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[product] => Rkatsiteli Reserve
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[meta_keywords] => Chateau Buera Rkatsiteli Reserve oak 2021
[meta_description] => Chateau Buera Rkatsiteli Reserve oak 2021
[search_words] => შატო ბუერა რქაწითელი რეზერვი კასრი 2021, Chateau Buera Rkatsiteli Reserve oak 2021,shato buera, rqawiteli rezervi kasri
[page_title] => Chateau Buera Rkatsiteli Reserve oak 2021
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[variant] => Chateau Buera
[description] => <p class="text-justify">The first thing that comes to mind about Chateau Buera winery is the groundbreaking decision that outcomes in a real oasis instead of an abandoned and swampy place in Kvareli today. Chateau was founded in 2018 with a distinctive design and unique architecture. The main charm of the chateau is the ideal synthesis of traditional and contemporary style. The contribution of the founder of Chateau Buera, Giorgi Maisuradze, in the formation of the ideology and visuals of Chateau Buera is noteworthy.</p>
<p class="text-justify">One of the main goals of Chateau's ideology is to create reserve wines, which over the years will revive their stories and allow visitors to travel to the past of Georgia's winemaking. What could be the most important thing for creating the best wine? The existence of a concept and the transmission of values from generation to generation, which is what Chateau Buera really creates.
[name] => chateau-buera
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[variant] => Chateau Buera
[description] => <p class="text-justify">The first thing that comes to mind about Chateau Buera winery is the groundbreaking decision that outcomes in a real oasis instead of an abandoned and swampy place in Kvareli today. Chateau was founded in 2018 with a distinctive design and unique architecture. The main charm of the chateau is the ideal synthesis of traditional and contemporary style. The contribution of the founder of Chateau Buera, Giorgi Maisuradze, in the formation of the ideology and visuals of Chateau Buera is noteworthy.</p>
<p class="text-justify">One of the main goals of Chateau's ideology is to create reserve wines, which over the years will revive their stories and allow visitors to travel to the past of Georgia's winemaking. What could be the most important thing for creating the best wine? The existence of a concept and the transmission of values from generation to generation, which is what Chateau Buera really creates.
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[variant] => Chateau Buera
[description] => <p class="text-justify">The first thing that comes to mind about Chateau Buera winery is the groundbreaking decision that outcomes in a real oasis instead of an abandoned and swampy place in Kvareli today. Chateau was founded in 2018 with a distinctive design and unique architecture. The main charm of the chateau is the ideal synthesis of traditional and contemporary style. The contribution of the founder of Chateau Buera, Giorgi Maisuradze, in the formation of the ideology and visuals of Chateau Buera is noteworthy.</p>
<p class="text-justify">One of the main goals of Chateau's ideology is to create reserve wines, which over the years will revive their stories and allow visitors to travel to the past of Georgia's winemaking. What could be the most important thing for creating the best wine? The existence of a concept and the transmission of values from generation to generation, which is what Chateau Buera really creates.
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