [tracking] => B [free_shipping] => N [feature_comparison] => N [zero_price_action] => R [is_pbp] => Y [is_op] => N [is_oper] => N [is_returnable] => Y [return_period] => 10 [avail_since] => 0 [out_of_stock_actions] => N [localization] => [min_qty] => 0 [max_qty] => 0 [qty_step] => 0 [list_qty_count] => 0 [tax_ids] => [age_verification] => N [age_limit] => 0 [options_type] => P [exceptions_type] => F [details_layout] => default [shipping_params] => a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;} [facebook_obj_type] => [buy_now_url] => [fina_id] => 0 [updated] => 0 [has_video] => N [is_stock_split_by_warehouses] => N [price] => 17.90000000 [short_description] => [full_description] => <p>It is a light Qvevri wine with a light straw color, the aroma has light tones of hay. On the palate with soft tannins, medium acidity and body. </p> <p>The wine will be interesting to taste after 6 years of aging. </p> <p>Goes well with nuts, honey and cheese of neutral taste. </p> <p class="text-right">Qeti Japaridze<br>MA in Enology</p> [meta_keywords] => Tbilvino Mtsvane Qvevri 2020 [meta_description] => Tbilvino Mtsvane Qvevri 2020 [search_words] => Tbilvino Mtsvane Qvevri 2020, Tbilvino,tbilgvino,თბილღვინო,თბილვინო,ტბილვინო,ტბილგვინო,tbilivino [promo_text] => [category_ids] => Array ( [0] => 181 [1] => 195 ) [position] => 0 [seo_name] => tbilvino-mtsvane-qvevri-2020 [seo_path] => 185/195 [main_category] => 195 [category_ids_with_parents] => Array ( [0] => 185 [1] => 195 ) [category_names] => Array ( [185] => WHITE [195] => DRY ) [options_type_raw] => P [exceptions_type_raw] => F [tracking_raw] => B [zero_price_action_raw] => R [min_qty_raw] => 0 [max_qty_raw] => 0 [qty_step_raw] => 0 [list_qty_count_raw] => 0 [details_layout_raw] => default [main_pair] => Array ( [pair_id] => 13547 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 17948 [position] => 0 [object_id] => 9944 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 9944 [object_type] => product [type] => M [image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/17/tbilvino_qvevrismts.png [alt] => Tbilvino Mtsvane Qvevri 2020 [image_x] => 672 [image_y] => 1800 [http_image_path] => http://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/17/tbilvino_qvevrismts.png [https_image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/17/tbilvino_qvevrismts.png [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/17/tbilvino_qvevrismts.png [relative_path] => detailed/17/tbilvino_qvevrismts.png ) ) [base_price] => 17.90000000 [selected_options] => Array ( ) [has_options] => [product_options] => Array ( ) [discounts] => Array ( [A] => 0 [P] => 0 ) [product_features] => Array ( [187] => Array ( [feature_id] => 187 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49406 [feature_type] => E [internal_name] => Brands [description] => Brands [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Tbilvino [parent_id] => 186 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => N [feature_code] => [purpose] => organize_catalog [name] => tbilvino-ka-2 [features_hash] => 41-49406 [variants] => Array ( [49406] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49406 [variant] => Tbilvino [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [154] => Array ( [feature_id] => 154 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47966 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => იკონკები [description] => იკონკები [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Qvevri [parent_id] => 153 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 37-47966 [variants] => Array ( [47966] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47966 [variant] => Qvevri [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [145] => Array ( [feature_id] => 145 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49405 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Taste [description] => Taste [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Caramelized fruit [parent_id] => 153 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [49405] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49405 [variant] => Caramelized fruit [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [151] => Array ( [feature_id] => 151 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47956 [feature_type] => S [internal_name] => Year [description] => Year [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 2020 [parent_id] => 153 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 30-47956 [variants] => Array ( [47956] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47956 [variant] => 2020 [image_pairs] => ) ) ) ) [qty_content] => Array ( ) [detailed_params] => Array ( [get_icon] => 1 [get_detailed] => 1 [get_additional] => 1 [get_options] => 1 [get_discounts] => 1 [get_features] => 1 [get_extra] => [get_taxed_prices] => 1 [get_for_one_product] => [detailed_params] => 1 [features_display_on] => C [get_active_options] => [get_only_selectable_options] => ) )
Array ( [product_id] => 9934 [product] => Kakhuri Mtsvane [company_name] => Berlin [supplier_id] => [product_code] => 300312022 [product_type] => P [status] => A [company_id] => 5 [list_price] => 0.00 [amount] => 26 [weight] => 1.50 [length] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [shipping_freight] => 0.00 [low_avail_limit] => 0 [timestamp] => 1700209922 [updated_timestamp] => 1734539476 [usergroup_ids] => 0 [is_edp] => N [edp_shipping] => N [unlimited_download] => N [tracking] => B [free_shipping] => N [feature_comparison] => N [zero_price_action] => R [is_pbp] => Y [is_op] => N [is_oper] => N [is_returnable] => Y [return_period] => 10 [avail_since] => 0 [out_of_stock_actions] => N [localization] => [min_qty] => 0 [max_qty] => 0 [qty_step] => 0 [list_qty_count] => 0 [tax_ids] => [age_verification] => N [age_limit] => 0 [options_type] => P [exceptions_type] => F [details_layout] => default [shipping_params] => a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;} [facebook_obj_type] => [buy_now_url] => [fina_id] => 0 [updated] => 0 [has_video] => N [is_stock_split_by_warehouses] => N [price] => 23.00000000 [short_description] => [full_description] => <p>A specific sample is a Pet-Nat made from the Kakhuri Mtsvane grape variety. Wine is rich with tropical fruit aromas, which after contact with air turns into sweet fruit tones. </p> <p>It is a full-bodied, creamy, strong-structured wine with a long-lasting aftertaste. </p> <p>Petnat is a young wine that pairs perfectly with tropical, exotic fruits and high-acid fruit cakes. </p> <p></p> <p class="text-right">Kato Shalvashvili<br>8000 Vintages Sommelier and Wine Taster</p> [meta_keywords] => Simoneti Wine Cellar Kakhuri Mtsvane Petnat 2022 Brut, blue donkey [meta_description] => Simoneti Wine Cellar Kakhuri Mtsvane Petnat 2022 Brut [search_words] => Simoneti Wine Cellar Kakhuri Mtsvane Petnat 2022 Brut blue donkeysimoneti wine cellar,simoneti cellar,სიმონეთის მარანი,სიმონეთის ღვინის მარანი [promo_text] => [category_ids] => Array ( [0] => 199 [1] => 195 ) [position] => 0 [seo_name] => simoneti-wine-cellar-kakhuri-mtsvane-petnat-2022-brut-blue-donkey [seo_path] => 185/195 [main_category] => 195 [category_ids_with_parents] => Array ( [0] => 185 [1] => 195 ) [category_names] => Array ( [185] => WHITE [195] => DRY ) [options_type_raw] => P [exceptions_type_raw] => F [tracking_raw] => B [zero_price_action_raw] => R [min_qty_raw] => 0 [max_qty_raw] => 0 [qty_step_raw] => 0 [list_qty_count_raw] => 0 [details_layout_raw] => default [main_pair] => Array ( [pair_id] => 13537 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 17938 [position] => 0 [object_id] => 9934 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 9934 [object_type] => product [type] => M [image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/17/blue_donkey_petnat_2021.png [alt] => Simoneti Wine Cellar Kakhuri Mtsvane Petnat 2022 Brut [image_x] => 672 [image_y] => 1800 [http_image_path] => http://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/17/blue_donkey_petnat_2021.png [https_image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/17/blue_donkey_petnat_2021.png [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/17/blue_donkey_petnat_2021.png [relative_path] => detailed/17/blue_donkey_petnat_2021.png ) ) [base_price] => 23.00000000 [selected_options] => Array ( ) [has_options] => [product_options] => Array ( ) [discounts] => Array ( [A] => 0 [P] => 0 ) [product_features] => Array ( [187] => Array ( [feature_id] => 187 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49395 [feature_type] => E [internal_name] => Brands [description] => Brands [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Simoneti Wine Cellar [parent_id] => 186 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => N [feature_code] => [purpose] => organize_catalog [name] => simoneti-wine-cellar-ka [features_hash] => 41-49395 [variants] => Array ( [49395] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49395 [variant] => Simoneti Wine Cellar [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [145] => Array ( [feature_id] => 145 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49155 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Taste [description] => Taste [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Fresh [parent_id] => 153 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [49155] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49155 [variant] => Fresh [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [151] => Array ( [feature_id] => 151 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47958 [feature_type] => S [internal_name] => Year [description] => Year [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 2022 [parent_id] => 153 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 30-47958 [variants] => Array ( [47958] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47958 [variant] => 2022 [image_pairs] => ) ) ) ) [qty_content] => Array ( ) [detailed_params] => Array ( [get_icon] => 1 [get_detailed] => 1 [get_additional] => 1 [get_options] => 1 [get_discounts] => 1 [get_features] => 1 [get_extra] => [get_taxed_prices] => 1 [get_for_one_product] => [detailed_params] => 1 [features_display_on] => C [get_active_options] => [get_only_selectable_options] => ) )
White Dry
Simoneti Wine Cellar
Array ( [product_id] => 9932 [product] => Kisi [company_name] => Berlin [supplier_id] => [product_code] => 3003219 [product_type] => P [status] => A [company_id] => 5 [list_price] => 0.00 [amount] => 27 [weight] => 1.50 [length] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [shipping_freight] => 0.00 [low_avail_limit] => 0 [timestamp] => 1700209335 [updated_timestamp] => 1733761139 [usergroup_ids] => 0 [is_edp] => N [edp_shipping] => N [unlimited_download] => N [tracking] => B [free_shipping] => N [feature_comparison] => N [zero_price_action] => R [is_pbp] => Y [is_op] => N [is_oper] => N [is_returnable] => Y [return_period] => 10 [avail_since] => 0 [out_of_stock_actions] => N [localization] => [min_qty] => 0 [max_qty] => 0 [qty_step] => 0 [list_qty_count] => 0 [tax_ids] => [age_verification] => N [age_limit] => 0 [options_type] => P [exceptions_type] => F [details_layout] => default [shipping_params] => a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;} [facebook_obj_type] => [buy_now_url] => [fina_id] => 0 [updated] => 0 [has_video] => N [is_stock_split_by_warehouses] => N [price] => 17.70000000 [short_description] => [full_description] => <p>The wine is made using the traditional Georgian method in qvevri, after 4-5 months with the skin contact, using cultured yeast. Grapes are from the Kardenakhi microzone, from the winery's vineyards.</p> <p>The wine has a light amber color with aromas of tarragon, cream, apricot, and yellow ripe apple. It has a light body, soft tannins, medium acidity, and a medium finish of fresh stone fruit.</p> <p>The wine is light and lively and does not require an extended aging period, best enjoyed in 2024-2025 with pumpkin risotto, aged cheeses, spicy Indian dishes, and grilled seafood. <br></p> <p></p> <p class="text-right">Gio Potskhverashvili</p> <p class="text-right">Wine critic, WSET Level 3<br></p> [meta_keywords] => Shalva Gvaramadze Winery Kisi 2019 Shalvino [meta_description] => Shalva Gvaramadze Winery Kisi 2019 Shalvino [search_words] => Shalva Gvaramadze Winery Kisi 2019 Shalvino შალვა გვარამაძის მეღვინეობა შალვა გვარამაძე შალვინო შალვა გვარამაძის ღვინო Shalvino Shalva Gvaramadze winery shalva gvaramadzis gvino Shalva Gvaramadze's winery [promo_text] => [category_ids] => Array ( [0] => 181 [1] => 195 ) [position] => 0 [seo_name] => shalva-gvaramadze-winery-kisi-2019-shalvino [seo_path] => 185/195 [main_category] => 195 [category_ids_with_parents] => Array ( [0] => 185 [1] => 195 ) [category_names] => Array ( [185] => WHITE [195] => DRY ) [options_type_raw] => P [exceptions_type_raw] => F [tracking_raw] => B [zero_price_action_raw] => R [min_qty_raw] => 0 [max_qty_raw] => 0 [qty_step_raw] => 0 [list_qty_count_raw] => 0 [details_layout_raw] => default [main_pair] => Array ( [pair_id] => 13535 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 17936 [position] => 0 [object_id] => 9932 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 9932 [object_type] => product [type] => M [image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/17/gvaramadze_kisi_ln32.png [alt] => Shalva Gvaramadze Winery Kisi 2019 Shalvino [image_x] => 672 [image_y] => 1800 [http_image_path] => http://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/17/gvaramadze_kisi_ln32.png [https_image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/17/gvaramadze_kisi_ln32.png [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/17/gvaramadze_kisi_ln32.png [relative_path] => detailed/17/gvaramadze_kisi_ln32.png ) ) [base_price] => 17.70000000 [selected_options] => Array ( ) [has_options] => [product_options] => Array ( ) [discounts] => Array ( [A] => 0 [P] => 0 ) [product_features] => Array ( [187] => Array ( [feature_id] => 187 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49393 [feature_type] => E [internal_name] => Brands [description] => Brands [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Shalva Gvaramadze Winery [parent_id] => 186 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => N [feature_code] => [purpose] => organize_catalog [name] => shalva-gvaramadze-winery [features_hash] => 41-49393 [variants] => Array ( [49393] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49393 [variant] => Shalva Gvaramadze Winery [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [154] => Array ( [feature_id] => 154 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47966 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => იკონკები [description] => იკონკები [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Qvevri [parent_id] => 153 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 37-47970 [variants] => Array ( [47966] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47966 [variant] => Qvevri [image_pairs] => ) [47970] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47970 [variant] => Unfiltered ) ) ) [145] => Array ( [feature_id] => 145 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47979 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Taste [description] => Taste [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Bodied [parent_id] => 153 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [47979] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47979 [variant] => Bodied [image_pairs] => ) [49007] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49007 [variant] => Tannin ) ) ) [151] => Array ( [feature_id] => 151 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47954 [feature_type] => S [internal_name] => Year [description] => Year [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 2018 [parent_id] => 153 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 30-47954 [variants] => Array ( [47954] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47954 [variant] => 2018 [image_pairs] => ) ) ) ) [qty_content] => Array ( ) [detailed_params] => Array ( [get_icon] => 1 [get_detailed] => 1 [get_additional] => 1 [get_options] => 1 [get_discounts] => 1 [get_features] => 1 [get_extra] => [get_taxed_prices] => 1 [get_for_one_product] => [detailed_params] => 1 [features_display_on] => C [get_active_options] => [get_only_selectable_options] => ) )
Shalva Gvaramadze Winery
Array ( [product_id] => 9930 [product] => Khikhvi [company_name] => Berlin [supplier_id] => [product_code] => 3000868 [product_type] => P [status] => A [company_id] => 5 [list_price] => 0.00 [amount] => 4 [weight] => 1.50 [length] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [shipping_freight] => 0.00 [low_avail_limit] => 0 [timestamp] => 1700209068 [updated_timestamp] => 1734537908 [usergroup_ids] => 0 [is_edp] => N [edp_shipping] => N [unlimited_download] => N [tracking] => B [free_shipping] => N [feature_comparison] => N [zero_price_action] => R [is_pbp] => Y [is_op] => N [is_oper] => N [is_returnable] => Y [return_period] => 10 [avail_since] => 0 [out_of_stock_actions] => N [localization] => [min_qty] => 0 [max_qty] => 0 [qty_step] => 0 [list_qty_count] => 0 [tax_ids] => [age_verification] => N [age_limit] => 0 [options_type] => P [exceptions_type] => F [details_layout] => default [shipping_params] => a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;} [facebook_obj_type] => [buy_now_url] => [fina_id] => 0 [updated] => 0 [has_video] => N [is_stock_split_by_warehouses] => N [price] => 18.55000000 [short_description] => [full_description] => <p>The wine made from the Khikhvi grape variety is characterized by an amber color. With the aroma of dried leaves, quince, and walnut jam. Wine has soft tannins and a long finish. The wine is in perfect condition to drink and goes well with both mushroom dishes and turkey pate. </p><p></p><p class="text-right">Kato Shalvashvili<br>8000 Vintages Sommelier and Wine Taster</p> [meta_keywords] => Shalva Gvaramadze Winery Khikhvi 2018 Shalvino [meta_description] => Shalva Gvaramadze Winery Khikhvi 2018 Shalvino [search_words] => Shalva Gvaramadze Winery Khikhvi 2018 Shalvino შალვა გვარამაძის მეღვინეობა შალვა გვარამაძე შალვინო შალვა გვარამაძის ღვინო Shalvino Shalva Gvaramadze winery shalva gvaramadzis gvino Shalva Gvaramadze's winery [promo_text] => [category_ids] => Array ( [0] => 181 [1] => 195 ) [position] => 0 [seo_name] => shalva-gvaramadze-winery-khikhvi-2018-shalvino [seo_path] => 185/195 [main_category] => 195 [category_ids_with_parents] => Array ( [0] => 185 [1] => 195 ) [category_names] => Array ( [185] => WHITE [195] => DRY ) [options_type_raw] => P [exceptions_type_raw] => F [tracking_raw] => B [zero_price_action_raw] => R [min_qty_raw] => 0 [max_qty_raw] => 0 [qty_step_raw] => 0 [list_qty_count_raw] => 0 [details_layout_raw] => default [main_pair] => Array ( [pair_id] => 13533 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 17934 [position] => 0 [object_id] => 9930 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 9930 [object_type] => product [type] => M [image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/17/gvaramadze_khikhvi_kd8o-g4.png [alt] => Shalva Gvaramadze Winery Khikhvi 2018 Shalvino [image_x] => 672 [image_y] => 1800 [http_image_path] => http://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/17/gvaramadze_khikhvi_kd8o-g4.png [https_image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/17/gvaramadze_khikhvi_kd8o-g4.png [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/17/gvaramadze_khikhvi_kd8o-g4.png [relative_path] => detailed/17/gvaramadze_khikhvi_kd8o-g4.png ) ) [base_price] => 18.55000000 [selected_options] => Array ( ) [has_options] => [product_options] => Array ( ) [discounts] => Array ( [A] => 0 [P] => 0 ) [product_features] => Array ( [187] => Array ( [feature_id] => 187 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49393 [feature_type] => E [internal_name] => Brands [description] => Brands [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Shalva Gvaramadze Winery [parent_id] => 186 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => N [feature_code] => [purpose] => organize_catalog [name] => shalva-gvaramadze-winery [features_hash] => 41-49393 [variants] => Array ( [49393] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49393 [variant] => Shalva Gvaramadze Winery [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [154] => Array ( [feature_id] => 154 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47966 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => იკონკები [description] => იკონკები [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Qvevri [parent_id] => 153 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 37-47970 [variants] => Array ( [47966] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47966 [variant] => Qvevri [image_pairs] => ) [47970] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47970 [variant] => Unfiltered ) ) ) [145] => Array ( [feature_id] => 145 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47986 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Taste [description] => Taste [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Harmonic [parent_id] => 153 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [47986] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47986 [variant] => Harmonic [image_pairs] => ) [47979] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47979 [variant] => Bodied ) ) ) [151] => Array ( [feature_id] => 151 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47954 [feature_type] => S [internal_name] => Year [description] => Year [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 2018 [parent_id] => 153 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 30-47954 [variants] => Array ( [47954] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47954 [variant] => 2018 [image_pairs] => ) ) ) ) [qty_content] => Array ( ) [detailed_params] => Array ( [get_icon] => 1 [get_detailed] => 1 [get_additional] => 1 [get_options] => 1 [get_discounts] => 1 [get_features] => 1 [get_extra] => [get_taxed_prices] => 1 [get_for_one_product] => [detailed_params] => 1 [features_display_on] => C [get_active_options] => [get_only_selectable_options] => ) )
