

  • 24
  • 60
Alcohol %
Family Wine Cellar
Vakevisa Petnat Dzelshavi 2022
Petnat Dzelshavi 2022
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29.90  24.90 
Vakevisa Sparkling Dzelshavi Rose 2022
Dzelshavi • Sparkling Rose 2022
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77.10  54.80 
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Vakevisa Sparkling Saperavi Rose 2023
Saperavi • Sparkling Rose 2023
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59.80  53.15 
Vakevisa Petnat Kisi 2023
Petnat Kisi 2023
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49.80  44.85 
Khikhvi Sparkling 2023
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Charopi Rkatsiteli 2022
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                        [suffix] => 
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                                        [value_int] => 
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                                [48011] => Array
                                        [value] => 
                                        [value_int] => 
                                        [variant_id] => 48011
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                [161] => Array
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                        [value_int] => 
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                                        [value_int] => 
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