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[product] => Mtsvane
[shortname] =>
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[full_description] => <p>The wine is made by the Kakhuri traditional method in Qvevri. Kakhuri Mtsvane grapes are grown in the village of Manavi, Kakheti region. Manavi microzone is known as one of the best places to grow Kakhuri Mtsvane. The wine was aged in qvevri for 5 months and then in French oak barrels for 12 months.
<p>Peradze Mtsvane Qvevri wine has an intense amber color. It is characterized by aromas of pink pear, baked quince, dried figs, spices, and herbs. It has a full body, intensive tannins, and a lingering taste.
<p>Given the wine's age, it is in good shape to drink now but has the potential to bottle for a few more years. It would be ideal to taste it with hearty meat dishes, for example, grilled poultry or beef, roasted vegetables, with a side dish of rice.
<p class="text-right">Dea Purtseladze<br>Wine expert, MA in Wine Hospitality and Wine Marketing</p>
[meta_keywords] => Peradze Mtsvane 2019 Qvevri/Oak
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[description] =>
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[variant] => Kakhuri Mtsvane
[variant_id] => 49038
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[sku] => 3001995
[name] => Mtsvane
[description] => The wine is made by the Kakhuri traditional method in Qvevri. Kakhuri Mtsvane grapes are grown in the village of Manavi, Kakheti region. Manavi microzone is known as one of the best places to grow Kakhuri Mtsvane. The wine was aged in qvevri for 5 months and then in French oak barrels for 12 months.
Peradze Mtsvane Qvevri wine has an intense amber color. It is characterized by aromas of pink pear, baked quince, dried figs, spices, and herbs. It has a full body, intensive tannins, and a lingering taste.
Given the wine's age, it is in good shape to drink now but has the potential to bottle for a few more years. It would be ideal to taste it with hearty meat dishes, for example, grilled poultry or beef, roasted vegetables, with a side dish of rice.
Dea PurtseladzeWine expert, MA in Wine Hospitality and Wine Marketing
[show_price] => 1
[availability] => InStock
[price_currency] => EUR
[price] => 21.75
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[brand] => Peradze