Array ( [product_id] => 8701 [product] => Khikhvi [company_name] => Berlin [supplier_id] => [product_code] => 3009841 [product_type] => P [status] => A [company_id] => 5 [list_price] => 0.00 [amount] => 6 [weight] => 1.50 [length] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [shipping_freight] => 0.00 [low_avail_limit] => 0 [timestamp] => 1700137396 [updated_timestamp] => 1734539476 [usergroup_ids] => 0 [is_edp] => N [edp_shipping] => N [unlimited_download] => N [tracking] => B [free_shipping] => N [feature_comparison] => N [zero_price_action] => R [is_pbp] => Y [is_op] => N [is_oper] => N [is_returnable] => Y [return_period] => 10 [avail_since] => 0 [out_of_stock_actions] => N [localization] => [min_qty] => 0 [max_qty] => 0 [qty_step] => 0 [list_qty_count] => 0 [tax_ids] => [age_verification] => N [age_limit] => 0 [options_type] => P [exceptions_type] => F [details_layout] => default [shipping_params] => a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;} [facebook_obj_type] => [buy_now_url] => [fina_id] => 0 [updated] => 0 [has_video] => N [is_stock_split_by_warehouses] => N [price] => 25.55000000 [short_description] => [full_description] => <p>The wine is aged in the traditional Georgian method in qvevri, with an 8-month skin maceration including seeds, and fermentation is carried out with an endemic yeast culture. The wine is unfiltered and is expected to develop sedimentation during bottling.</p> <p>Vineyard - from Vazisubani microzone.</p> <p>The wine has a beautiful medium-intensity amber color. It features aromas of ripe peach, passion fruit, lychee, and pomelo. Medium body, medium acidity, rounded tannins, and a medium finish of overripe yellow stone fruit.</p> <p>The wine does not need to be decanted. Enjoy it in 2024-2025. Pair with sashimi, white meat, and soft cheese. <br></p> <p></p> <p class="text-right">Gio Potskhverashvili</p> <p class="text-right">Wine critic, WSET Level 3<br></p> [meta_keywords] => Rtoni Khikhvi 2021 [meta_description] => Rtoni Khikhvi 2021 [search_words] => rtoni,რტონი,რთონიRtoni Khikhvi 2021 [promo_text] => [category_ids] => Array ( [0] => 181 [1] => 195 ) [position] => 0 [seo_name] => rtoni-khikhvi-2021 [seo_path] => 185/195 [main_category] => 195 [category_ids_with_parents] => Array ( [0] => 185 [1] => 195 ) [category_names] => Array ( [185] => WHITE [195] => DRY ) [options_type_raw] => P [exceptions_type_raw] => F [tracking_raw] => B [zero_price_action_raw] => R [min_qty_raw] => 0 [max_qty_raw] => 0 [qty_step_raw] => 0 [list_qty_count_raw] => 0 [details_layout_raw] => default [main_pair] => Array ( [pair_id] => 12322 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 16723 [position] => 0 [object_id] => 8701 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 8701 [object_type] => product [type] => M [image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/16/rtoni_khikhvi_2021-min_q2mu-ju.png [alt] => Rtoni Khikhvi 2021 [image_x] => 672 [image_y] => 1800 [http_image_path] => http://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/16/rtoni_khikhvi_2021-min_q2mu-ju.png [https_image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/16/rtoni_khikhvi_2021-min_q2mu-ju.png [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/16/rtoni_khikhvi_2021-min_q2mu-ju.png [relative_path] => detailed/16/rtoni_khikhvi_2021-min_q2mu-ju.png ) ) [base_price] => 25.55000000 [selected_options] => Array ( ) [has_options] => [product_options] => Array ( ) [discounts] => Array ( [A] => 0 [P] => 0 ) [product_features] => Array ( [187] => Array ( [feature_id] => 187 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49388 [feature_type] => E [internal_name] => Brands [description] => Brands [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Rtoni [parent_id] => 186 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => N [feature_code] => [purpose] => organize_catalog [name] => winery-rtoni [features_hash] => 41-49388 [variants] => Array ( [49388] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49388 [variant] => Rtoni [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [154] => Array ( [feature_id] => 154 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47966 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => იკონკები [description] => იკონკები [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Qvevri [parent_id] => 153 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 37-47970 [variants] => Array ( [47966] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47966 [variant] => Qvevri [image_pairs] => ) [47970] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47970 [variant] => Unfiltered ) ) ) [145] => Array ( [feature_id] => 145 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47986 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Taste [description] => Taste [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Harmonic [parent_id] => 153 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [47986] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47986 [variant] => Harmonic [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [151] => Array ( [feature_id] => 151 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47957 [feature_type] => S [internal_name] => Year [description] => Year [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 2021 [parent_id] => 153 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 30-47957 [variants] => Array ( [47957] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47957 [variant] => 2021 [image_pairs] => ) ) ) ) [qty_content] => Array ( ) [detailed_params] => Array ( [get_icon] => 1 [get_detailed] => 1 [get_additional] => 1 [get_options] => 1 [get_discounts] => 1 [get_features] => 1 [get_extra] => [get_taxed_prices] => 1 [get_for_one_product] => [detailed_params] => 1 [features_display_on] => C [get_active_options] => [get_only_selectable_options] => ) )
