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[product] => Saperavi
[shortname] =>
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[full_description] => <p>Aged in an oak barrel. Giorgi Solomnishvili stands among the ranks of young winemakers and offers quite interesting projects to wine enthusiasts. He has created many memorable wines, and this is one of them. It is characterized by a ruby color of medium intensity, aromas of berries, cherries, and smoke are felt. On the palate, it is medium intense, with strong oak tannins and it is short-lived. The wine can be considered as a collector's item. <br></p><p class="text-right">Rezi Tsetskhladze</p>
<p class="text-right">Winemaker, wine expert, WSET Level 3<br></p>
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[meta_description] => Giorgi Solomnishvili Winery Saperavi 2010
[search_words] => Purplish, Cherry, Blackberry, Dried Plum, Full Body, Red Cherry, Velvet Tannins, Saperavi, 2010 Giorgi Solomnishvili WInery Giorgi Solomnishvili Winery Saგიორგი სოლომნიშვილი, სოლომნიშვილი, გიორგი სოლომნიშვილის მეღვინეობა, გიორგი სოლომნიშვილის მეღვინეობა,გიორგი სოლომნიშვილის გიორგი სოლომნიშვილის მეღვინეობა,giorgi solomnishvilis winery,solomnishvili's wineryღვინო,giorgi solomnishvili wine,solomnishvilis winery,giorgi solomnishvili's winery,peravi 2010
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[variant] => Giorgi Solomnishvili Winery
[description] =>
[name] => solomnishvili-winery
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[variant] => Giorgi Solomnishvili Winery
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[sku] => 300316
[name] => Saperavi
[description] => Aged in an oak barrel. Giorgi Solomnishvili stands among the ranks of young winemakers and offers quite interesting projects to wine enthusiasts. He has created many memorable wines, and this is one of them. It is characterized by a ruby color of medium intensity, aromas of berries, cherries, and smoke are felt. On the palate, it is medium intense, with strong oak tannins and it is short-lived. The wine can be considered as a collector's item. Rezi Tsetskhladze
Winemaker, wine expert, WSET Level 3
[show_price] => 1
[availability] => InStock
[price_currency] => GEL
[price] => 700
[images] => Array
[0] =>
[brand] => Giorgi Solomnishvili Winery