No items found matching the search criteria
₾ – ₾
% – %
Array ( [product_id] => 13281 [product] => Saperavi [company_name] => 8000vintages [supplier_id] => [product_code] => 4860101590406 [product_type] => P [status] => A [company_id] => 1 [list_price] => 0.00 [amount] => 18 [weight] => 1.50 [length] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [shipping_freight] => 0.00 [low_avail_limit] => 0 [timestamp] => 1713358812 [updated_timestamp] => 1733393411 [usergroup_ids] => 0 [is_edp] => N [edp_shipping] => N [unlimited_download] => N [tracking] => B [free_shipping] => N [feature_comparison] => N [zero_price_action] => R [is_pbp] => Y [is_op] => N [is_oper] => N [is_returnable] => Y [return_period] => 10 [avail_since] => 0 [out_of_stock_actions] => N [localization] => [min_qty] => 0 [max_qty] => 0 [qty_step] => 0 [list_qty_count] => 0 [tax_ids] => [age_verification] => N [age_limit] => 0 [options_type] => P [exceptions_type] => F [details_layout] => default [shipping_params] => a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;} [facebook_obj_type] => [buy_now_url] => [fina_id] => 9120 [updated] => 0 [has_video] => N [is_stock_split_by_warehouses] => N [price] => 21.50000000 [short_description] => [full_description] => [meta_keywords] => Lionidzes Zvari Saperavi 2018 [meta_description] => Lionidzes Zvari Saperavi 2018 [search_words] => ლიონიძის ზვარი,ლიონიძეს ზვარი,lionidzis zvari,lionidzes zvari,lionidze's zvari,ლიონიძის მეღვინეობა,lionidze winery ლიონიძის ზვარი საფერავი 2018, Lionidzes Zvari Saperavi 2018,lionidzis zvari,ლიონიძე [promo_text] => [category_ids] => Array ( [0] => 6 ) [seo_name] => lionidzes-zvari-saperavi-2018 [seo_path] => 5/6 [main_category] => 6 [category_ids_with_parents] => Array ( [0] => 5 [1] => 6 ) [category_names] => Array ( [5] => RED [6] => DRY ) [options_type_raw] => P [exceptions_type_raw] => F [tracking_raw] => B [zero_price_action_raw] => R [min_qty_raw] => 0 [max_qty_raw] => 0 [qty_step_raw] => 0 [list_qty_count_raw] => 0 [details_layout_raw] => default [main_pair] => Array ( [pair_id] => 16351 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 20710 [position] => 0 [object_id] => 13281 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 13281 [object_type] => product [type] => M [image_path] => [alt] => Lionidzes Zvari Saperavi 2018 [image_x] => 672 [image_y] => 1800 [http_image_path] => [https_image_path] => [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/20/lionidze_saperavi_old.png [relative_path] => detailed/20/lionidze_saperavi_old.png ) ) [image_pairs] => Array ( [16352] => Array ( [pair_id] => 16352 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 20711 [position] => 1 [object_id] => 13281 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 13281 [object_type] => product [type] => A [image_path] => [alt] => [image_x] => 672 [image_y] => 1800 [http_image_path] => [https_image_path] => [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/20/lionidze_saperavi_old2.png [relative_path] => detailed/20/lionidze_saperavi_old2.png ) ) ) [base_price] => 21.50000000 [selected_options] => Array ( ) [has_options] => [product_options] => Array ( ) [discounts] => Array ( [A] => 0 [P] => 0 ) [product_features] => Array ( [9] => Array ( [feature_id] => 9 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 162 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Color [description] => Color [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Ruby [parent_id] => 8 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => GE1234 [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [162] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 162 [variant] => Ruby [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [28] => Array ( [feature_id] => 28 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1710 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Technology [description] => Technology [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Classic [parent_id] => 8 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 24-1710 [variants] => Array ( [1710] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1710 [variant] => Classic [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [12] => Array ( [feature_id] => 12 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 273 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Grape [description] => Grape [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Saperavi [parent_id] => 8 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => GE1234 [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 20-273 [variants] => Array ( [273] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 273 [variant] => Saperavi [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [23] => Array ( [feature_id] => 23 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1457 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Region [description] => Region [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Kakheti [parent_id] => 8 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => GE1234 [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 22-1457 [variants] => Array ( [1457] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1457 [variant] => Kakheti [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [25] => Array ( [feature_id] => 25 [value] => [value_int] => 2018.00 [variant_id] => 1578 [feature_type] => N [internal_name] => Vintage Year [description] => Vintage Year [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 2018 [parent_id] => 8 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 19-1578 [variants] => Array ( [1578] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => 2018.00 [variant_id] => 1578 [variant] => 2018 [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [4] => Array ( [feature_id] => 4 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1026 [feature_type] => E [internal_name] => Winery [description] => Winery [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Lionidze's Zvari [parent_id] => 3 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => N [feature_code] => Brand [purpose] => organize_catalog [name] => lionidzes-zvari [features_hash] => 2-1026 [variants] => Array ( [1026] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1026 [variant] => Lionidze's Zvari [image_pairs] => ) ) ) ) [qty_content] => Array ( ) [detailed_params] => Array ( [get_icon] => 1 [get_detailed] => 1 [get_additional] => 1 [get_options] => 1 [get_discounts] => 1 [get_features] => 1 [get_extra] => [get_taxed_prices] => 1 [get_for_one_product] => [detailed_params] => 1 [features_display_on] => C [get_active_options] => [get_only_selectable_options] => ) )
Red Dry
Lionidze's Zvari
Array ( [product_id] => 7074 [product] => Akhasheni [company_name] => 8000vintages [supplier_id] => [product_code] => 3003112 [product_type] => P [status] => A [company_id] => 1 [list_price] => 0.00 [amount] => 16 [weight] => 1.50 [length] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [shipping_freight] => 0.00 [low_avail_limit] => 0 [timestamp] => 1674817217 [updated_timestamp] => 1734279011 [usergroup_ids] => 0 [is_edp] => N [edp_shipping] => N [unlimited_download] => N [tracking] => B [free_shipping] => N [feature_comparison] => N [zero_price_action] => R [is_pbp] => Y [is_op] => N [is_oper] => N [is_returnable] => Y [return_period] => 10 [avail_since] => 0 [out_of_stock_actions] => N [localization] => [min_qty] => 0 [max_qty] => 0 [qty_step] => 0 [list_qty_count] => 0 [tax_ids] => [age_verification] => N [age_limit] => 0 [options_type] => P [exceptions_type] => F [details_layout] => default [shipping_params] => a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;} [facebook_obj_type] => [buy_now_url] => [fina_id] => 16923 [updated] => 0 [has_video] => N [is_stock_split_by_warehouses] => N [price] => 29.20000000 [short_description] => [full_description] => [meta_keywords] => Lionidzes Zvari Akhasheni 2020 [meta_description] => Lionidzes Zvari Akhasheni 2020 [search_words] => ლიონიძის ზვარი,ლიონიძეს ზვარი,lionidzis zvari,lionidzes zvari,lionidze's zvari,ლიონიძის მეღვინეობა,lionidze winery ლიონიძის ზვარი ახაშენი 2020, Lionidzes Zvari Akhasheni 2020,ლიონიძეს ზვარი,lionidzis zvari [promo_text] => [category_ids] => Array ( [0] => 8 ) [seo_name] => lionidzes-zvari-akhasheni-2020 [seo_path] => 5/8 [main_category] => 8 [category_ids_with_parents] => Array ( [0] => 5 [1] => 8 ) [category_names] => Array ( [5] => RED [8] => SEMI-SWEET ) [options_type_raw] => P [exceptions_type_raw] => F [tracking_raw] => B [zero_price_action_raw] => R [min_qty_raw] => 0 [max_qty_raw] => 0 [qty_step_raw] => 0 [list_qty_count_raw] => 0 [details_layout_raw] => default [main_pair] => Array ( [pair_id] => 17791 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 22112 [position] => 0 [object_id] => 7074 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 7074 [object_type] => product [type] => M [image_path] => [alt] => Lionidzes Zvari Akhasheni 2020 [image_x] => 672 [image_y] => 1800 [http_image_path] => [https_image_path] => [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/22/lionidze_akhasheni_2020.png [relative_path] => detailed/22/lionidze_akhasheni_2020.png ) ) [image_pairs] => Array ( [17792] => Array ( [pair_id] => 17792 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 22113 [position] => 1 [object_id] => 7074 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 7074 [object_type] => product [type] => A [image_path] => [alt] => [image_x] => 672 [image_y] => 1800 [http_image_path] => [https_image_path] => [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/22/lionidze_akhasheni_20202.png [relative_path] => detailed/22/lionidze_akhasheni_20202.png ) ) ) [base_price] => 29.20000000 [selected_options] => Array ( ) [has_options] => [product_options] => Array ( ) [discounts] => Array ( [A] => 0 [P] => 0 ) [product_features] => Array ( [9] => Array ( [feature_id] => 9 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 164 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Color [description] => Color [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Dark ruby [parent_id] => 8 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => GE1234 [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [164] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 164 [variant] => Dark ruby [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [28] => Array ( [feature_id] => 28 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1710 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Technology [description] => Technology [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Classic [parent_id] => 8 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 24-1710 [variants] => Array ( [1710] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1710 [variant] => Classic [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [12] => Array ( [feature_id] => 12 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 273 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Grape [description] => Grape [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Saperavi [parent_id] => 8 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => GE1234 [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 20-273 [variants] => Array ( [273] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 273 [variant] => Saperavi [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [23] => Array ( [feature_id] => 23 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1457 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Region [description] => Region [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Kakheti [parent_id] => 8 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => GE1234 [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 22-1457 [variants] => Array ( [1457] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1457 [variant] => Kakheti [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [25] => Array ( [feature_id] => 25 [value] => [value_int] => 2020.00 [variant_id] => 1580 [feature_type] => N [internal_name] => Vintage Year [description] => Vintage Year [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 2020 [parent_id] => 8 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 19-1580 [variants] => Array ( [1580] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => 2020.00 [variant_id] => 1580 [variant] => 2020 [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [4] => Array ( [feature_id] => 4 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1026 [feature_type] => E [internal_name] => Winery [description] => Winery [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Lionidze's Zvari [parent_id] => 3 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => N [feature_code] => Brand [purpose] => organize_catalog [name] => lionidzes-zvari [features_hash] => 2-1026 [variants] => Array ( [1026] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1026 [variant] => Lionidze's Zvari [image_pairs] => ) ) ) ) [qty_content] => Array ( ) [detailed_params] => Array ( [get_icon] => 1 [get_detailed] => 1 [get_additional] => 1 [get_options] => 1 [get_discounts] => 1 [get_features] => 1 [get_extra] => [get_taxed_prices] => 1 [get_for_one_product] => [detailed_params] => 1 [features_display_on] => C [get_active_options] => [get_only_selectable_options] => ) )
Red Semi-sweet
Array ( [product_id] => 5661 [product] => Kisi [company_name] => 8000vintages [supplier_id] => [product_code] => 3000315 [product_type] => P [status] => A [company_id] => 1 [list_price] => 0.00 [amount] => 34 [weight] => 1.50 [length] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [shipping_freight] => 0.00 [low_avail_limit] => 0 [timestamp] => 1641812418 [updated_timestamp] => 1733544611 [usergroup_ids] => 0 [is_edp] => N [edp_shipping] => N [unlimited_download] => N [tracking] => B [free_shipping] => N [feature_comparison] => N [zero_price_action] => R [is_pbp] => Y [is_op] => N [is_oper] => N [is_returnable] => Y [return_period] => 10 [avail_since] => 0 [out_of_stock_actions] => N [localization] => [min_qty] => 0 [max_qty] => 0 [qty_step] => 0 [list_qty_count] => 0 [tax_ids] => [age_verification] => N [age_limit] => 0 [options_type] => P [exceptions_type] => F [details_layout] => default [shipping_params] => a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;} [facebook_obj_type] => [buy_now_url] => [fina_id] => 13165 [updated] => 0 [has_video] => N [is_stock_split_by_warehouses] => N [price] => 40.00000000 [short_description] => [full_description] => <p>The wine has a dark golden color of medium intensity and intense aromas of ripe lemon, raisin, apricot, and ripe peach. On the palate it has medium acidity, and a short aftertaste. Perfect to enjoy now, especially with grilled chicken with orange sauce. <br></p> <p class="text-right">Rezi Tsetskhladze</p> <p class="text-right">Winemaker, wine expert, WSET Level 3<br></p> [meta_keywords] => Lionidzes Zvari Kisi Qvevri 2020 [meta_description] => Lionidzes Zvari Kisi Qvevri 2020 [search_words] => ლიონიძის ზვარი,ლიონიძეს ზვარი,lionidzis zvari,lionidzes zvari,lionidze's zvari,ლიონიძის მეღვინეობა,lionidze winery Lionidzes Zvari Kisi Qvevri 2020 [promo_text] => [category_ids] => Array ( [0] => 3 [1] => 11 ) [seo_name] => lionidzes-zvari-kisi-qvevri-2020 [seo_path] => 10/11 [main_category] => 11 [category_ids_with_parents] => Array ( [0] => 10 [1] => 11 ) [category_names] => Array ( [10] => WHITE [11] => DRY ) [options_type_raw] => P [exceptions_type_raw] => F [tracking_raw] => B [zero_price_action_raw] => R [min_qty_raw] => 0 [max_qty_raw] => 0 [qty_step_raw] => 0 [list_qty_count_raw] => 0 [details_layout_raw] => default [main_pair] => Array ( [pair_id] => 8698 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 13231 [position] => 0 [object_id] => 5661 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 5661 [object_type] => product [type] => M [image_path] => [alt] => Lionidzes Zvari Kisi Qvevri 2020 [image_x] => 672 [image_y] => 1800 [http_image_path] => [https_image_path] => [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/13/lionidze-kisi-2020.png [relative_path] => detailed/13/lionidze-kisi-2020.png ) ) [base_price] => 40.00000000 [selected_options] => Array ( ) [has_options] => [product_options] => Array ( ) [discounts] => Array ( [A] => 0 [P] => 0 ) [product_features] => Array ( [29] => Array ( [feature_id] => 29 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1889 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Icons [description] => Icons [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => ქვევრი [parent_id] => 8 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 25-1889 [variants] => Array ( [1889] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1889 [variant] => ქვევრი [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [9] => Array ( [feature_id] => 9 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 2530 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Color [description] => Color [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Amber [parent_id] => 8 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => GE1234 [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [2530] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 2530 [variant] => Amber [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [28] => Array ( [feature_id] => 28 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1701 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Technology [description] => Technology [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Qvevri [parent_id] => 8 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 24-1701 [variants] => Array ( [1701] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1701 [variant] => Qvevri [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [12] => Array ( [feature_id] => 12 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 275 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Grape [description] => Grape [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Kisi [parent_id] => 8 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => GE1234 [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 20-275 [variants] => Array ( [275] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 275 [variant] => Kisi [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [23] => Array ( [feature_id] => 23 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1457 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Region [description] => Region [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Kakheti [parent_id] => 8 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => GE1234 [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 22-1457 [variants] => Array ( [1457] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1457 [variant] => Kakheti [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [25] => Array ( [feature_id] => 25 [value] => [value_int] => 2020.00 [variant_id] => 1580 [feature_type] => N [internal_name] => Vintage Year [description] => Vintage Year [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 2020 [parent_id] => 8 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 19-1580 [variants] => Array ( [1580] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => 2020.00 [variant_id] => 1580 [variant] => 2020 [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [4] => Array ( [feature_id] => 4 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1026 [feature_type] => E [internal_name] => Winery [description] => Winery [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Lionidze's Zvari [parent_id] => 3 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => N [feature_code] => Brand [purpose] => organize_catalog [name] => lionidzes-zvari [features_hash] => 2-1026 [variants] => Array ( [1026] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1026 [variant] => Lionidze's Zvari [image_pairs] => ) ) ) ) [qty_content] => Array ( ) [detailed_params] => Array ( [get_icon] => 1 [get_detailed] => 1 [get_additional] => 1 [get_options] => 1 [get_discounts] => 1 [get_features] => 1 [get_extra] => [get_taxed_prices] => 1 [get_for_one_product] => [detailed_params] => 1 [features_display_on] => C [get_active_options] => [get_only_selectable_options] => ) )