Array ( [product_id] => 8688 [product] => Tsolikauri [company_name] => Berlin [supplier_id] => [product_code] => 4860112400176 [product_type] => P [status] => A [company_id] => 5 [list_price] => 0.00 [amount] => 13 [weight] => 1.50 [length] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [shipping_freight] => 0.00 [low_avail_limit] => 0 [timestamp] => 1700064793 [updated_timestamp] => 1733919413 [usergroup_ids] => 0 [is_edp] => N [edp_shipping] => N [unlimited_download] => N [tracking] => B [free_shipping] => N [feature_comparison] => N [zero_price_action] => R [is_pbp] => Y [is_op] => N [is_oper] => N [is_returnable] => Y [return_period] => 10 [avail_since] => 0 [out_of_stock_actions] => N [localization] => [min_qty] => 0 [max_qty] => 0 [qty_step] => 0 [list_qty_count] => 0 [tax_ids] => [age_verification] => N [age_limit] => 0 [options_type] => P [exceptions_type] => F [details_layout] => default [shipping_params] => a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;} [facebook_obj_type] => [buy_now_url] => [fina_id] => 0 [updated] => 0 [has_video] => N [is_stock_split_by_warehouses] => N [price] => 21.00000000 [short_description] => [full_description] => <p>The wine is straw-colored, made with traditional Georgian qvevri technology, with medium intensity on the aroma, with tones of baked fruits. with sharp tannins that neutralizes high acidity. </p> <p>It will be interesting to taste it after 12 years of aging. </p> <p>It goes well with fatty dishes, salty cheese, and lean meat. </p> <p class="text-right">Qeti Japaridze<br>MA in Enology</p> [meta_keywords] => Peradze Tsolikauri 2019 Qvevri [meta_description] => Peradze Tsolikauri 2019 Qvevri [search_words] => Peradze Tsolikauri 2019 Qvevriირაკლი ფერაძეს მეღვინეობა, ირაკლი ფერაძის მეღვინეობა, ირაკლი ფერაძის ღვინო, irakli feradze winery,irakli feradzis gvino,irakli feradze's winery,irakli peradze winery,irakli peradze's wineryირაკლი ფერაძეს მეღვინეობა, ირაკლი ფერაძის მეღვინეობა, ირაკლი ფერაძის ღვინო, irakli feradze winery,irakli feradzis gvino,irakli feradze's winery,irakli peradze winery,irakli peradze's winery [promo_text] => [category_ids] => Array ( [0] => 181 [1] => 195 ) [position] => 0 [seo_name] => peradze-tsolikauri-2019-qvevri [seo_path] => 185/195 [main_category] => 195 [category_ids_with_parents] => Array ( [0] => 185 [1] => 195 ) [category_names] => Array ( [185] => WHITE [195] => DRY ) [options_type_raw] => P [exceptions_type_raw] => F [tracking_raw] => B [zero_price_action_raw] => R [min_qty_raw] => 0 [max_qty_raw] => 0 [qty_step_raw] => 0 [list_qty_count_raw] => 0 [details_layout_raw] => default [main_pair] => Array ( [pair_id] => 12304 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 16705 [position] => 0 [object_id] => 8688 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 8688 [object_type] => product [type] => M [image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/16/peradze_tsolikauri_2019.png [alt] => Peradze Tsolikauri 2019 Qvevri [image_x] => 672 [image_y] => 1800 [http_image_path] => http://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/16/peradze_tsolikauri_2019.png [https_image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/16/peradze_tsolikauri_2019.png [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/16/peradze_tsolikauri_2019.png [relative_path] => detailed/16/peradze_tsolikauri_2019.png ) ) [base_price] => 21.00000000 [selected_options] => Array ( ) [has_options] => [product_options] => Array ( ) [discounts] => Array ( [A] => 0 [P] => 0 ) [product_features] => Array ( [187] => Array ( [feature_id] => 187 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49377 [feature_type] => E [internal_name] => Brands [description] => Brands [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Peradze [parent_id] => 186 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => N [feature_code] => [purpose] => organize_catalog [name] => peradze-ka [features_hash] => 41-49377 [variants] => Array ( [49377] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49377 [variant] => Peradze [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [154] => Array ( [feature_id] => 154 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47966 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => იკონკები [description] => იკონკები [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Qvevri [parent_id] => 153 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 37-47966 [variants] => Array ( [47966] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47966 [variant] => Qvevri [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [145] => Array ( [feature_id] => 145 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47986 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Taste [description] => Taste [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Harmonic [parent_id] => 153 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [47986] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47986 [variant] => Harmonic [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [151] => Array ( [feature_id] => 151 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47955 [feature_type] => S [internal_name] => Year [description] => Year [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 2019 [parent_id] => 153 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 30-47955 [variants] => Array ( [47955] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47955 [variant] => 2019 [image_pairs] => ) ) ) ) [qty_content] => Array ( ) [detailed_params] => Array ( [get_icon] => 1 [get_detailed] => 1 [get_additional] => 1 [get_options] => 1 [get_discounts] => 1 [get_features] => 1 [get_extra] => [get_taxed_prices] => 1 [get_for_one_product] => [detailed_params] => 1 [features_display_on] => C [get_active_options] => [get_only_selectable_options] => ) )
Array ( [product_id] => 8685 [product] => Rkatsiteli [company_name] => Berlin [supplier_id] => [product_code] => 30031110 [product_type] => P [status] => A [company_id] => 5 [list_price] => 21.75 [amount] => 8 [weight] => 1.50 [length] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [shipping_freight] => 0.00 [low_avail_limit] => 0 [timestamp] => 1700064347 [updated_timestamp] => 1734539476 [usergroup_ids] => 0 [is_edp] => N [edp_shipping] => N [unlimited_download] => N [tracking] => B [free_shipping] => N [feature_comparison] => N [zero_price_action] => R [is_pbp] => Y [is_op] => N [is_oper] => N [is_returnable] => Y [return_period] => 10 [avail_since] => 0 [out_of_stock_actions] => N [localization] => [min_qty] => 0 [max_qty] => 0 [qty_step] => 0 [list_qty_count] => 0 [tax_ids] => [age_verification] => N [age_limit] => 0 [options_type] => P [exceptions_type] => F [details_layout] => default [shipping_params] => a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;} [facebook_obj_type] => [buy_now_url] => [fina_id] => 0 [updated] => 0 [has_video] => N [is_stock_split_by_warehouses] => N [price] => 18.50000000 [short_description] => [full_description] => <p>The wine is made by the traditional Kakhuri method in qvevri from the Rkatsiteli grape variety, which is planted in the village of Alaverdi in the Kakheti region. Wine was fermented with skin for 5 months and then aged in French oak barrels for 10 