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[product] => Us (Chven) • Saperavi
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[full_description] => <p>Each wine label is personally designed by the winemaker, with each label narrating a different story from his life. Behind each label lies a distinct vineyard and terroir. </p>
<p>The wine has a dark ruby color with fresh aromas of blackcurrant, blackberry, red cherry, tarragon, parsley, and black pepper. On the palate, the wine has the fruit flavors while showcasing the influence of the barrel in the form of a sweet vanilla taste. It features above-average acidity, medium tannins, and a long finish. The wine has the potential to be enjoyed until 2030, pairing well with bloody sausages, Wellingtons, and pasta carbonara. <br></p><p></p>
<p class="text-right">Gio Potskhverashvili</p>
<p class="text-right">Wine critic, WSET Level 3<br></p>
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[meta_description] => Solomnishvili Saperavi us 2018
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[variant] => Giorgi Solomnishvili Winery
[description] =>
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[name] => Us (Chven) • Saperavi
[description] => Each wine label is personally designed by the winemaker, with each label narrating a different story from his life. Behind each label lies a distinct vineyard and terroir.
The wine has a dark ruby color with fresh aromas of blackcurrant, blackberry, red cherry, tarragon, parsley, and black pepper. On the palate, the wine has the fruit flavors while showcasing the influence of the barrel in the form of a sweet vanilla taste. It features above-average acidity, medium tannins, and a long finish. The wine has the potential to be enjoyed until 2030, pairing well with bloody sausages, Wellingtons, and pasta carbonara.
Gio Potskhverashvili
Wine critic, WSET Level 3
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[price] => 42
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[brand] => Giorgi Solomnishvili Winery