AMBERAmber Dry
Array ( [product_id] => 5197 [product] => Saperavi Reserve [company_name] => 8000vintages [supplier_id] => [product_code] => 4860101590536 [product_type] => P [status] => A [company_id] => 1 [list_price] => 0.00 [amount] => 23 [weight] => 0.00 [length] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [shipping_freight] => 0.00 [low_avail_limit] => 0 [timestamp] => 1633082414 [updated_timestamp] => 1733573409 [usergroup_ids] => 0 [is_edp] => N [edp_shipping] => N [unlimited_download] => N [tracking] => B [free_shipping] => N [feature_comparison] => N [zero_price_action] => R [is_pbp] => Y [is_op] => N [is_oper] => N [is_returnable] => Y [return_period] => 10 [avail_since] => 0 [out_of_stock_actions] => N [localization] => [min_qty] => 0 [max_qty] => 0 [qty_step] => 0 [list_qty_count] => 0 [tax_ids] => [age_verification] => N [age_limit] => 0 [options_type] => P [exceptions_type] => F [details_layout] => default [shipping_params] => a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;} [facebook_obj_type] => [buy_now_url] => [fina_id] => 12025 [updated] => 0 [has_video] => N [is_stock_split_by_warehouses] => N [price] => 99.40000000 [short_description] => [full_description] => [meta_keywords] => Lionidze Zvari Saperavi Reserve 2019 [meta_description] => Lionidze Zvari Saperavi Reserve 2019 [search_words] => ლიონიძის ზვარი,ლიონიძეს ზვარი,lionidzis zvari,lionidzes zvari,lionidze's zvari,ლიონიძის მეღვინეობა,lionidze winery Lionidze Zvari Saperavi Reserve 2019 [promo_text] => [category_ids] => Array ( [0] => 6 ) [seo_name] => lionidze-zvari-saperavi-reserve-2019 [seo_path] => 5/6 [main_category] => 6 [category_ids_with_parents] => Array ( [0] => 5 [1] => 6 ) [category_names] => Array ( [5] => RED [6] => DRY ) [options_type_raw] => P [exceptions_type_raw] => F [tracking_raw] => B [zero_price_action_raw] => R [min_qty_raw] => 0 [max_qty_raw] => 0 [qty_step_raw] => 0 [list_qty_count_raw] => 0 [details_layout_raw] => default [main_pair] => Array ( [pair_id] => 8196 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 12747 [position] => 0 [object_id] => 5197 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 5197 [object_type] => product [type] => M [image_path] => [alt] => Lionidze Zvari Saperavi Reserve 2019 [image_x] => 672 [image_y] => 1800 [http_image_path] => [https_image_path] => [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/12/lionidze_saperavi_reserve_2019.png [relative_path] => detailed/12/lionidze_saperavi_reserve_2019.png ) ) [base_price] => 99.40000000 [selected_options] => Array ( ) [has_options] => [product_options] => Array ( ) [discounts] => Array ( [A] => 0 [P] => 0 ) [product_features] => Array ( [29] => Array ( [feature_id] => 29 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1890 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Icons [description] => Icons [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => მუხის კასრი [parent_id] => 8 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 25-1890 [variants] => Array ( [1890] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1890 [variant] => მუხის კასრი [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [9] => Array ( [feature_id] => 9 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 162 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Color [description] => Color [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Ruby [parent_id] => 8 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => GE1234 [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [162] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 162 [variant] => Ruby [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [28] => Array ( [feature_id] => 28 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1702 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Technology [description] => Technology [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Classic/Oak Barrel [parent_id] => 8 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 24-1702 [variants] => Array ( [1702] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1702 [variant] => Classic/Oak Barrel [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [12] => Array ( [feature_id] => 12 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 273 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Grape [description] => Grape [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Saperavi [parent_id] => 8 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => GE1234 [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 20-273 [variants] => Array ( [273] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 273 [variant] => Saperavi [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [23] => Array ( [feature_id] => 23 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1457 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Region [description] => Region [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Kakheti [parent_id] => 8 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => GE1234 [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 22-1457 [variants] => Array ( [1457] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1457 [variant] => Kakheti [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [25] => Array ( [feature_id] => 25 [value] => [value_int] => 2019.00 [variant_id] => 1579 [feature_type] => N [internal_name] => Vintage Year [description] => Vintage Year [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 2019 [parent_id] => 8 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 19-1579 [variants] => Array ( [1579] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => 2019.00 [variant_id] => 1579 [variant] => 2019 [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [4] => Array ( [feature_id] => 4 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1026 [feature_type] => E [internal_name] => Winery [description] => Winery [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Lionidze's Zvari [parent_id] => 3 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => N [feature_code] => Brand [purpose] => organize_catalog [name] => lionidzes-zvari [features_hash] => 2-1026 [variants] => Array ( [1026] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1026 [variant] => Lionidze's Zvari [image_pairs] => ) ) ) ) [qty_content] => Array ( ) [detailed_params] => Array ( [get_icon] => 1 [get_detailed] => 1 [get_additional] => 1 [get_options] => 1 [get_discounts] => 1 [get_features] => 1 [get_extra] => [get_taxed_prices] => 1 [get_for_one_product] => [detailed_params] => 1 [features_display_on] => C [get_active_options] => [get_only_selectable_options] => ) )
Array ( [product_id] => 4942 [product] => Ojaleshi Salkhino [company_name] => 8000vintages [supplier_id] => [product_code] => 4860101590581 [product_type] => P [status] => A [company_id] => 1 [list_price] => 0.00 [amount] => 36 [weight] => 0.00 [length] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [shipping_freight] => 0.00 [low_avail_limit] => 0 [timestamp] => 1626868813 [updated_timestamp] => 1731258610 [usergroup_ids] => 0 [is_edp] => N [edp_shipping] => N [unlimited_download] => N [tracking] => B [free_shipping] => N [feature_comparison] => N [zero_price_action] => R [is_pbp] => Y [is_op] => N [is_oper] => N [is_returnable] => Y [return_period] => 10 [avail_since] => 0 [out_of_stock_actions] => N [localization] => [min_qty] => 0 [max_qty] => 0 [qty_step] => 0 [list_qty_count] => 0 [tax_ids] => [age_verification] => N [age_limit] => 0 [options_type] => P [exceptions_type] => F [details_layout] => default [shipping_params] => a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;} [facebook_obj_type] => [buy_now_url] => [fina_id] => 11579 [updated] => 0 [has_video] => N [is_stock_split_by_warehouses] => N [price] => 107.80000000 [short_description] => [full_description] => <p>The wine has a cherry color, aromas of overripe strawberries, cornelian cherry, light smoke, and blueberry. The wine is medium-bodied. It has medium, ripe tannins, medium acidity, and a short, fruit-oriented finish. Pair with roasted red paprika with walnuts, pasta with fresh cherry tomatoes, seasoned soft cheese, and salmon. <br></p> <p></p> <p class="text-right">Gio Potskhverashvili</p> <p class="text-right">Wine critic, WSET Level 3<br></p> [meta_keywords] => Lionidze's Zvari Salkhinos Ojaleshi 2020 [meta_description] => Lionidze's Zvari Salkhinos Ojaleshi 2020 [search_words] => ლიონიძის ზვარი,ლიონიძეს ზვარი,lionidzis zvari,lionidzes zvari,lionidze's zvari,ლიონიძის მეღვინეობა,lionidze winery Lionidze's Zvari Salkhino Ojaleshi 2020 [promo_text] => [category_ids] => Array ( [0] => 6 ) [seo_name] => lionidzes-zvari-salkhinos-ojaleshi-2020 [seo_path] => 5/6 [main_category] => 6 [category_ids_with_parents] => Array ( [0] => 5 [1] => 6 ) [category_names] => Array ( [5] => RED [6] => DRY ) [options_type_raw] => P [exceptions_type_raw] => F [tracking_raw] => B [zero_price_action_raw] => R [min_qty_raw] => 0 [max_qty_raw] => 0 [qty_step_raw] => 0 [list_qty_count_raw] => 0 [details_layout_raw] => default [main_pair] => Array ( [pair_id] => 7599 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 12158 [position] => 0 [object_id] => 4942 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 4942 [object_type] => product [type] => M [image_path] => [alt] => Lionidze's Zvari Salkhino Ojaleshi 2020 [image_x] => 672 [image_y] => 1800 [http_image_path] => [https_image_path] => [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/12/Lionidze_Ojaleshi.png [relative_path] => detailed/12/Lionidze_Ojaleshi.png ) ) [image_pairs] => Array ( [16594] => Array ( [pair_id] => 16594 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 20953 [position] => 1 [object_id] => 4942 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 4942 [object_type] => product [type] => A [image_path] => [alt] => [image_x] => 672 [image_y] => 1800 [http_image_path] => [https_image_path] => [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/20/lionidze_zvari_ojaleshi_20202.png [relative_path] => detailed/20/lionidze_zvari_ojaleshi_20202.png ) ) ) [base_price] => 107.80000000 [selected_options] => Array ( ) [has_options] => [product_options] => Array ( ) [discounts] => Array ( [A] => 0 [P] => 0 ) [product_features] => Array ( [9] => Array ( [feature_id] => 9 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 162 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Color [description] => Color [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Ruby [parent_id] => 8 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => GE1234 [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [162] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 162 [variant] => Ruby [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [28] => Array ( [feature_id] => 28 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1710 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Technology [description] => Technology [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Classic [parent_id] => 8 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 24-1710 [variants] => Array ( [1710] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1710 [variant] => Classic [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [12] => Array ( [feature_id] => 12 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 270 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Grape [description] => Grape [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Ojaleshi [parent_id] => 8 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => GE1234 [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 20-270 [variants] => Array ( [270] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 270 [variant] => Ojaleshi [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [23] => Array ( [feature_id] => 23 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1462 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Region [description] => Region [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Samegrelo [parent_id] => 8 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => GE1234 [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 22-1462 [variants] => Array ( [1462] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1462 [variant] => Samegrelo [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [25] => Array ( [feature_id] => 25 [value] => [value_int] => 2020.00 [variant_id] => 1580 [feature_type] => N [internal_name] => Vintage Year [description] => Vintage Year [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 2020 [parent_id] => 8 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 19-1580 [variants] => Array ( [1580] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => 2020.00 [variant_id] => 1580 [variant] => 2020 [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [4] => Array ( [feature_id] => 4 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1026 [feature_type] => E [internal_name] => Winery [description] => Winery [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Lionidze's Zvari [parent_id] => 3 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => N [feature_code] => Brand [purpose] => organize_catalog [name] => lionidzes-zvari [features_hash] => 2-1026 [variants] => Array ( [1026] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1026 [variant] => Lionidze's Zvari [image_pairs] => ) ) ) ) [qty_content] => Array ( ) [detailed_params] => Array ( [get_icon] => 1 [get_detailed] => 1 [get_additional] => 1 [get_options] => 1 [get_discounts] => 1 [get_features] => 1 [get_extra] => [get_taxed_prices] => 1 [get_for_one_product] => [detailed_params] => 1 [features_display_on] => C [get_active_options] => [get_only_selectable_options] => ) )
Array ( [product_id] => 4525 [product] => Saperavi [company_name] => 8000vintages [supplier_id] => [product_code] => 4860101590499 [product_type] => P [status] => A [company_id] => 1 [list_price] => 0.00 [amount] => 29 [weight] => 0.00 [length] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [shipping_freight] => 0.00 [low_avail_limit] => 0 [timestamp] => 1616067609 [updated_timestamp] => 1734149411 [usergroup_ids] => 0 [is_edp] => N [edp_shipping] => N [unlimited_download] => N [tracking] => B [free_shipping] => N [feature_comparison] => N [zero_price_action] => R [is_pbp] => Y [is_op] => N [is_oper] => N [is_returnable] => Y [return_period] => 10 [avail_since] => 0 [out_of_stock_actions] => N [localization] => [min_qty] => 0 [max_qty] => 0 [qty_step] => 0 [list_qty_count] => 0 [tax_ids] => [age_verification] => N [age_limit] => 0 [options_type] => P [exceptions_type] => F [details_layout] => default [shipping_params] => a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;} [facebook_obj_type] => activity [buy_now_url] => [fina_id] => 10089 [updated] => 1 [has_video] => N [is_stock_split_by_warehouses] => N [price] => 40.00000000 [short_description] => [full_description] => [meta_keywords] => Lionidze's Zvari Saperavi Qvevri 2019 [meta_description] => Lionidze's Zvari Saperavi Qvevri 2019 [search_words] => ლიონიძის ზვარი,ლიონიძეს ზვარი,lionidzis zvari,lionidzes zvari,lionidze's zvari,ლიონიძის მეღვინეობა,lionidze winery Lionidze's Zvari Saperavi Qvevri 2019 red qvevri wine lionidzes zvari lionidzis zvari saperavi qvevri 2019 [promo_text] => [category_ids] => Array ( [0] => 4 [1] => 6 ) [seo_name] => lionidzes-zvari-saperavi-qvevri-2019 [seo_path] => 5/6 [main_category] => 6 [category_ids_with_parents] => Array ( [0] => 5 [1] => 6 ) [category_names] => Array ( [5] => RED [6] => DRY ) [options_type_raw] => P [exceptions_type_raw] => F [tracking_raw] => B [zero_price_action_raw] => R [min_qty_raw] => 0 [max_qty_raw] => 0 [qty_step_raw] => 0 [list_qty_count_raw] => 0 [details_layout_raw] => default [main_pair] => Array ( [pair_id] => 7241 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 11826 [position] => 0 [object_id] => 4525 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 4525 [object_type] => product [type] => M [image_path] => [alt] => Lionidze's Zvari Saperavi Qvevri 2019 [image_x] => 672 [image_y] => 1800 [http_image_path] => [https_image_path] => [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/11/Lionidze_Saperavi_Qvevri_LN.png [relative_path] => detailed/11/Lionidze_Saperavi_Qvevri_LN.png ) ) [base_price] => 40.00000000 [selected_options] => Array ( ) [has_options] => [product_options] => Array ( ) [discounts] => Array ( [A] => 0 [P] => 0 ) [product_features] => Array ( [29] => Array ( [feature_id] => 29 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1889 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Icons [description] => Icons [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => ქვევრი [parent_id] => 8 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 25-1889 [variants] => Array ( [1889] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1889 [variant] => ქვევრი [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [9] => Array ( [feature_id] => 9 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 182 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Color [description] => Color [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Purplish [parent_id] => 8 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => GE1234 [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [182] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 182 [variant] => Purplish [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [28] => Array ( [feature_id] => 28 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1701 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Technology [description] => Technology [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Qvevri [parent_id] => 8 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 24-1701 [variants] => Array ( [1701] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1701 [variant] => Qvevri [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [12] => Array ( [feature_id] => 12 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 273 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Grape [description] => Grape [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Saperavi [parent_id] => 8 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => GE1234 [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 20-273 [variants] => Array ( [273] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 273 [variant] => Saperavi [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [23] => Array ( [feature_id] => 23 