months. It is characterized by an intense amber color with a golden hue. The varietal aromas of Rkatsiteli are enriched with the tones characteristic of barrel aging. Aromas of baked apple, quince, conifers, chamomile, and dried apricots are pronounced. The taste is also quite balanced, with velvety round tannins and pleasant dried fruit tones. </p> <p>Given the wine's age, it is in good shape to drink now, although it has the potential to age in the bottle for a few more years. It would be ideal to taste it with grilled poultry meat and vegetable ragout. </p> <p class="text-right">Dea Purtseladze<br>Wine expert, MA in Wine Hospitality and Wine Marketing</p> [meta_keywords] => Peradze Rkatsiteli 2019 Qvevri/Oak [meta_description] => Peradze Rkatsiteli 2019 Qvevri/Oak [search_words] => Peradze Rkatsiteli 2019 Qvevri/Oakირაკლი ფერაძეს მეღვინეობა, ირაკლი ფერაძის მეღვინეობა, ირაკლი ფერაძის ღვინო, irakli feradze winery,irakli feradzis gvino,irakli feradze's winery,irakli peradze winery,irakli peradze's wineryირაკლი ფერაძეს მეღვინეობა, ირაკლი ფერაძის მეღვინეობა, ირაკლი ფერაძის ღვინო, irakli feradze winery,irakli feradzis gvino,irakli feradze's winery,irakli peradze winery,irakli peradze's winery [promo_text] => [category_ids] => Array ( [0] => 181 [1] => 172 [2] => 195 ) [position] => 0 [seo_name] => peradze-rkatsiteli-2019-qvevri-oak [seo_path] => 185/195 [main_category] => 195 [category_ids_with_parents] => Array ( [0] => 185 [1] => 195 ) [category_names] => Array ( [185] => WHITE [195] => DRY ) [options_type_raw] => P [exceptions_type_raw] => F [tracking_raw] => B [zero_price_action_raw] => R [min_qty_raw] => 0 [max_qty_raw] => 0 [qty_step_raw] => 0 [list_qty_count_raw] => 0 [details_layout_raw] => default [main_pair] => Array ( [pair_id] => 12301 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 16702 [position] => 0 [object_id] => 8685 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 8685 [object_type] => product [type] => M [image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/16/peradze_rkqv18.png [alt] => Peradze Rkatsiteli 2019 Qvevri/Oak [image_x] => 672 [image_y] => 1800 [http_image_path] => http://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/16/peradze_rkqv18.png [https_image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/16/peradze_rkqv18.png [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/16/peradze_rkqv18.png [relative_path] => detailed/16/peradze_rkqv18.png ) ) [base_price] => 18.50000000 [selected_options] => Array ( ) [has_options] => [product_options] => Array ( ) [list_discount] => 3.25 [list_discount_prc] => 15 [discounts] => Array ( [A] => 0 [P] => 0 ) [product_features] => Array ( [187] => Array ( [feature_id] => 187 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49377 [feature_type] => E [internal_name] => Brands [description] => Brands [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Peradze [parent_id] => 186 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => N [feature_code] => [purpose] => organize_catalog [name] => peradze-ka [features_hash] => 41-49377 [variants] => Array ( [49377] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49377 [variant] => Peradze [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [154] => Array ( [feature_id] => 154 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47966 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => იკონკები [description] => იკონკები [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Qvevri [parent_id] => 153 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 37-47970 [variants] => Array ( [47966] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47966 [variant] => Qvevri [image_pairs] => ) [47967] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47967 [variant] => Oak Barrel ) [47970] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47970 [variant] => Unfiltered ) ) ) [145] => Array ( [feature_id] => 145 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49216 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Taste [description] => Taste [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Full body [parent_id] => 153 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [49216] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49216 [variant] => Full body [image_pairs] => ) [49024] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49024 [variant] => Dried white fruit ) [49380] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49380 [variant] => Honey ) [49325] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49325 [variant] => Marmalade ) ) ) [151] => Array ( [feature_id] => 151 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47955 [feature_type] => S [internal_name] => Year [description] => Year [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 2019 [parent_id] => 153 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 30-47955 [variants] => Array ( [47955] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47955 [variant] => 2019 [image_pairs] => ) ) ) ) [qty_content] => Array ( ) [detailed_params] => Array ( [get_icon] => 1 [get_detailed] => 1 [get_additional] => 1 [get_options] => 1 [get_discounts] => 1 [get_features] => 1 [get_extra] => [get_taxed_prices] => 1 [get_for_one_product] => [detailed_params] => 1 [features_display_on] => C [get_active_options] => [get_only_selectable_options] => ) )
Array ( [product_id] => 8683 [product] => Kisi [company_name] => Berlin [supplier_id] => [product_code] => 4860112400183 [product_type] => P [status] => A [company_id] => 5 [list_price] => 21.75 [amount] => 19 [weight] => 1.50 [length] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [shipping_freight] => 0.00 [low_avail_limit] => 0 [timestamp] => 1700064055 [updated_timestamp] => 1733478922 [usergroup_ids] => 0 [is_edp] => N [edp_shipping] => N [unlimited_download] => N [tracking] => B [free_shipping] => N [feature_comparison] => N [zero_price_action] => R [is_pbp] => Y [is_op] => N [is_oper] => N [is_returnable] => Y [return_period] => 10 [avail_since] => 0 [out_of_stock_actions] => N [localization] => [min_qty] => 0 [max_qty] => 0 [qty_step] => 0 [list_qty_count] => 0 [tax_ids] => [age_verification] => N [age_limit] => 0 [options_type] => P [exceptions_type] => F [details_layout] => default [shipping_params] => a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;} [facebook_obj_type] => [buy_now_url] => [fina_id] => 0 [updated] => 0 [has_video] => N [is_stock_split_by_warehouses] => N [price] => 18.50000000 [short_description] => [full_description] => <p>The wine is dark golden in color with slight caramel aromas. Soft tannins are felt on the palate, which leaves a slight spiciness at the end. </p> <p>Wine tasting and observation will be interesting for 7 years. </p> <p>It goes well with fried poultry meat, cheese, as well as fried trout, nuts, and raisins. </p> <p class="text-right">Qeti Japaridze<br>MA in Enology</p> [meta_keywords] => Peradze Kisi 2021 Classic [meta_description] => Peradze Kisi 2021 Classic [search_words] => Peradze Kisi 2021 Classic ირაკლი ფერაძეს მეღვინეობა, ირაკლი ფერაძის