

  • 12
  • 5600
Alcohol %
Vintage Year
Family Wine Cellar
Royal Dadiani Ojaleshi Dry 2016
Ojaleshi 2016
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28.00  19.60 
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Us (Chven) • Saperavi 2018
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Churi Chinebuli Saperavi Otskhanuri Sapere 2022 Qvevri
Saperavi • Otskhanuri Sapere 2022
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35.00  31.50 
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Saperavi • Dzelshavi 2022
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Envero Kindzmarauli 2022
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35.00  21.00 
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Ancient Valley Saperavi oak 2023 Premium
Saperavi Premium 2023
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25.20  21.45 
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