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1457 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Region [description] => Region [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Kakheti [parent_id] => 8 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => GE1234 [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 22-1457 [variants] => Array ( [1457] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1457 [variant] => Kakheti [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [25] => Array ( [feature_id] => 25 [value] => [value_int] => 2019.00 [variant_id] => 1579 [feature_type] => N [internal_name] => Vintage Year [description] => Vintage Year [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 2019 [parent_id] => 8 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 19-1579 [variants] => Array ( [1579] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => 2019.00 [variant_id] => 1579 [variant] => 2019 [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [4] => Array ( [feature_id] => 4 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1026 [feature_type] => E [internal_name] => Winery [description] => Winery [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Lionidze's Zvari [parent_id] => 3 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => N [feature_code] => Brand [purpose] => organize_catalog [name] => lionidzes-zvari [features_hash] => 2-1026 [variants] => Array ( [1026] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1026 [variant] => Lionidze's Zvari [image_pairs] => ) ) ) ) [qty_content] => Array ( ) [detailed_params] => Array ( [get_icon] => 1 [get_detailed] => 1 [get_additional] => 1 [get_options] => 1 [get_discounts] => 1 [get_features] => 1 [get_extra] => [get_taxed_prices] => 1 [get_for_one_product] => [detailed_params] => 1 [features_display_on] => C [get_active_options] => [get_only_selectable_options] => ) )
Array ( [product_id] => 4425 [product] => Napareuli [company_name] => 8000vintages [supplier_id] => [product_code] => 4860101590444 [product_type] => P [status] => A [company_id] => 1 [list_price] => 0.00 [amount] => 18 [weight] => 0.00 [length] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [shipping_freight] => 0.00 [low_avail_limit] => 0 [timestamp] => 1611931209 [updated_timestamp] => 1734149411 [usergroup_ids] => 0 [is_edp] => N [edp_shipping] => N [unlimited_download] => N [tracking] => B [free_shipping] => N [feature_comparison] => N [zero_price_action] => R [is_pbp] => Y [is_op] => N [is_oper] => N [is_returnable] => Y [return_period] => 10 [avail_since] => 0 [out_of_stock_actions] => N [localization] => [min_qty] => 0 [max_qty] => 0 [qty_step] => 0 [list_qty_count] => 0 [tax_ids] => [age_verification] => N [age_limit] => 0 [options_type] => P [exceptions_type] => F [details_layout] => default [shipping_params] => a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;} [facebook_obj_type] => activity [buy_now_url] => [fina_id] => 9895 [updated] => 1 [has_video] => N [is_stock_split_by_warehouses] => N [price] => 26.15000000 [short_description] => [full_description] => [meta_keywords] => Lionidze Napareuli 2018 [meta_description] => Lionidze Napareuli 2018 [search_words] => Lionidze Napareuli 2018 Lionidzes zvari ლიონიძე, ლიონიძის ზვარი ნაფარეული 2018, lionidzis zvari napareuli 2018, lionidze,lionizis zvari,lionizes zvari nafareuli [promo_text] => [category_ids] => Array ( [0] => 6 ) [seo_name] => lionidze-napareuli-2018 [seo_path] => 5/6 [main_category] => 6 [category_ids_with_parents] => Array ( [0] => 5 [1] => 6 ) [category_names] => Array ( [5] => RED [6] => DRY ) [options_type_raw] => P [exceptions_type_raw] => F [tracking_raw] => B [zero_price_action_raw] => R [min_qty_raw] => 0 [max_qty_raw] => 0 [qty_step_raw] => 0 [list_qty_count_raw] => 0 [details_layout_raw] => default [main_pair] => Array ( [pair_id] => 6958 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 11557 [position] => 0 [object_id] => 4425 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 4425 [object_type] => product [type] => M [image_path] => [alt] => Lionidze Napareuli 2018 [image_x] => 672 [image_y] => 1800 [http_image_path] => [https_image_path] => [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/11/Lionidze_Zvari_Napareuli.png [relative_path] => detailed/11/Lionidze_Zvari_Napareuli.png ) ) [base_price] => 26.15000000 [selected_options] => Array ( ) [has_options] => [product_options] => Array ( ) [discounts] => Array ( [A] => 0 [P] => 0 ) [product_features] => Array ( [9] => Array ( [feature_id] => 9 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 162 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Color [description] => Color [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Ruby [parent_id] => 8 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => GE1234 [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [162] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 162 [variant] => Ruby [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [28] => Array ( [feature_id] => 28 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1710 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Technology [description] => Technology [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Classic [parent_id] => 8 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 24-1710 [variants] => Array ( [1710] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1710 [variant] => Classic [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [12] => Array ( [feature_id] => 12 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 273 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Grape [description] => Grape [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Saperavi [parent_id] => 8 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => GE1234 [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 20-273 [variants] => Array ( [273] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 273 [variant] => Saperavi [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [23] => Array ( [feature_id] => 23 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1457 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Region [description] => Region [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Kakheti [parent_id] => 8 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => GE1234 [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 22-1457 [variants] => Array ( [1457] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1457 [variant] => Kakheti [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [25] => Array ( [feature_id] => 25 [value] => [value_int] => 2018.00 [variant_id] => 1578 [feature_type] => N [internal_name] => Vintage Year [description] => Vintage Year [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 2018 [parent_id] => 8 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 19-1578 [variants] => Array ( [1578] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => 2018.00 [variant_id] => 1578 [variant] => 2018 [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [4] => Array ( [feature_id] => 4 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1026 [feature_type] => E [internal_name] => Winery [description] => Winery [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Lionidze's Zvari [parent_id] => 3 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => N [feature_code] => Brand [purpose] => organize_catalog [name] => lionidzes-zvari [features_hash] => 2-1026 [variants] => Array ( [1026] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1026 [variant] => Lionidze's Zvari [image_pairs] => ) ) ) ) [qty_content] => Array ( ) [detailed_params] => Array ( [get_icon] => 1 [get_detailed] => 1 [get_additional] => 1 [get_options] => 1 [get_discounts] => 1 [get_features] => 1 [get_extra] => [get_taxed_prices] => 1 [get_for_one_product] => [detailed_params] => 1 [features_display_on] => C [get_active_options] => [get_only_selectable_options] => ) )
Array ( [product_id] => 3891 [product] => Tvishi [company_name] => 8000vintages [supplier_id] => [product_code] => 4860101590512 [product_type] => P [status] => A [company_id] => 1 [list_price] => 0.00 [amount] => 29 [weight] => 0.00 [length] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [shipping_freight] => 0.00 [low_avail_limit] => 0 [timestamp] => 1606311610 [updated_timestamp] => 1734192610 [usergroup_ids] => 0 [is_edp] => N [edp_shipping] => N [unlimited_download] => N [tracking] => B [free_shipping] => N [feature_comparison] => N [zero_price_action] => R [is_pbp] => Y [is_op] => N [is_oper] => N [is_returnable] => Y [return_period] => 10 [avail_since] => 0 [out_of_stock_actions] => N [localization] => [min_qty] => 0 [max_qty] => 0 [qty_step] => 0 [list_qty_count] => 0 [tax_ids] => [age_verification] => N [age_limit] => 0 [options_type] => P [exceptions_type] => F [details_layout] => default [shipping_params] => a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;} [facebook_obj_type] => activity [buy_now_url] => [fina_id] => 9578 [updated] => 1 [has_video] => N [is_stock_split_by_warehouses] => N [price] => 50.75000000 [short_description] => [full_description] => [meta_keywords] => Lionidze's Zvari Tvishi 2018 [meta_description] => Lionidze's Zvari Tvishi 2018 [search_words] => ლიონიძის ზვარი,ლიონიძეს ზვარი,lionidzis zvari,lionidzes zvari,lionidze's zvari,ლიონიძის მეღვინეობა,lionidze winery Lionidze's Zvari Tvishi 2018 Discount Amber, Dried Apricot, Honey, Tvishi, 13%, 2018, White Semi-Sweet, Lionidze's Zvari. leonidze Lionidze's Zvari Tvishi 2018 [promo_text] => [category_ids] => Array ( [0] => 13 ) [seo_name] => lionidzes-zvari-tvishi-2018-ka-2 [seo_path] => 10/13 [main_category] => 13 [category_ids_with_parents] => Array ( [0] => 10 [1] => 13 ) [category_names] => Array ( [10] => WHITE [13] => SEMI-SWEET ) [options_type_raw] => P [exceptions_type_raw] => F [tracking_raw] => B [zero_price_action_raw] => R [min_qty_raw] => 0 [max_qty_raw] => 0 [qty_step_raw] => 0 [list_qty_count_raw] => 0 [details_layout_raw] => default [main_pair] => Array ( [pair_id] => 7090 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 11689 [position] => 0 [object_id] => 3891 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 3891 [object_type] => product [type] => M [image_path] => [alt] => Lionidze's Zvari Tvishi 2018 [image_x] => 672 [image_y] => 1800 [http_image_path] => [https_image_path] => [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/11/lionidze_tvishi_9bvm-ep.png [relative_path] => detailed/11/lionidze_tvishi_9bvm-ep.png ) ) [base_price] => 50.75000000 [selected_options] => Array ( ) [has_options] => [product_options] => Array ( ) [discounts] => Array ( [A] => 0 [P] => 0 ) [product_features] => Array ( [28] => Array ( [feature_id] => 28 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1710 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Technology [description] => Technology [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Classic [parent_id] => 8 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 24-1710 [variants] => Array ( [1710] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1710 [variant] => Classic [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [12] => Array ( [feature_id] => 12 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 282 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Grape [description] => Grape [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Tsolikauri [parent_id] => 8 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => GE1234 [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 20-282 [variants] => Array ( [282] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 282 [variant] => Tsolikauri [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [23] => Array ( [feature_id] => 23 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1539 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Region [description] => Region [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Lechkhumi [parent_id] => 8 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => GE1234 [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 22-1539 [variants] => Array ( [1539] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1539 [variant] => Lechkhumi [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [25] => Array ( [feature_id] => 25 [value] => [value_int] => 2018.00 [variant_id] => 1578 [feature_type] => N [internal_name] => Vintage Year [description] => Vintage Year [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 2018 [parent_id] => 8 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 19-1578 [variants] => Array ( [1578] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => 2018.00 [variant_id] => 1578 [variant] => 2018 [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [4] => Array ( [feature_id] => 4 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1026 [feature_type] => E [internal_name] => Winery [description] => Winery [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Lionidze's Zvari [parent_id] => 3 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => N [feature_code] => Brand [purpose] => organize_catalog [name] => lionidzes-zvari [features_hash] => 2-1026 [variants] => Array ( [1026] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1026 [variant] => Lionidze's Zvari [image_pairs] => ) ) ) ) [qty_content] => Array ( ) [detailed_params] => Array ( [get_icon] => 1 [get_detailed] => 1 [get_additional] => 1 [get_options] => 1 [get_discounts] => 1 [get_features] => 1 [get_extra] => [get_taxed_prices] => 1 [get_for_one_product] => [detailed_params] => 1 [features_display_on] => C [get_active_options] => [get_only_selectable_options] => ) )
White Semi-sweet
Array ( [product_id] => 3695 [product] => Usakhelouri [company_name] => 8000vintages [supplier_id] => [product_code] => 4860101590468 [product_type] => P [status] => A [company_id] => 1 [list_price] => 0.00 [amount] => 26 [weight] => 0.00 [length] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [shipping_freight] => 0.00 [low_avail_limit] => 0 [timestamp] => 1602063611 [updated_timestamp] => 1733933413 [usergroup_ids] => 0 [is_edp] => N [edp_shipping] => N [unlimited_download] => N [tracking] => B [free_shipping] => N [feature_comparison] => N [zero_price_action] => R [is_pbp] => Y [is_op] => N [is_oper] => N [is_returnable] => Y [return_period] => 10 [avail_since] => 0 [out_of_stock_actions] => N [localization] => [min_qty] => 0 [max_qty] => 0 [qty_step] => 0 [list_qty_count] => 0 [tax_ids] => [age_verification] => N [age_limit] => 0 [options_type] => P [exceptions_type] => F [details_layout] => default [shipping_params] => a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;} [facebook_obj_type] => activity [buy_now_url] => [fina_id] => 9350 [updated] => 1 [has_video] => N [is_stock_split_by_warehouses] => N [price] => 133.95000000 [short_description] => [full_description] => [meta_keywords] => Lionidze's Zvari Usakhelouri 2018 [meta_description] => Lionidze's Zvari Usakhelouri 2018 [search_words] => ლიონიძის ზვარი,ლიონიძეს ზვარი,lionidzis zvari,lionidzes zvari,lionidze's zvari,ლიონიძის მეღვინეობა,lionidze winery 12.00% Ruby, Blackberry, Berries, Classic, Usakhelouri, Lechkhumi, 2018, Lionidze's Zvari, Semi-Sweet, 2018 Lionidze's Zvari Usakhelouri 2018 [promo_text] => [category_ids] => Array ( [0] => 8 ) [seo_name] => lionidzes-zvari-usakhelouri-2018 [seo_path] => 5/8 [main_category] => 8 [category_ids_with_parents] => Array ( [0] => 5 [1] => 8 ) [category_names] => Array ( [5] => RED [8] => SEMI-SWEET ) [options_type_raw] => P [exceptions_type_raw] => F [tracking_raw] => B [zero_price_action_raw] => R [min_qty_raw] => 0 [max_qty_raw] => 0 [qty_step_raw] => 0 [list_qty_count_raw] => 0 [details_layout_raw] => default [main_pair] => Array ( [pair_id] => 6300 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 10913 [position] => 0 [object_id] => 3695 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 3695 [object_type] => product [type] => M [image_path] => [alt] => Lionidze's Zvari Usakhelouri 2018 [image_x] => 672 [image_y] => 1800 [http_image_path] => [https_image_path] => [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/10/lionidze_usakh_yzrv-nj.png [relative_path] => detailed/10/lionidze_usakh_yzrv-nj.png ) ) [base_price] => 133.95000000 [selected_options] => Array ( ) [has_options] => [product_options] => Array ( ) [discounts] => Array ( [A] => 0 [P] => 0 ) [product_features] => Array ( [9] => Array ( [feature_id] => 9 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 162 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Color [description] => Color [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Ruby [parent_id] => 8 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => GE1234 [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [162] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 162 [variant] => Ruby [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [28] => Array ( [feature_id] => 28 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1710 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Technology [description] => Technology [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Classic [parent_id] => 8 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 24-1710 [variants] => Array ( [1710] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1710 [variant] => Classic [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [12] => Array ( [feature_id] => 12 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 274 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Grape [description] => Grape [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Usakhelouri [parent_id] => 8 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => GE1234 [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 20-274 [variants] => Array ( [274] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 274 [variant] => Usakhelouri [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [23] => Array ( [feature_id] => 23 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1539 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Region [description] => Region [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Lechkhumi [parent_id] => 8 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => GE1234 [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 22-1539 [variants] => Array ( [1539] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1539 [variant] => Lechkhumi [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [25] => Array ( [feature_id] => 25 [value] => [value_int] => 2018.00 [variant_id] => 1578 [feature_type] => N [internal_name] => Vintage Year [description] => Vintage Year [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 2018 [parent_id] => 8 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 19-1578 [variants] => Array ( [1578] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => 2018.00 [variant_id] => 1578 [variant] => 2018 [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [4] => Array ( [feature_id] => 4 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1026 [feature_type] => E [internal_name] => Winery [description] => Winery [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Lionidze's Zvari [parent_id] => 3 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => N [feature_code] => Brand [purpose] => organize_catalog [name] => lionidzes-zvari [features_hash] => 2-1026 [variants] => Array ( [1026] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1026 [variant] => Lionidze's Zvari [image_pairs] => ) ) ) ) [qty_content] => Array ( ) [detailed_params] => Array ( [get_icon] => 1 [get_detailed] => 1 [get_additional] => 1 [get_options] => 1 [get_discounts] => 1 [get_features] => 1 [get_extra] => [get_taxed_prices] => 1 [get_for_one_product] => [detailed_params] => 1 [features_display_on] => C [get_active_options] => [get_only_selectable_options] => ) )