მეღვინეობა, ირაკლი ფერაძის ღვინო, irakli feradze winery,irakli feradzis gvino,irakli feradze's winery,irakli peradze winery,irakli peradze's winery [promo_text] => [category_ids] => Array ( [0] => 172 [1] => 195 ) [position] => 0 [seo_name] => peradze-kisi-2021-classic [seo_path] => 185/195 [main_category] => 195 [category_ids_with_parents] => Array ( [0] => 185 [1] => 195 ) [category_names] => Array ( [185] => WHITE [195] => DRY ) [options_type_raw] => P [exceptions_type_raw] => F [tracking_raw] => B [zero_price_action_raw] => R [min_qty_raw] => 0 [max_qty_raw] => 0 [qty_step_raw] => 0 [list_qty_count_raw] => 0 [details_layout_raw] => default [main_pair] => Array ( [pair_id] => 12299 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 16700 [position] => 0 [object_id] => 8683 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 8683 [object_type] => product [type] => M [image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/16/peradze-kisi-2021-classic.png [alt] => Peradze Kisi 2021 Classic [image_x] => 672 [image_y] => 1800 [http_image_path] => http://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/16/peradze-kisi-2021-classic.png [https_image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/16/peradze-kisi-2021-classic.png [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/16/peradze-kisi-2021-classic.png [relative_path] => detailed/16/peradze-kisi-2021-classic.png ) ) [base_price] => 18.50000000 [selected_options] => Array ( ) [has_options] => [product_options] => Array ( ) [list_discount] => 3.25 [list_discount_prc] => 15 [discounts] => Array ( [A] => 0 [P] => 0 ) [product_features] => Array ( [187] => Array ( [feature_id] => 187 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49377 [feature_type] => E [internal_name] => Brands [description] => Brands [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Peradze [parent_id] => 186 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => N [feature_code] => [purpose] => organize_catalog [name] => peradze-ka [features_hash] => 41-49377 [variants] => Array ( [49377] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49377 [variant] => Peradze [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [145] => Array ( [feature_id] => 145 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49031 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Taste [description] => Taste [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Long finnish [parent_id] => 153 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [49031] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49031 [variant] => Long finnish [image_pairs] => ) [47986] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47986 [variant] => Harmonic ) ) ) [151] => Array ( [feature_id] => 151 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47957 [feature_type] => S [internal_name] => Year [description] => Year [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 2021 [parent_id] => 153 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 30-47957 [variants] => Array ( [47957] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47957 [variant] => 2021 [image_pairs] => ) ) ) ) [qty_content] => Array ( ) [detailed_params] => Array ( [get_icon] => 1 [get_detailed] => 1 [get_additional] => 1 [get_options] => 1 [get_discounts] => 1 [get_features] => 1 [get_extra] => [get_taxed_prices] => 1 [get_for_one_product] => [detailed_params] => 1 [features_display_on] => C [get_active_options] => [get_only_selectable_options] => ) )
Array ( [product_id] => 8677 [product] => Chinuri [company_name] => Berlin [supplier_id] => [product_code] => 4860112400190 [product_type] => P [status] => A [company_id] => 5 [list_price] => 0.00 [amount] => 10 [weight] => 1.50 [length] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [shipping_freight] => 0.00 [low_avail_limit] => 0 [timestamp] => 1700063104 [updated_timestamp] => 1734539476 [usergroup_ids] => 0 [is_edp] => N [edp_shipping] => N [unlimited_download] => N [tracking] => B [free_shipping] => N [feature_comparison] => N [zero_price_action] => R [is_pbp] => Y [is_op] => N [is_oper] => N [is_returnable] => Y [return_period] => 10 [avail_since] => 0 [out_of_stock_actions] => N [localization] => [min_qty] => 0 [max_qty] => 0 [qty_step] => 0 [list_qty_count] => 0 [tax_ids] => [age_verification] => N [age_limit] => 0 [options_type] => P [exceptions_type] => F [details_layout] => default [shipping_params] => a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;} [facebook_obj_type] => [buy_now_url] => [fina_id] => 0 [updated] => 0 [has_video] => N [is_stock_split_by_warehouses] => N [price] => 21.00000000 [short_description] => [full_description] => <p>The wine is made using white wine technology in stainless steel tanks. Located in the village of Mukhran, Kartli region, in the central part of Georgia.<br>The wine has a light lemon color. Medium intensity aromas of lemon, yellow apple, pear, quince, and hints of yellow field flowers. It has a lively, well-balanced acidity, a velvety, creamy structure, and a medium finish<br>Recommended for consumption between 2022 and 2027, this wine makes an excellent aperitif, complementing starters, fresh cheeses, and light seafood dishes. <br></p> <p></p> <p class="text-right">Gio Potskhverashvili</p> <p class="text-right">Wine critic, WSET Level 3<br></p> [meta_keywords] => Peradze Chinuri 2021 Classic [meta_description] => Peradze Chinuri 2021 Classic [search_words] => Peradze Chinuri 2021 Classicირაკლი ფერაძეს მეღვინეობა, ირაკლი ფერაძის მეღვინეობა, ირაკლი ფერაძის ღვინო, irakli feradze winery,irakli feradzis gvino,irakli feradze's winery,irakli peradze winery,irakli peradze's winery [promo_text] => [category_ids] => Array ( [0] => 195 ) [position] => 0 [seo_name] => peradze-chinuri-2021-classic [seo_path] => 185/195 [main_category] => 195 [category_ids_with_parents] => Array ( [0] => 185 [1] => 195 ) [category_names] => Array ( [185] => WHITE [195] => DRY ) [options_type_raw] => P [exceptions_type_raw] => F [tracking_raw] => B [zero_price_action_raw] => R [min_qty_raw] => 0 [max_qty_raw] => 0 [qty_step_raw] => 0 [list_qty_count_raw] => 0 [details_layout_raw] => default [main_pair] => Array ( [pair_id] => 12293 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 16694 [position] => 0 [object_id] => 8677 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 8677 [object_type] => product [type] => M [image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/16/peradze_chinuri_2021-min.png [alt] => Peradze Chinuri 2021 Classic [image_x] => 672 [image_y] => 1800 [http_image_path] => http://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/16/peradze_chinuri_2021-min.png [https_image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/16/peradze_chinuri_2021-min.png [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/16/peradze_chinuri_2021-min.png [relative_path] => detailed/16/peradze_chinuri_2021-min.png ) ) [base_price] => 21.00000000 [selected_options] => Array ( ) [has_options] => [product_options] => Array ( ) [discounts] => Array ( [A] => 0 [P] => 0 ) [product_features] => Array ( [187] => Array ( [feature_id] => 187 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49377 [feature_type] => E [internal_name] => Brands [description] => Brands [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Peradze [parent_id] => 186 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => N [feature_code] => [purpose] => organize_catalog [name] => peradze-ka [features_hash] => 41-49377 [variants] => Array ( [49377] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49377 [variant] => Peradze [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [145] => Array ( [feature_id] => 145 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47975 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Taste [description] => Taste [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Soft [parent_id] => 153 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [47975] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47975 [variant] => Soft [image_pairs] => ) [47985] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47985 [variant] => Pleasant acidity ) ) ) [151] => Array ( [feature_id] => 151 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47957 [feature_type] => S [internal_name] => Year [description] => Year [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 2021 [parent_id] => 153 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 30-47957 [variants] => Array ( [47957] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47957 [variant] => 2021 [image_pairs] => ) ) ) ) [qty_content] => Array ( ) [detailed_params] => Array ( [get_icon] => 1 [get_detailed] => 1 [get_additional] => 1 [get_options] => 1 [get_discounts] => 1 [get_features] => 1 [get_extra] => [get_taxed_prices] => 1 [get_for_one_product] => [detailed_params] => 1 [features_display_on] => C [get_active_options] => [get_only_selectable_options] => ) )
Array ( [product_id] => 8648 [product] => Kisi [company_name] => Berlin [supplier_id] => [product_code] => 30012161 [product_type] => P [status] => A [company_id] => 5 [list_price] => 0.00 [amount] => 8 [weight] => 1.50 [length] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [shipping_freight] => 0.00 [low_avail_limit] => 0 [timestamp] => 1700051620 [updated_timestamp] => 1734539476 [usergroup_ids] => 0 [is_edp] => N [edp_shipping] => N [unlimited_download] => N [tracking] => B [free_shipping] => N [feature_comparison] => N [zero_price_action] => R [is_pbp] => Y [is_op] => N [is_oper] => N [is_returnable] => Y [return_period] => 10 [avail_since] => 0 [out_of_stock_actions] => N [localization] => [min_qty] => 0 [max_qty] => 0 [qty_step] => 0 [list_qty_count] => 0 [tax_ids] => [age_verification] => N [age_limit] => 0 [options_type] => P [exceptions_type] => F [details_layout] => default [shipping_params] => a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;} [facebook_obj_type] => [buy_now_url] => [fina_id] => 0 [updated] => 0 [has_video] => N [is_stock_split_by_warehouses] => N [price] => 16.65000000 [short_description] => [full_description] => [meta_keywords] => Nikifore Kisi 2021 [meta_description] => Nikifore Kisi 2021 [search_words] => Nikifore Kisi 2021, ნიკიფორე,nikifore,nikipore,ნიკიპჰორე,nikiphore [promo_text] => [category_ids] => Array ( [0] => 176 [1] => 195 ) [position] => 0 [seo_name] => nikifore-kisi-2021 [seo_path] => 185/195 [main_category] => 195 [category_ids_with_parents] => Array ( [0] => 185 [1] => 195 ) [category_names] => Array ( [185] => WHITE [195] => DRY ) [options_type_raw] => P [exceptions_type_raw] => F [tracking_raw] => B [zero_price_action_raw] => R [min_qty_raw] => 0 [max_qty_raw] => 0 [qty_step_raw] => 0 [list_qty_count_raw] => 0 [details_layout_raw] => default [main_pair] => Array ( [pair_id] => 12273 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 16674 [position] => 0 [object_id] => 8648 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 8648 [object_type] => product [type] => M [image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/16/Nikifore_Kisi.png [alt] => Nikifore Kisi 2021 [image_x] => 672 [image_y] => 1800 [http_image_path] => http://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/16/Nikifore_Kisi.png [https_image_path] => https://8000vintages.ge/de/images/detailed/16/Nikifore_Kisi.png [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/16/Nikifore_Kisi.png [relative_path] => detailed/16/Nikifore_Kisi.png ) ) [base_price] => 16.65000000 [selected_options] => Array ( ) [has_options] => [product_options] => Array ( ) [discounts] => Array ( [A] => 0 [P] => 0 ) [product_features] => Array ( [187] => Array ( [feature_id] => 187 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49350 [feature_type] => E [internal_name] => Brands [description] => Brands [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Nikifore [parent_id] => 186 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => N [feature_code] => [purpose] => organize_catalog [name] => nikifore-ka [features_hash] => 41-49350 [variants] => Array ( [49350] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49350 [variant] => Nikifore [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [154] => Array ( [feature_id] => 154 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47970 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => იკონკები [description] => იკონკები [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Unfiltered [parent_id] => 153 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 37-47970 [variants] => Array ( [47970] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47970 [variant] => Unfiltered [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [145] => Array ( [feature_id] => 145 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47979 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Taste [description] => Taste [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Bodied [parent_id] => 153 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [47979] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47979 [variant] => Bodied [image_pairs] => ) [49278] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49278 [variant] => Apple jam ) [49043] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49043 [variant] => Walnut ) [49007] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 49007 [variant] => Tannin ) ) ) [151] => Array ( [feature_id] => 151 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47957 [feature_type] => S [internal_name] => Year [description] => Year [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 2021 [parent_id] => 153 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 30-47957 [variants] => Array ( [47957] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 47957 [variant] => 2021 [image_pairs] => ) ) ) ) [qty_content] => Array ( ) [detailed_params] => Array ( [get_icon] => 1 [get_detailed] => 1 [get_additional] => 1 [get_options] => 1 [get_discounts] => 1 [get_features] => 1 [get_extra] => [get_taxed_prices] => 1 [get_for_one_product] => [detailed_params] => 1 [features_display_on] => C [get_active_options] => [get_only_selectable_options] => ) )