Array ( [product_id] => 3696 [product] => Chkhaveri Rose Premium [company_name] => 8000vintages [supplier_id] => [product_code] => 4860101590529 [product_type] => P [status] => A [company_id] => 1 [list_price] => 0.00 [amount] => 47 [weight] => 1.50 [length] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [shipping_freight] => 0.00 [low_avail_limit] => 0 [timestamp] => 1602063611 [updated_timestamp] => 1733845213 [usergroup_ids] => 0 [is_edp] => N [edp_shipping] => N [unlimited_download] => N [tracking] => B [free_shipping] => N [feature_comparison] => N [zero_price_action] => R [is_pbp] => Y [is_op] => N [is_oper] => N [is_returnable] => Y [return_period] => 10 [avail_since] => 0 [out_of_stock_actions] => N [localization] => [min_qty] => 0 [max_qty] => 0 [qty_step] => 0 [list_qty_count] => 0 [tax_ids] => [age_verification] => N [age_limit] => 0 [options_type] => P [exceptions_type] => F [details_layout] => default [shipping_params] => a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;} [facebook_obj_type] => activity [buy_now_url] => [fina_id] => 9351 [updated] => 1 [has_video] => N [is_stock_split_by_warehouses] => N [price] => 72.35000000 [short_description] => [full_description] => <p>Lionidze Zvari rosé, made from the Chkhaverii grape variety, using classical technology. Wine has an onion skin hue. Sweet flavors of wild berry jam, barberry candy, and candied strawberries dominate the palate, with subtle undertones of honey pine and pine resin adding complexity. With a viscous texture and residual sweetness, it offers a rounded taste. </p> <p>Best consumed relatively young and not stored in the bottle for an extended period, it pairs excellently with fruit salads and light desserts featuring fruit and white cream. </p> <p class="text-right">Dea Purtseladze<br>Wine expert, MA in Wine Hospitality and Wine Marketing</p> [meta_keywords] => Lionidze's Zvari Chkhaveri 2019 Premium [meta_description] => Lionidze's Zvari Chkhaveri 2019 Premium [search_words] => ლიონიძის ზვარი,ლიონიძეს ზვარი,lionidzis zvari,lionidzes zvari,lionidze's zvari,ლიონიძის მეღვინეობა,lionidze winery 12.00%, Pink, Red berries, Light body, Classic, Chkhaveri, Achara, 2019, Lionidze'S Zvari Lionidzes Zvari Chkhaveri 2019 Semi Dry Lionidze's Zvari Chkhaveri 2019 Premium [promo_text] => [category_ids] => Array ( [0] => 17 ) [seo_name] => lionidzes-zvari-chkhaveri-2019-semi-dry [seo_path] => 15/17 [main_category] => 17 [category_ids_with_parents] => Array ( [0] => 15 [1] => 17 ) [category_names] => Array ( [15] => ROSE [17] => SEMI-DRY ) [options_type_raw] => P [exceptions_type_raw] => F [tracking_raw] => B [zero_price_action_raw] => R [min_qty_raw] => 0 [max_qty_raw] => 0 [qty_step_raw] => 0 [list_qty_count_raw] => 0 [details_layout_raw] => default [main_pair] => Array ( [pair_id] => 16597 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 20956 [position] => 1 [object_id] => 3696 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 3696 [object_type] => product [type] => M [image_path] => [alt] => Lionidze's Zvari Chkhaveri 2019 Premium [image_x] => 672 [image_y] => 1800 [http_image_path] => [https_image_path] => [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/20/lionidze_chkhaveri_2019_semi_dryn.png [relative_path] => detailed/20/lionidze_chkhaveri_2019_semi_dryn.png ) ) [image_pairs] => Array ( [16598] => Array ( [pair_id] => 16598 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 20957 [position] => 2 [object_id] => 3696 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 3696 [object_type] => product [type] => A [image_path] => [alt] => [image_x] => 672 [image_y] => 1800 [http_image_path] => [https_image_path] => [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/20/lionidze_chkhaveri_2019_semi_dryn2.png [relative_path] => detailed/20/lionidze_chkhaveri_2019_semi_dryn2.png ) ) ) [base_price] => 72.35000000 [selected_options] => Array ( ) [has_options] => [product_options] => Array ( ) [discounts] => Array ( [A] => 0 [P] => 0 ) [product_features] => Array ( [9] => Array ( [feature_id] => 9 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 157 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Color [description] => Color [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Pink [parent_id] => 8 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => GE1234 [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [157] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 157 [variant] => Pink [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [28] => Array ( [feature_id] => 28 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1710 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Technology [description] => Technology [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Classic [parent_id] => 8 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 24-1710 [variants] => Array ( [1710] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1710 [variant] => Classic [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [12] => Array ( [feature_id] => 12 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 280 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Grape [description] => Grape [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Chkhaveri [parent_id] => 8 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => GE1234 [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 20-280 [variants] => Array ( [280] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 280 [variant] => Chkhaveri [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [23] => Array ( [feature_id] => 23 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1463 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Region [description] => Region [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Adjara [parent_id] => 8 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => GE1234 [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 22-1463 [variants] => Array ( [1463] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1463 [variant] => Adjara [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [25] => Array ( [feature_id] => 25 [value] => [value_int] => 2019.00 [variant_id] => 1579 [feature_type] => N [internal_name] => Vintage Year [description] => Vintage Year [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 2019 [parent_id] => 8 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 19-1579 [variants] => Array ( [1579] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => 2019.00 [variant_id] => 1579 [variant] => 2019 [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [4] => Array ( [feature_id] => 4 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1026 [feature_type] => E [internal_name] => Winery [description] => Winery [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Lionidze's Zvari [parent_id] => 3 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => N [feature_code] => Brand [purpose] => organize_catalog [name] => lionidzes-zvari [features_hash] => 2-1026 [variants] => Array ( [1026] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1026 [variant] => Lionidze's Zvari [image_pairs] => ) ) ) ) [qty_content] => Array ( ) [detailed_params] => Array ( [get_icon] => 1 [get_detailed] => 1 [get_additional] => 1 [get_options] => 1 [get_discounts] => 1 [get_features] => 1 [get_extra] => [get_taxed_prices] => 1 [get_for_one_product] => [detailed_params] => 1 [features_display_on] => C [get_active_options] => [get_only_selectable_options] => ) )
Rose Semi-dry
Array ( [product_id] => 3548 [product] => Rkatsiteli [company_name] => 8000vintages [supplier_id] => [product_code] => 3000120 [product_type] => P [status] => A [company_id] => 1 [list_price] => 0.00 [amount] => 20 [weight] => 0.00 [length] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [shipping_freight] => 0.00 [low_avail_limit] => 0 [timestamp] => 1597243211 [updated_timestamp] => 1733134215 [usergroup_ids] => 0 [is_edp] => N [edp_shipping] => N [unlimited_download] => N [tracking] => B [free_shipping] => N [feature_comparison] => N [zero_price_action] => R [is_pbp] => Y [is_op] => N [is_oper] => N [is_returnable] => Y [return_period] => 10 [avail_since] => 0 [out_of_stock_actions] => N [localization] => [min_qty] => 0 [max_qty] => 0 [qty_step] => 0 [list_qty_count] => 0 [tax_ids] => [age_verification] => N [age_limit] => 0 [options_type] => P [exceptions_type] => F [details_layout] => default [shipping_params] => a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;} [facebook_obj_type] => activity [buy_now_url] => [fina_id] => 9118 [updated] => 1 [has_video] => N [is_stock_split_by_warehouses] => N [price] => 16.95000000 [short_description] => [full_description] => [meta_keywords] => Lionidze's Zvari Rkatsiteli 2018 [meta_description] => Lionidze's Zvari Rkatsiteli 2018 [search_words] => ლიონიძის ზვარი,ლიონიძეს ზვარი,lionidzis zvari,lionidzes zvari,lionidze's zvari,ლიონიძის მეღვინეობა,lionidze winery 13.00%, White-Yellowish, Apricot, White Fruit, Light body, Classic, Rkatsiteli, Kakheti, 2018, Lionidze's Zvari rkatsiteli [promo_text] => [category_ids] => Array ( [0] => 11 ) [seo_name] => lionidze-rkatsiteli-2018 [seo_path] => 10/11 [main_category] => 11 [category_ids_with_parents] => Array ( [0] => 10 [1] => 11 ) [category_names] => Array ( [10] => WHITE [11] => DRY ) [options_type_raw] => P [exceptions_type_raw] => F [tracking_raw] => B [zero_price_action_raw] => R [min_qty_raw] => 0 [max_qty_raw] => 0 [qty_step_raw] => 0 [list_qty_count_raw] => 0 [details_layout_raw] => default [main_pair] => Array ( [pair_id] => 6297 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 10910 [position] => 1 [object_id] => 3548 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 3548 [object_type] => product [type] => M [image_path] => [alt] => Lionidze's Zvari Rkatsiteli 2018 [image_x] => 672 [image_y] => 1800 [http_image_path] => [https_image_path] => [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/10/lionidze_rk_u1tk-ma.png [relative_path] => detailed/10/lionidze_rk_u1tk-ma.png ) ) [base_price] => 16.95000000 [selected_options] => Array ( ) [has_options] => [product_options] => Array ( ) [discounts] => Array ( [A] => 0 [P] => 0 ) [product_features] => Array ( [28] => Array ( [feature_id] => 28 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1710 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Technology [description] => Technology [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Classic [parent_id] => 8 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 24-1710 [variants] => Array ( [1710] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1710 [variant] => Classic [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [12] => Array ( [feature_id] => 12 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 272 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Grape [description] => Grape [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Rkatsiteli [parent_id] => 8 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => GE1234 [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 20-272 [variants] => Array ( [272] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 272 [variant] => Rkatsiteli [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [23] => Array ( [feature_id] => 23 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1457 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Region [description] => Region [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Kakheti [parent_id] => 8 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => GE1234 [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 22-1457 [variants] => Array ( [1457] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1457 [variant] => Kakheti [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [25] => Array ( [feature_id] => 25 [value] => [value_int] => 2018.00 [variant_id] => 1578 [feature_type] => N [internal_name] => Vintage Year [description] => Vintage Year [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => 2018 [parent_id] => 8 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 19-1578 [variants] => Array ( [1578] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => 2018.00 [variant_id] => 1578 [variant] => 2018 [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [4] => Array ( [feature_id] => 4 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1026 [feature_type] => E [internal_name] => Winery [description] => Winery [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Lionidze's Zvari [parent_id] => 3 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => N [feature_code] => Brand [purpose] => organize_catalog [name] => lionidzes-zvari [features_hash] => 2-1026 [variants] => Array ( [1026] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1026 [variant] => Lionidze's Zvari [image_pairs] => ) ) ) ) [qty_content] => Array ( ) [detailed_params] => Array ( [get_icon] => 1 [get_detailed] => 1 [get_additional] => 1 [get_options] => 1 [get_discounts] => 1 [get_features] => 1 [get_extra] => [get_taxed_prices] => 1 [get_for_one_product] => [detailed_params] => 1 [features_display_on] => C [get_active_options] => [get_only_selectable_options] => ) )
White Dry
Array ( [product_id] => 2617 [product] => Kindzmarauli [company_name] => 8000vintages [supplier_id] => [product_code] => 4860101590352 [product_type] => P [status] => A [company_id] => 1 [list_price] => 0.00 [amount] => 15 [weight] => 1.50 [length] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [shipping_freight] => 0.00 [low_avail_limit] => 0 [timestamp] => 1576669209 [updated_timestamp] => 1734518414 [usergroup_ids] => 0 [is_edp] => N [edp_shipping] => N [unlimited_download] => N [tracking] => B [free_shipping] => N [feature_comparison] => N [zero_price_action] => R [is_pbp] => Y [is_op] => N [is_oper] => N [is_returnable] => Y [return_period] => 10 [avail_since] => 0 [out_of_stock_actions] => N [localization] => [min_qty] => 0 [max_qty] => 0 [qty_step] => 0 [list_qty_count] => 0 [tax_ids] => [age_verification] => N [age_limit] => 0 [options_type] => P [exceptions_type] => F [details_layout] => default [shipping_params] => a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;} [facebook_obj_type] => activity [buy_now_url] => [fina_id] => 7757 [updated] => 1 [has_video] => N [is_stock_split_by_warehouses] => N [price] => 50.80000000 [short_description] => [full_description] => [meta_keywords] => Lionidze's Zvari Kindzmarauli Premium [meta_description] => Lionidze's Zvari Kindzmarauli Premium [search_words] => ლიონიძის ზვარი,ლიონიძეს ზვარი,lionidzis zvari,lionidzes zvari,lionidze's zvari,ლიონიძის მეღვინეობა,lionidze winery Lionidze's Zvari, 11,5, Kindzmarauli. Lionidze's Zvari Kindzmarauli [promo_text] => [category_ids] => Array ( [0] => 8 ) [seo_name] => lionidzes-zvari-kindzmarauli-premium [seo_path] => 5/8 [main_category] => 8 [category_ids_with_parents] => Array ( [0] => 5 [1] => 8 ) [category_names] => Array ( [5] => RED [8] => SEMI-SWEET ) [options_type_raw] => P [exceptions_type_raw] => F [tracking_raw] => B [zero_price_action_raw] => R [min_qty_raw] => 0 [max_qty_raw] => 0 [qty_step_raw] => 0 [list_qty_count_raw] => 0 [details_layout_raw] => default [main_pair] => Array ( [pair_id] => 5529 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 10142 [position] => 1 [object_id] => 2617 [object_type] => product [detailed] => Array ( [object_id] => 2617 [object_type] => product [type] => M [image_path] => [alt] => Lionidze's Zvari Kindzmarauli Premium [image_x] => 672 [image_y] => 1800 [http_image_path] => [https_image_path] => [absolute_path] => /home2/wineshopgeopay/public_html/images/detailed/10/lionidze_kindzmarauli_pr.png [relative_path] => detailed/10/lionidze_kindzmarauli_pr.png ) ) [base_price] => 50.80000000 [selected_options] => Array ( ) [has_options] => [product_options] => Array ( ) [discounts] => Array ( [A] => 0 [P] => 0 ) [product_features] => Array ( [9] => Array ( [feature_id] => 9 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 481 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Color [description] => Color [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Deep Raspberry [parent_id] => 8 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => GE1234 [purpose] => find_products [name] => [variants] => Array ( [481] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 481 [variant] => Deep Raspberry [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [28] => Array ( [feature_id] => 28 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1710 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Technology [description] => Technology [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Classic [parent_id] => 8 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 24-1710 [variants] => Array ( [1710] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1710 [variant] => Classic [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [12] => Array ( [feature_id] => 12 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 273 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Grape [description] => Grape [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Saperavi [parent_id] => 8 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => GE1234 [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 20-273 [variants] => Array ( [273] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 273 [variant] => Saperavi [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [23] => Array ( [feature_id] => 23 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1457 [feature_type] => M [internal_name] => Region [description] => Region [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Kakheti [parent_id] => 8 [display_on_header] => N [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => Y [feature_code] => GE1234 [purpose] => find_products [name] => [features_hash] => 22-1457 [variants] => Array ( [1457] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1457 [variant] => Kakheti [image_pairs] => ) ) ) [4] => Array ( [feature_id] => 4 [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1026 [feature_type] => E [internal_name] => Winery [description] => Winery [prefix] => [suffix] => [variant] => Lionidze's Zvari [parent_id] => 3 [display_on_header] => Y [display_on_catalog] => Y [display_on_product] => N [feature_code] => Brand [purpose] => organize_catalog [name] => lionidzes-zvari [features_hash] => 2-1026 [variants] => Array ( [1026] => Array ( [value] => [value_int] => [variant_id] => 1026 [variant] => Lionidze's Zvari [image_pairs] => ) ) ) ) [qty_content] => Array ( ) [detailed_params] => Array ( [get_icon] => 1 [get_detailed] => 1 [get_additional] => 1 [get_options] => 1 [get_discounts] => 1 [get_features] => 1 [get_extra] => [get_taxed_prices] => 1 [get_for_one_product] => [detailed_params] => 1 [features_display_on] => C [get_active_options] => [get_only_selectable_options] => ) )